September 16, 2024

Lefties losing it: Kamala tries to speak without an autocue


zapoper said...

As long as you bash NAZIs it's ok to say anything.

decree said...

like Biden she cannot speak free without earpiece, card or telepromter, total puppet and actor, which sure is Trump too but at least he can speak, not that i like him he stands in for the destruction of the western world and poisoning his own people with injections

zapoper said...

So I think that it's more complicated then that but as long as you bash NAZIs and hate Israel, it's OK.

cjag said...

from Ontario

zapoper said...

Thanks for the laughs Clinton. LOL

cjag said...

No problem at all.
As the old saying goes...Laughter is the best medicine!

Steve Hughes is a fantastic comic. One of the best.
Plus, he has great taste in music !

Glad you liked it.

from Ontario