July 20, 2024

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2024.07.20

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events

Hour 2 - News And Current Events

Hour 3 - News And Current Events

80k CF Download


zapoper said...

Of course Trump mentioned the second amendment during his Michigan rally but never touched the first. I wonder why? lol

TheFetch said...

Good to see you back....

decree said...

Fetch is only on revradio, i pray he will be on FTJ too soon, FTJ former SFR
cause i left revradio my back when ladyhorse banned me and i never wanted to go back lsitening this, pls come to FTJ

TheFetch said...

decree - I hear ya. Problem is FTJ is not a radio network and behind the scenes there are lots of technical issues. When they have a radio network back in operation, I will be happy to move. But for now, I want to be and do a radio show. We have been doing this for over a decade. If I move to a streaming type show like FTJ, I am no longer on a radio network and hence not doing a radio show.

I am doing my part to keep Internet live streaming radio alive, and not just a one off podcast where people come.

Mind you, I should probably put out a 1 hour streaming video type show or do additional shows...

It is just a lot of work...

Jumbo Patterson said...

Fetch, I like your show, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you can't see that this is a staged boost to the Trump Train, you must be losing your edge.

9-13 shots, by sharpshooters, you say. If that is true, why isn't Trump lying on a slab?

So they kill some poor, innocent schmuck in the crowd. That adds believability to the exoteric explanation, and can later be used in lawfare suits against anyone who makes a big noise about the veracity of the official narrative.

Good points about the delay in shooting the patsy, the general laxity of the SS, and the responsible agent being put on leave.

There is also the prior knowledge aspect demonstrated here, which is QED, in my view:


Ed in Salt Lake said...

I watched and listened to Trump's absurd and emotionally hollow RNC speech the other night. His absurd and, more-than-likely, script-written recollections were laughable to say the least. The "my hand was covered in blood" and "blood was dripping and running everywhere" are just one of many indicators of the Hollywood-type stage that the gullible American people were saturated with last week!

Where are the actual bullets? Where was the televised press conference with the doctor(s) who treated Trump, along with a detailed anatomical description and explanation of the nature of his injuries? Where are the interviews with the members of the Sniper Team on the rooftops; rooftops that apparently weren't too difficult of an angle for them to situate and work from? Where's even a small percentage from the cellphones of the countless dozens-and-dozens people attending the rally seen both on video and still photos?

It appears that one of the primary aims of this "assassination attempt" was to provoke "alternative" hypothesis, such as different "false-flags" angles, Secret Service "stand-down" of one variation or another, the "DEI ineptitude," or multiple shooters. All of these potential angles, in order to steer away from what by now should be most everyone's initial conclusions from the beginning in dealing with the Jewish owned and controlled media- DELIBERATE FAKERY!

These days, even false-flag theories are a "truther trap" of a sort. Because, it adds potential "credibility" and distracts from the overall authenticity of the "hoax narrative(s). In essence, these psychological operations have become more complex and allow for narratives that would have been seen 20yrs ago as ludicrous and "tinfoil hat-wearing nonsense."

Instead of people genuinely and properly asking- "Did this event even happen?," they still veer away from such "conspiracy theories" and get submerged and engrossed in the "minutiae of conjecture" now more than ever. Conjecture that makes numerous assumptions of events that are "assumed to have occurred."

The idea that an "organic" or "normal" event can have these plethora of "uncanny coincidences" and that they can be simply dismissed as incidental or not out of the ordinary shows how people allow what, should be seen as primary or direct evidence of fakery, to fit into their alternative explanation involving "confirmation bias."

Media-manufactured fakery and staged deceptions ARE THE DOMINANT METHOD AND MEANS OF PROPAGANDIZING AND INDOCTRINATING THE MASSES and, must be assumed from the initial setting of the "official narrative" by the Jewish media. With its enormously lengthy track-record of lies and agenda-driven falsehoods, the media can no longer be given any benefit of doubt. Any, and every, attempt by this now absurd, illegitimate, and deleteriouslyagenda-driven institution to "authenticate" their beginning storyline, must be viewed with complete and total skepticism!

Jumbo Patterson said...

Duality is the most important tool in their toolbox... it's everywhere!

They must create duality to bring about change; war being the ultimate in speed and efficiency.

Once they have flattened a country, destroyed a nation, then they impose a 'union' to make everyone march in lockstep (or go straight to the gulag).

Western nations have traditionally resisted the hardcore bolshevik approach of bloody revolution, so have been treated to a more gradual Fabian style of trotskyite subjugation, involving an ever increasing dose of duality, until we have so much polarisation in our society that families have become dysfunctional, snitching is regarded as normal, and the concept of honour has gone out of the window.

Scorpio said...

I just listened to this. Good Show and well grounded in reality. Fetch was doing this type of show long before anyone else except for maybe Daryl Bradford Smith and possibly a few others.

Looks like Fetch and myself have reached some similar conclusions regarding the assassination. Also, it's interesting to see him back on Revolution Radio. When our shows were back to back, LH used to call it Five hours of hate. - lol

Panzerfaust said...

Anyone who has ever cut themself shaving knows there's a second or two of no bleeding. This is because of vasoconstriction. Note Blompf quickly tapped his ear in a reflexive motion as you would in reaction to a bee sting but didn't hold it there. OTOH if he had popped a hidden blood capsule there would definitely be blood on the hand

Ed in Salt Lake said...

"Good show and well grounded in reality!"

As if that's some penetrating and convincing conclusion! Simply the identical conclusion that those who buy into the "official" versions of 9/11, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston Bombing, and Mandalay Bay reach to convince themselves that their thinking lacks errors! Translation: "I don't quite have the courage and strength to see these mass-media manufactured events as fake so, I'm going to still cling to some of these more acceptable "alternative truths" that still allow me to stay grounded in the world and maintain a modicum of emotiinal sanity because,...come on!...not every mass-media staged deception now is completely dominated by fakery- is it?🤣

"Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies!" - Nietzsche

Ed in Salt Lake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ed in Salt Lake said...

I'm not an expert photographer or, expert on cameras but, I'll let Jeff Adamson(linked in the comments below)explain the virtual impossibility of capturing a flying bullet with a still-frame camera. Just another example of what the zombie-hoards will accept as a given in their carefully crafted and media-constructed world!


Ed in Salt Lake said...

Also, many are arguing that, what the camera actually captured wasn't the "bullet itself" but, the "bullet's wake!"🤣Would love to hear the "imaginative physics" and "logical gymnastics" behind this phenomenon! Must be some science-fiction comparable to those "subatomic particles" that millions-of-dollars hv been spent on over-the-years "discovering."

Panzerfaust said...

Questions legit investigators ask as opposed to turd dropping:
BREAKING: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt

TheFetch said...

For the record, I have NOT precluded, internally, the idea that this is all fakery. At this stage, Trump better have a really good cosmetic artist to cover for when the bandage comes off.

I always hedge on these things because I, as you, suspect more often than not the fakery angle. These people are really, really good at it but at the same time, so too have people become at ripping these things apart over a reasonably short period of time.

Many in my inner circle are expecting an assassination attempt...so this sorta feeds into expectations we have which indeed can cloud one's perceptions.

For now - this effort, if fake, is the current reality. It was that well done (IMO).

As regards the photographer. Am aware of the links to 9-11. The photo was said to be shot at 8000 fps which is a max speed on professional SLR. That means though that he would have to have been in sport mode, meaning just press the button and the camera clicks away.

As regards the death...same issue with false flags. Where are the ambulances?

Don't worry...have no lost my mind and even as I went with the line last week, I am also cognizant that I can be wrong...you gotta go with a take when live and I have seen some of the debunking videos but am not yet impressed with their various presentations either...

Panzerfaust said...

Are you on crack?

Jumbo Patterson said...

@Fetch - As a radio broadcaster, you have a duty to avoid rushing to judgment about such events.

It's easier for us armchair Columbos to make bold claims... no one pays any attention to us anyways, lol.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Israel has made it no secret that they want to see Donald Trump in the White House... just sayin'

Panzerfaust said...

Got a link on that?

Jumbo Patterson said...

A survey published on Wednesday by the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) found that most Jewish Israelis prefer Trump over Biden in the upcoming presidential election.


Ed in Salt Lake said...

This video alone provides enough evidence showing just how scripted this "assassination attempt" was. Here we are told are crisis act.., I mean Trump supporters calling-out for a medical to assist with, whom we have since been told is the now deceased Corey Comperatore, a name that in itself sounds AI-generated.

In a normal crowd environment, where people are injured, fainting, or are down for some reason, people do not point in the direction of the camera, all while sitting down, so the view is unobstructed. They immediately either move over to assist the individual in distress or to acquire a better view of some sort. This then sets off a chain reaction of a sort where, because the distressed individual is now concealed from view, others further back then begin to stand-up and/or move in closer to see what's exactly taking place. These frauds-for-hire have obviously been told to basically remain seated, start waving their arms and pointing, and start calling-out "Medic," "We need help," "Over here," etc.

Keep in mind that, with the little allowed cellphone footage we've been given, Mr. Comperatore was never seen receiving any genuine or authentic resuscitation efforts, was almost immediately taken away from the bleachers by Butler police and, was not seen being taken away by ambulance nor a Medivac helicopter.

Add to the fact that, again, we have no additional cellphone footage from the countless people in and around this supposed shooting on the bleachers, no "Crime Scene" tape was seen being IMMEDIATELY erected to establish a perimeter, no evidence of any CSI personnel following their required mandates and protocols, and no evidence of any extensive and lengthy questioning of the numerous witnesses by the FBI and/or Butler PD.

Finally, I just checked the updated totals on Corey Comperatore's GoFundMe page- $4M+!

"There is nothing more foolish, nothing given to more outrage, than a useless mob" - Herodotus


Scorpio said...

Ed - It does not take couragee to declare everything as fake. Flat earthers like to use this technique - You don't have the courage to come out and admit the earth is flat!! No, it's that the evidence doesn't add up as credible to me, especially the issue of lighting and an artist, that's something I've studied for a long time. In all honesty, the globe model as it is presented has flaws as well. It's possible the earth is larger than they are admitting but I'm not going to pretend to that I know that as a fact.

As I stated on my show, I could change my mind on this event if I came across something convincing to sway me to the other side. I'm open to the possibility but thus far, I haven't seen anything even remotely decisive.

If Trump's head was blown off on live TV, I wonder how many here would be declaring it as fake? Some in the everything is fake camp don't even believe Kennedy was killed and that it was a dummy riding around in the car. Some seem to think Reagan's assassination attempt was fake as well, in which case James Brady was just pretending to be crippled and using a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

I don't mean to discredit or imply there is no fakery. Clearly there is but right now I see a deep fracture inside the power structure that is manifesting all over the western world. I don't believe the people (mostly Jews) who run the world are a monolithic entity anymore. They are making a lot of mistakes at this time, which is actually good for our side.

With my initial comment, I was trying to give props to Fetch for being one of the pioneers in this genre. I've interviewed him 3 or 4 times over the years and I'm glad to see him back on Rev Radio.

Panzerfaust said...

I suppose show host need to be diplomatic for various reasons but I have no such constraints. There's clear evidence of multiple gunshot audio signatures inconsistent with a single shooter. This points directly at a intel agency operation but ignoring that, and instead creating horseshit narratives of a dead body dragged to the roof with Trump popping a blood packet and a crisis actor audience all coordinated with the Democrat administration, photographers, and news media tells me one of two things about the people pushing it:
1. mental illness
2 shill

Scorpio said...

Looks like I have my very own cyberstalker.

Fortuneately for you, I am not real. I am an AI construct of self assembling nanoparticles controlled by the shadowy puppet masters who rule the the snow globe flat earth simulation we all live in.

You and you alone have solved the mysteries of the looniverse. You are already defeated by your own belief system: They are all powerful, never make mistakes and are always unified as one. We are all fuicked and there is no hope!

BTW I receive checks from the Syngenta Corporation, the CIA, Mossad and Naval Intelligence. That's why you see the money flowing down on my gif, not because of its comedic content. You have solved it all.

I do want to thank you for providing the material for Mami's goes full Faggot incident, one of the funniest events to ever happen at this site. I see you are still hard at work and on the road to creating another.

The mental illness is overwhelming. with you.
Seek help before your obsession escalates to violence.

Enough of this nonsense. I'm off to the gym to lift fake weights.

Sean said...

Fake until proven real

Ed in Salt Lake said...

There is nothing impersonal or neutral involved when it comes to obtaining knowledge(especially a higher knowledge)and establishing certitude with regard to that knowledge. A person's convictions are a sort of compulsory chronicle or unconscious record of what they are willing to confront, accept, or come to terms with.

There's a big difference between having emotional courage and intellectual courage when confronting these deceptive magic shows that keep most ensnared in the cobweb of "truther-traps" provided for them by the intentionally misleading and moronic media. Almost a type of "fast-food knowledge" that doesn't want to do too much or pay too heavy of a price for such knowledge.

What is required is a rigorous intellectual candor and openness that possesses keen analysis combined with ruthless honesty that will not allow for any refuge of self-deception.

"Every acquisition, every step forward in knowledge is the result of courage, of severity towards oneself, of cleanliness with respect to oneself" - Nietzsche

Ed in Salt Lake said...

"What has manifested in your own experiences and public drama reveals much"


Ed in Salt Lake said...

Not a bad article! Problem is, Stone talking about "the other side" reveals much about how he erroneously perceives things. Trump is nothing but "lipstick on the pig," while Biden is the pig without it!


TheFetch said...

"Mami's Goes Full Faggot" - see, when I jump in, even my threads and reads make it to the top,

Serious truth here: I had reservations of going live with my take on the Trump incident. However, I did review probably 25-30 different takes that from many in the extended dissident community.

First: could ALL those interviews have been "crisis actors"? Possible, I guess.

The BBC guy (red head), is, according to Candace Owens, a real guy whom she was able to rather easily track down. OK.

Multiple interviews stating multiple shooters.

Interesting footage from the water tower.

Of note (mentioned on the show) were all the different shows from spec ops guys (former close protection detail guys) who seemed overly eager to discuss to dismiss any idea other than a single shooter.

The ENTIRE media story is rather incredulous and already we see official statements backing down from the original story. Commie Mayorkas (internal enemy) denying Congress (collective internal enemies) to interview DEI hire Cheatles.

My impression going live is we had a live event. The ONLY real influence for me (and I mentioned it on the show) was body language of Trump himself. He seemed genuinely distressed and somewhat disoriented. This makes him a grade A actor as well for the fakery side.

The guy is good.

I see that many here disagree and, guess what, it is all good and I tend to agree with a lot of the views stated as well. No ambulance, medevacs, extended cell phone coverage of resuscitation efforts; we have nothing really.

The fire turnout dress kit of this Corey guy was rather touching. The bandage as a stage prop was good. Where was the tape to keep that thing on his head?

Still, this was a huge media event and seriously, and I felt I should go live with my take on the subject. I could very easily have said - hey, looked real, but lets give this a few more days to wind out.

If this turns out to be really well done fakery, then my hats off to the individuals working to show how and why this is so. I have even seen some video of some really talented firearms people saying that the story cannot be true...and these guys don't come from the dissident movement...

So lets see...

Panzerfaust said...

Copy paste from 4chan post (I'm too mentally tired to reword so wtf)
Due to BlueAnon, with MSM outlets such as MSNBC pushing this false conspiracy theory that it was a false flag event. With journalists such as joy reid pushing it hardcore non-stop.
So, 1 out of every 3 democraps actually believes that it was fake. Vs. 1 out of every 500 republicans believing it.
> aka. ONLY kike shills on chan, incorrectly believe that Trump was NOT shot.
>> Republicans correctly believe that Trump truly got shot

ONLY KIKE SHILLS BELIEVE THE FAKE CONSPIRACY THAT TRUMP DIDN'T GET SHOT. Since they're trying to prevent a post-assassinations attempt bump in approval, like Regan had gotten for his 2nd term. So, the fake news outlets are trying to claim that it's not real .
> That way MSM gets to hold onto democrap voters, who will vote for anyone that MSM tells them to vote.

Panzerfaust said...

Here's a prediction from my own brain cell (coffee reinvigorated);
The deep state is medically killing Joe Biden in order to use the funeral to dominate the news cycle and boost Kamala over the top.

TheFetch said...

Hey Chainsaw - you think you could have used a less divisive word than "ilk"...???

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Absolutely fair points Dennis! I had my television on when the initial coverage began flooding the airwaves. When I first saw the way Trump reacted, I immediately felt his reaction(s), response-time, etc. were genuine and authentic.

As I made reference to in a comment in another post, there's almost always some "hybrid elements" with these staged deceptions where, some factors or variables are genuine, while others are not. It plays a big part in the overall confusion and labyrinthine misdirection.

I posted a video-link from PK4Truth where, he showed how when the evacuation order was finally given by the police and/or SS to the crowd, those directly behind Trump and the podium, as well as those adjacent to them on their periphery, remained in place without moving while, all those who would have been directly in front of Trump began exiting. So, the possibility existed that some of the crowd was genuinely there to see Trump speak, had nothing to do with any op, while those behind and to his sides were in on the whole manufactured magic show.

I've altered and established different conclusions when new information came in many times; as one should when such new info negates or conflicts with one's previous stance. As you well know, many simply unconsciously begin with their initial confirmation bias, then funnel all the new incoming information through that or, simply dismiss it outright if it conflicts too much with the said bias.

Thanks for your response and your shows!

TheFetch said...

Chainsaw - was tempted to go off on ya! :DD :DD

I agree somewhat with Scorpio in that there is a serious schism between what at best we can term "shadow forces". A lot of this by default includes schisms within the Jewish oligarchy. There are the "Nationalists" like Wilders, Milei, Trump, all who take a Nationalist side so long as their goyim don't support resistance forces to the Israeli project.

Now imagine this conspiracy on a conspiracy. We ALL know that fakery is the primary weapon used by the Deep State (Cabal, whatever) to create mass psychosis events for the purpose of traumatizing and brain washing the public. Been doing it since at least the Spanish Civil war and the sinking of the Maine.

Now - here is the conspiracy wrapped into a conspiracy.

It is clear that Trump's protection detail was absolutely moronic. We also know that there is no reason why the "White Hats" as some like to say in the Hopium Movement, cannot also use false flags (insinuated here).

Now what if this was a false flag wrapped into a real event in which BOTH sides were operating their own operation. Trump's side ran their own false flag to cover for what was going to be a real event and Trump's team intel effed up and the side wanting to take him out actually got a real show im.

With the ensuing eff up, we ended up with Western style shootout at the OK Corral.

So Trump saying that "he shouldn't be here today" may be true. The false flag Trump's side was trying to pull off turned into a golden opportunity (infiltration) to take him out and they missed.

To me - it is fairly clear. They couldn't fire (take out the patsy), till the first shot was fired. The first shot wasn't expected by the Trump team to actually be a real shot, divine providence steps in, and Trump lives another day. You can't hit Trump in the chest. He wears state of the art ballistic protection. A head shot is the only way to ensure taking him down.

There are reason's why snipers generally don't do head shots. More difficult and far less mass to hit that is always weaving and bobbing...

So a false flag within a real event that was believed to have been infiltrated and shut down that was itself infiltrated and almost succeeded.

Now how do you go live with that one! :DDDDD

TheFetch said...

@ Ed in Salt Lake

I DID mention in the show that Trump's reactions were what swayed my opinion (as that is what is is) so I though I had provided the listening (I mean REALLY listening) audience a fair reason for my assessment.

Trump's eyes and reaction to me was like "Fuck, this is not supposed to be happening".

Today the idea came to me -

There is no reason why Trump's team cannot carry out false flags. Why give this weapon over to the Deep State/Cabal/Communists.

So what if this was a TRUMP side false flag gone wrong? Infiltrated? Both sides playing cinema magic and one side brought serious intent and capabilities?

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Keep in mind, they are ok with a certain percentage of people recognizing and seeing through their fakery; as long as most people are fooled and consumed by it! That's what's important!

Guarantee that most people at the RNC were listening to Trump's Edgar Allen Poe-like scripted tale of woe with heartfelt sympathy, as were the majority of television-watching zombies who were viewing it from home. Just as long as the majority still buy-in, we "tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists" will remain marginalized!

Trump Hoax- Blood All Over The Place


Ed in Salt Lake said...

From January of this year!

Trump's Red-spotted Hand In Photo Sparks Speculation


Panzerfaust said...

The Trump people don't control the DHS

Ed in Salt Lake said...

More obvious evidence of the staged deceptions and fakery! Police suddenly removing the injured and/or dead bodies before a proper diagnosis and determination of the nature of the injuries has been made or, before a CSI team and a forensic investigation has taken place is a complete violation of protocol.

They obviously wanted to get these guys out of the staged area ASAP, so as not to have to potentially deal with any additional footage or anomalous behavior that might expose or incriminate them.

The content-creator has a couple of other good, short vids as well!

The Full Hollywood Effect- Trump Assassination Video


I'm Calling Out Vincent Fusca


Panzerfaust said...

Mami's Gaslighting Shit

Panzerfaust said...

Here's where the blood came from

Panzerfaust said...

Ed, chains and Sean have never touched one

Panzerfaust said...

Fuck you it's not your country anyway


Panzerfaust said...

Fuck Canada and fuck you kike

TheFetch said...

Am just chiming in-

The Fakery Side is making some really good compelling arguments. Why DID Trump lie about all that blood everywhere when it was clear it wasn't true. Even I thought that odd when I listened to his RNC speech. The speech was too melodramatic. Kinda lame, actually, but you can imagine his base was all teary eyed and eating up every word.

Jumbo Patterson said...

""Fuck you it's not your country anyway"

LOL!! It's not yours either dumbass!"

The United States is not a country, it's a corporate entity based out of DC, a piece of paper with a few signatures scribbled on it.

Your actual country is the state of your birth, where you have birthright... the actual land under your feet, rather than the incorporation of that state.

Jumbo Patterson said...

We are voluntary serfs on the farm, by the ongoing tacit agreement of our forebears, without their knowledge.

Panzerfaust said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Panzerfaust said...

You've also stated nukes are fake.

Panzerfaust said...


Panzerfaust said...

You talk like a Jew.

Panzerfaust said...

Fake assassination shills be like
No blood on the hand it fake
Ok blood but it fake blood
Not enough blood

TheFetch said...

90 effing comments and this thread still can't beat Scorpio to the top of the weekly leader board. I think we done gone through out second wind...

Ed in Salt Lake said...

A couple of more astronomical "coincidences!"



Sketchy 1 said...

Fetch, perform a succession of menial tasks for someone

as if......one was their servant. Great name Deni.

Love from Switzerland.

Panzerfaust said...

Is this you chains?

Jumbo Patterson said...

Dickhead should have backed off and called for a supervisor.

I suppose we won't hear the last of this, now.

Jumbo Patterson said...

The cop was an asshole, no sympathy from me.