September 16, 2024

The Destruction of the JEW WORLD ORDER - SonOfEnos ~ Russia Day & An American in Russia

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 In this report, I paint the picture to show where we are in this war for the world, & what to expect to happen next. All the signs are there, it's now undeniable, we are at the precipice & about to witness the fall of the JWO.

Russia Day in Photos & Video

Whistleblower: Ukraine Is Harvesting Children in Adrenochrome Labs for VIP Elites

A whistleblower who worked with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) revealed in a video interview that Ukrainian groups are harvesting the organs of children in basement adrenochrome labs that are being discovered after the buildings are destroyed by Russian strikes.

Vera Vayiman, who is a member of OSCE and worked in Ukraine as part of an international monitoring mission, made the horrifying revelations in a video interview that corroborates earlier reports from the Russian military and even from the Ukrainian military themselves, who have openly bragged that they harvest organs of children and body parts for cash.

According to Vera Vayiman, who shared her testimony about what she personally witnessed during her time in Ukraine, the children are shipped out of the country under a grain export code.

Whistleblower: Ukraine Is Harvesting Children in Adrenochrome Labs for VIP Elites



"It is generally a good idea to avoid ascribing nefarious intent to actions explained by mere stupidity. But this is a case where mere stupidity cannot possibly explain the long, steady procession of foreign policy errors spanning three decades, all of them specifically aimed at strengthening Russia.

 It is not possible to argue that a surplus of hubris, ignorance, greed and political opportunism and a deficit of competent foreign policy analysts can produce such a result, for that would be essentially the same as arguing that some monkeys armed with drills, mills and lathes can produce a Swiss watch." - Dmitri Orlov

Look at what these armed monkeys have done to Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Paradise California....! (For example)

This is quite explainable based on Voltman's Theorem:

The addiction to cashisch (especially US fiat dollars) inevitably leads to Hemorrhagic Stupiditas.

Is it true that the Russians were given a much less nefarious "vaccine"?

Will Russia be obeying WHO and other WTF "rules"? (World Terrorist Forum)

These questions need to be answered.


The Secret American Plan to Make Russia Great Again
By Dmitry Orlov for the Saker Blog – May 24, 2022

What did Putin do for Russia?

Stopped oligarch corruption and looting (dozens ran to Israel, some killed or jailed). Raised standard of living and average life span, eliminated crime, alcoholism, improved education (universal), universal health care, infrastructure, allied with China in Belt+Road initiative, rebuilt industrial base (world’s best weaponry BY FAR), rebuilt army, saved Syria from certain destruction by Jew (how’s that friendly to Jew and serves globalism), decoupled central bank from Rothschild network, built up huge gold reserves … and now winning the battle against Jew ON EVERY FRONT, military, economic, financial and geopolitical.

NYT (I use NYT as preeminent exponent of MSM) hates Putin for all the above reasons—so tell me why should you?

NYT hated tsarist Russia and applauded heartily when Jacob Schiff financed Bolshevik coup and bloodbath that followed.

NYT hates new Russia and applauded heartily when Jew carpetbaggers descended on weak Russia under Yeltsin for savage asset stripping and freaked out when Putin stepped in and put an end to it.

NYT made a huge deal of Putin prohibiting LGBTQ vile parades and corruption of Russia’s youth—another proof of Putin kowtowing to Jew!?

I don’t get it, do you share all of above reasons for hating Putin?

And I could go on and swap Putin for Trump, Hitler, Stalin, Jesus, in every instance throwing the baby out in the abortion dump and drinking the bathwater koolaid.

So what’s the bottom line, the world would have been better off had the above people never been born?


    I read a number of years ago by a political analyst that in the future there would only be two political camps globalists and anti globalists. We are seeing that now, Zionists, capitalists, Trotskyists and faux nationalists united in Ukraine against Putin’s Russian version of nationalism and the various anti globalist people in the West. Putin and Russia are not interested in the West, I had that from a British nationalist who lived in Russia for a number of years so forget this they are part of some elaborate scheme. They were quite happy to do business but now that has gone thanks to the clowns running the West.
    As for the covid scam it appears Russia never ran it on the same level as the West and who’s to say they weren’t spooked considering that NATO was running Labs in Ukraine specifically to target Slavs ? Putin and Russia may not be our saviors but they are the enemy of my enemy and it's good to see these shysters getting a kicking.
  2. Yeah, all I can think of is the bedbug. Who has enough decency to squirt mucous on you so you don’t feel its jab as it prepares to drink your blood.
    Obviously, the only logical way this could end is nuclear war. The Judaic evil will never back down so if Russia is serious about future autonomy they need to prepare for all out nuclear war.
    Satanists who rape and eat children and drink their blood are not the least bit worried or even care if their actions lead to total war and defeat. They do not care about any life including their own. They will push Russia until Russia nukes them. So if Putin understands this, nuclear war is the only way this can end.
    They are literally trying to collapse and starve Russia into submission, but Putin has trumped their plans of total dominance. So with the Ukraine loss, and surrender of troops these mad dogs have turned on us with another false flag shooting to distract us. They tried earlier with the Johnny Depp and Amber Herd trial but that got no traction. No one gives a shit about Hollyweird and their pedo factory tranny looney tunes.
    So with this new war they are blaming inflation on Putin – as if Putin controls our money supply. The arguments that oil price drives inflation are false – if oil goes up something else has to go down if the money supply is fixed. 
    So now the Fed is also trapped having to jack interest rates to the moon to stop inflation – this is going to have catastrophic consequences for housing and stocks and bonds. So they must have big distractions like school shootings and war.
    The evil authority will never admit they screwed everything up. Biden’s admin is a runaway freight train to hell, and conductor, old poopy pants, has no idea what is going on; and Kamalu Kunti is as clueless as they get.
    If you thought Trump’s presidency ended badly – Biden’s is far worse.

    French Lieutenant Colonel Jacques Guillemain—“for Vladimir Putin, it is above all a question of ensuring the security of Russia and its people, threatened by constant pressure from NATO since 1990.


Russia Day




Panzerfaust said...

Another assassination attempt was made on Trump, this time at Mar a Lago by a "former construction worker" working with the CIA and NYT moving mercenaries to Ukraine, one Ryan Routh.

That name rang a bell. Same last name as the man convinced of killing Chris Kyle in 2012 who then disappeared in the prison system.

Albert said...

Two Months ago ... in the Comments: someone asked: "Where's Albert?"

I Posted some Spontaneous "Jokes" ...

A china-man Goes into an animal-shelter ...

On Monday he "adopts": 9 dogs & 3 cats ...

On Tuesday he "adopts": 11 dogs & 2 cats ...

On Wednesday he "adopts": 6 dogs & 7 cats ...

On Thursday he "adopts": 7 dogs & 6 cats ...

On Friday he "adopts": 8 dogs & 4 cats ...

On Saturday he "adopts": 5 dogs & 8 cats ...

and, ...
On Sunday he "adopts": 2 dogs & 2 cats ...

And the Worker, Jokes: "Running Out of ROOM for them all, then, are You!?" ;-)

CM: No, just that Restaurant CLOSED-on-Sunday, just me & Family today! :-)


... It turns out that: "Hate-ian"-ni88ers ... are "giving chinese a run for their money!" :-o


BuelahMan said...

I dropped a new one about George Floyd/BLM at Bitchute:

cjag said...

Good morning Men!

I just wanted to leave this link here.
Maybe the web site has never crossed your path?

Enjoy !

from Ontario

cjag said...

cjag said...

zapoper said...

Too much hashish with your morning coffee there Clinton. LOL

cjag said...
