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God Emperor TRVMP Substack Article
Originally posted by Scorpio on 1/12/2025 at 1:11:00 AM
“Sandy hoax” was real , goy!!- scorpico
LA fires, just incompetence, goy!
Last serious fires, in California were in 1993. Goy! It was the democrats, goy!!
Trump’ll fix it, goy!! Vote the dems out!!
DEW weapons exist, but they would never use them on you!! They love you too much, goy!!- scorpico
I❤️boomer takes!
It’s the tri-lats, goy!!- the “globalists”
Scorpico sounds more like panzi, every day!
👌Where can I buy you a beer Sean?
Closest gay bar I imagine.
Panzi’s crack shack
I'm starting to believe the nutty conspitard shill explanations are deflection cover for malfeasance and incompetence. In fact I've been suspecting that for some time.
It all goes back to (((Dr Joody Wood))) and her shill army of 9/11 DEW retards
Great podcast, Scorpio.
One thing about all those MK Ultra influenced killings, was the fact that those guys had a copy of the book " The catcher in the rye" as well.
G. W Bush Sr. was head of the CIA around the time that program had been running. He has stated that book was his favorite book of all time. Some researchers have stated in the past that maybe that book contained certain trigger words for those killers to go off...
This is certainly not a COHENCIDENCE !
I tried scouring the net a little bit to see if Dr. Louis Jolyon West had interviewed Mark David Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan and John Hinckley Jr also, but nothing came up . I am almost certain he or somebody close to the MK Ultra program did.
I am not sure if you have ever saw the documentary that the CBC , in Canada ( Communist broadcasting corporation which gets all it's funding from the Canadian Government) put out years ago. If not? it's worth the watch. It's a 20 minute news serial. Very interesting.
I agree with your astute observation about the could seeding program that most certainly could be implemented to dose those raging fires...
Keep up the great work. I love seeing all these butthurt clowns making comments about it. Great
Another thing. I am looking forward to your upcoming book, and possibly getting Mr. Mike Sledge involved over at FTJ, or at least having him as a guest on yours or G-man/ Davis Lurmann's podcasts.
All the best !
from Ontario
Nietzsche talked about how, when we create, the "old gods" must die in order for the new ones to be born. His famous claim "God is dead!" is connected to this, and not some literal atheistic proclamation that so many have interpreted it as being over-the-years.
Creation and destruction are not opposed to each other, but inextricably entwined with each other. These forces are always at work on our beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, etc. in a hidden and concealed manner. Nietzsche describes this process:
"A dynamic struggle goes on within a person between what he consciously thinks on the one hand, and, on the other, some insight, some perspective, that is struggling to be born. The insight, or new perspective, is then born with anxiety, guilt, and the joy and gratification that is inseparable from the actualizing of a new idea or vision"
Will Duffy's laughable, reckless, and agenda-driven 'The Final Experiment' is a perfect example of attempting to prevent the process, alluded to above, from taking place.
So many cretinous clones still cling to the comforting darkness of those "old gods" and, therefore, have invested so much hope and enthusiasm that Duffy's FE would function as some sort of "coup de grace." It's simply the reason why Netflix was involved- to help maintain the illusion as long as possible!
Even Devon Stack, for all of his excellent work, looked at the FE as some "nail in the coffin" for those "ridiculous FE'ers." Sadly Devon, it is you who continues to look the feckless and fraudulent "free-thinker" my brotha. Notice Devon hasn't once devoted an Insomnia Stream to tackling this subject-matter in-depth? Of course, his "reasons" are always predictably derisive and filled with the excessive pompousness that Mr. Stack is known for when the matter surfaces. The Devon Stack's are many!
Below are a couple videos on The Final Experiment. They manifest the clear buffoonery that can arise when one is desperate to cling to past and the "old gods" associated with that past.
Witsit Vapes It- The Final Experiment Fakery Exposed
The Final Experiment Anomaly- No Footprints In The Snow
Dr Scorpicus Maximus, where did you do your doctorate work? The U of Freewheeling? LOL. You better get busy pinging your show! LOL
Intro monologue: "You have given us (entrée) entry to the resources we need in our ongoing quest for multi-dimensional expansion. And in return, the per capita income of each of you here tonight has grown, and this year alone by an average 39 percent. " (Soundbite of the film, "They Live")
Dr. Louis Jolyon West voir evil.
This comment section was probably coded by retarded H-1B visa holders.
Chapman is the one who sat down on the sidewalk after Killing John Lennon. Sirhan was held by a few people in the crowd after shooting Kennedy.
Periodically, I come across ignorant and uneducated comments along-the-lines of, or similar to, "These fires aren't started by some Star Wars space-lasers!" Comments like these simply reveal the cowardly close-mindedness of their source usually.
The acronym LASER is for Light Amplification by Stimulation and Emission of Radiation. Understanding that, then one can understand that MASER is subsequently a Microwave Amplification by Stimulation and Emission of Radiation. Microwave-amplification however, is not visible to the human spectrum. It's effects can be though!
The #1 video below is from these LA fires; it's of a garage being "cooked," as microwaving does, from the inside-out. No fire on the roof, adjacent to the garage, or in front! One also sees as the garage door becomes engulfed, that there was no fire from behind either.
The #2 video is of a glowing electrical line from the fires in Malibu. The host explains what he perceives to be taking place with it.
The #3 is a good compilation that shows multiple anomalies with these LA fires. In it, I believe it shows some of the abandoned cars all congregated together, which also happened in Lahaine. Most have speculated that these people abandoned their cars to get away from the fire itself- I disagree! I believe it is because they were feeling the sensation of being "cooked" vis-a-vis the intensifying microwave-amplification, and immediately left their cars to "get away" from that sensation. Otherwise, why would all leave simultaneously, without anyone attempting to drive around?
Also, in Lahaine, they jumped into the water for the same reasons, not to escape the fire. The cars and ground show no evidence of being overwhelmed by fire!
The #4 video is of the curious and tragic case of Melissa Doi who made a call from one of the towers on 9-11, and on the call stated, "It's very hot, I see...I don't see, I don't see my air anymore!" Her call is linked in the article and, keep in mind- she appeared nowhere near any fire or smoke. In her call, she was not coughing at all! Some believe it was because she was being "cooked." The article explains what microwaving does to the eyes, hence her "I don't see the air anymore!"
This also helps explain why multiple people were seen jumping to their deaths, even though some were not battling ANY SMOKE INHALATION. Food for thought!
I meant to add a timestamp of 3:47 to start video #1 above for those who don't want to watch all-the-way through, and just the garage I made reference to in my comment!
You know when copper gets hot it glows, right?
"see it glowing that's doos"
Flawed deductive reasoning created Mormonism
"injuns are red because they haven't accepted jeezus"
I have not watched the videos above but I saw the one where the Porsche had melted rims. That could only have been done with a blow torch after the fires or by some other unknown means.
Someone from the government melted rims with a blowtorch to hide the doos?
aluminum rims will melt at 1,221°F (660.3°C)
Are you a tinfoil hat wearing retard Panzerfaust?
Every child knows from watching quality TV, simple matches can cause a fire melting solid metal.
These are the melting temperatures of common metal types:
Aluminum: 660°C (1220°F)
Brass: 930°C (1710°F)
Aluminum Bronze*: 1027-1038°C (1881-1900°F)
Chromium: 1860°C (3380°F)
Copper: 1084°C (1983°F)
Gold: 1063°C (1945°F)
Inconel*: 1390-1425°C (2540-2600°F)
Cast Iron: 1204°C (2200°F)
Lead: 328°C (622°F)
Molybdenum: 2620°C (4748°F)
Nickel: 1453°C (2647°F)
Platinum: 1770°C (3218°F)
Silver: 961°C (1762°F)
Carbon Steel*: 1425-1540°C (2597-2800°F)
Stainless Steel*: 1375 – 1530°C (2500-2785°F)
Titanium: 1670°C (3038°F)
Tungsten: 3400°C (6152°F)
Zinc: 420°C (787°F)
Q: How hot can forest fires get?
A: Forest fires can reach temperatures as high as 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit in extreme conditions, with an average surface fire potentially reaching temperatures around 1,472 degrees Fahrenheit (800 degrees Celsius) or more depending on fuel and weather conditions.
Key points about forest fire temperatures:
Wood ignition point:
Wood typically ignites at around 572 degrees Fahrenheit (300 degrees Celsius).
Extreme fire temperatures:
Under extreme circumstances, a wildfire can reach temperatures exceeding 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
You know with high winds fires get hotter just like blowing air on a coal fire in the bronze age.
Adding aluminum dust from chem trails will definitely increase heat in fires.
Panzerfaust has now "fact checked" grok, lol. Pathetic.
"Someone from the government melted rims with a blowtorch to hide the doos?"
No Panzer. They would have done this only to put disinformation out there for the purpose of making some of us think that they are using DEWs or some other means to destroy those homes.
Watch out for government guys with blowtorches trying to melt sports cars.
Your beloved criminal government added tons of accelerators, it doesn't matter how they start the fires, but they actively worked towards creating fires. They do the same is Australia btw.
I just posted a reply after Panzer went apeshit. LOL
Correct, the vast majority of the public have no idea or comprehension whata DEW is or how it works, despite the fact they all aim nowadays a DEW at their ear and brain with a beam forming 5G device.
Any radar, for example x band radars the US navy have on dedicated ships can be used as a DEW.
The California, British Colombia, Quebec and Australian fires all have the distinct smell of UN Agenda.
Stop it with the antisemitic pattern noticing. This is all just random coincidences Zap, this is all part of a 5D chess game to outsmart the leftist scapegoats. lol
Zap - You are correct about Chapman, who just happened to have a copy of Catcher in the Rye on him at the murder scene. I mixed up my mind controlled killers but Sirhan did appear to be in a daze or a trance according to witnesses and is unable to remember the shooting even to this day.
On the Next Show I will discuss Dr. West's connection to Charles Manson and the connections are numerous. The Manson family murder spree was another example of mind controlled killers being unleashed in a hybrid event. This is a deep rabbi(t) hole and it put and end to the peace and love vibes that had spun out of control in the 1960's.
About the fires - I forgot to mention that Pacific Palisades is the location selected for the 2028 Olympics. Fires can do (or DEW) very strange things when engineered winds are blowing at close to 100 mph in multiple directions.
The obvious issue is the lack of controlled burns for decades now in these areas. Nano particles being sprayed are stressing forests and the proliferation of insects that are showing up to take care of dying forests is natural. This makes for a great opportunity to burn huge mineral rich areas or historically valuable real estate so that the NGO's and the UN can do their thing.
Aluminum rims melting and burning is pretty commonplace, even in isolated car fires.
They have planned to build a model Olympic 15 min "!freedom city" where there is now room to build one..
Once you've exhausted Charles Manson, Laurel Canyon would be interesting too.
The Charles Manson murders were a complete operation and had precious little to do with mind control IMHO. It has been talked about for a decade now and it was a military operation for social change as usual.
So the fire was hot enough to melt aluminum but not hot enough to burn the surrounding trees?
Also factor in, some of the fires may not be extinguished "nromally" with water/foam. Just look at these silly tesla car batteries, these burn and burn and are very hard to extinguish.
Before I draw the wrath of the merbaba panzer, all praise the our kosher savior Musk.
I'm not in anyway suggesting what's going on here is natural. I'm just saying aluminum rims melting in a fire is pretty common.
Interesting research from a guy who lives in the area. He gets into the whole "military kill boxes" used is these operations
Zap - I will go into Laurel Canyon because the whole thing is intertwined. The Manson story is complex because it intersects with so many aspects of the 1960's CIA engineered cultural revolution, and was designed to be the death blow to the movement. The family and the girls actually stayed in Laurel Canyon for awhile where hobnobbed with several of the prime players.
One big question is how did Manson (all by himself) mind control his followers and transform them into remorseless killers. Mind control on a mass scale was part of the Sixties agenda and it is worth noting that Mao's Cultural Revolution was occurring at the same time. There's is a section of my forthcoming book on the 1960's, Manson, the CIA and mind control.
He has used Zillow sales/rental history to illustrate interesting patterns in several notable properties involved in some of the more recent military operations over the years. He also names many of the celebs who have lived in these homes over the years. These celebs seem to be on a salary. They are not free people they are owned military employees.
Juxtaposition is playing your song zap! LOL
Palisades Inferno of Little Weimer Republic, Getty Villa with Sabrina Wallace
LOL I don't pay attention to lying fucks like you!
You are a noob masquerading as a "Doctor" LOL! fucking narcissist!
Mk Ultra, mixed in with some heavy duty military industrial complex LSD could probably make many people see and do incredible things, I can only imagine.
A good book to read about Charles Manson is " Manson in his own words" by Nuel Emmons.
Charlie really opened up to him. Being a former cell mate. Manson said he liked him and trusted him.
In that book it tells of how Manson's mother, when he was very young child, sold him for a pitcher of beer.
His uncle had to go find him and get him back. From that point on, Charlie was in and out of trouble in boys homes all his childhood. Arrested numerous time, More than Sonny Barger, leader of the Hell's Angels, during his
There is no doubt in my mind that Manson was involved in MK Ultra. Used to gather a bunch of hippies to follow his every word and then, through the military grade LSD, go and commit those murders...
That Charles "Tex" Watson was a major player. He is a former member of some famous university fraternity. Most likely links to the skull and bones and others...
Everything major that has happened in the worlds history does so for a reason. Because those families calling the shots want it to happen...everything happens for a reason to move forward into each decade...
Here is the book in question and a good interview of Manson and Emmons.
Another great interview is the Geraldo Rivera interview from the late 1980's
In this interview, Charlie was on the ball , early , until Geraldo (the heeb) started pushing him about the murders. Some Charlie clearly didn't want to talk about. When he saw that Geraldo had his own agenda , Charlie then played his part of being the worlds bad gut. The first 10 minutes or so , Charlie was giving some real credible insight into Politics , Hollywood and the court system.
One of my favorite quotes from him was a tv interview with, Nuel Emmons. Nuel said that, Charlie , was stupid or incompetent. He said sorry to Charlie, as it was an answer to the reporter asking the question...
Charlie then said its ok to , Nuel and said he was incompetent. With a smirk or his face he then said this...
"When your competent , you have a lot to do you see"
Clearly showing that Charlie was one smart dude...
Being alone in cells for most of his life. He read books and meditated. His mind was as clear as it gets.
He was not an insane killer or instigator of making people kill for him.
from Ontario
I found the interview I mentioned.
Go to 1:36 to hear Manson speak about his "incompetence" lol
or watch the the whole clip. It's short and funny ,too.
Also, the full interview with Geraldo is included.
Well worth the watch.
from Ontario
Let's not overlook the years of chem trailing tons of nanoaluminum onto forest. Powdered aluminum is a base ingredient for incendiary grenades and flares.
Well now I know that you are a conspiracy weirdo Panzer. LOL
BTW. Magnesium is cool too. lol
Did you see this one Ed? Quite compelling
The Final Experiment, Analysis by a Flat Earther.
There's real conspiracy theories and there's bullshit.
Good show bro. That mayor needs to resign as well as newsom. Both corrupted cunts.
Probably wasting my time here, but I have personally witnessed and photographed a melted steel girder bridge, with a wooden restaurant, from the 30”s right next to it, undamaged. The aluminum street signs, on it weren’t even discolored. The only burned tree, was the one in contact with the bridge. No comments on a website, will ever sway my opinion from what I have witnessed with my own eyes, in Malibu canyon, and many other places during the crazy fucking fires of 2018, not grey Davis fires of 1993, LOL!
Political fires are always the worst!! Vote Republican or burn!!
Thanks for sharing. I just woke up and need a coffee. lol
I will send you pictures, if you like.
Why are you not sharing those in here?
I can’t, I just tried to copy/paste. I have to comment from blogger, because doltmann took my blue check mark years ago.
BTW. This is the transcoded scorpio show:
Mami's sidebar disappeared when I tried to post it last night. Scorpio and html5 ain't friends. lol
Look up “melted bridge mulholland” to see other people’s photos.
It's not the gay DEI Democratic Party it's the invisible phaser beans from space........
beams not beans fucking autocorrect bs
Previous bridge melted in 2018 from fire, was that DEWS too?
Why do you care what people think? Obstinate is Panzer.
Every time panzi opens his shit stained piehole, I become more convinced that I am correct.
Oddly enough, panzi, my mother used to be the lead writer for the acorn.
BTW- they are talking about the same bridge, dipshit.
That is some over the top communist shit. lol
Burned in the grey Davis fires of 2018
Panzer plays the role of the Cheka/NKVD officer, always out to correct "wrong think" and pushing the kosher narrative of the day. He gets aggressive if people don't buy into his BS. If he was able, he would put us all in a Gulag for doubting the orange messiah and his assorted team of criminals. He is a Cheka prick.
I've watched it!
"Panzer plays the role of the Cheka/NKVD officer..." ROFL
I would have a wee bit respect for this creep, if he was just openly stating he is paid and working a program. His desperate attempts to hide what he is, makes it so clownish to anyone with enough life experience.
Says the guy who is now logged in as Anonymous instead of Sean. lol
Zap, I would assume are are able to see IP by the commenters?
I am not "Sean" Panzer , lol.
On the possible cause of the fires ....
You know what they say about assumptions...
If I was gonna cloak my IP, I would just do it Zap. It is trivial to set up an anonymous proxy, and you'd probably see my Zanzibar IP.
In any case I don't give a fuck who you are. I don't spend time looking up IPs. That would be moronic on my part and a waist of time.
Dumb think isn't the same as wrong think.
Why did you ignore the bridge melting in 2018 article? Judy Wood shill.
You started it, just pointed out you are wrong with your assumption made.
Anyhow Zap, the real issue here, I hate to cite movies, but the Matrix movie got a few things right in your face. There are people, who if set free, would do everything to get back into the matrix. Bruce ie Panzer is one of these, and also includes the agent smith aspect. They love the illusion and would sell their own mom to achieve the carefree "being lived" instead of living aim.
There's the Blue Pill and the Red Pill and there's also the Retard Pill.
I am the 99th.
Who is gonna win being the 100th ?
I have never seen 100 comments on Mami's in 10 years.
Last post on Scorpio's podcast made it to the 90's, will this one will break the century mark !
Meanwhile, in other news.
Some cunt whore in the UK just broke the world record for sleeping with 1000 men in 12 hours. 41 seconds each...
It's going viral....literally !
We are living in interesting times , to say the
from Ontario
Over the past day the MSM has totally changed coverage of the California fires from questions on political responsibility to focusing upon first responder bravery, survivor stories, saved pets, etc. The LA Rams game tonight playing in Phoenix has been over the top with this narrative.
It's like 9/11 or the Boston Marathon Bombing all over again.
"There's the Blue Pill and the Red Pill and there's also the Retard Pill." Too funny! ROFL
"I have never seen 100 comments on Mami's in 10 years."
I remember having to read 250 comments after work back when we allowed anonymous commenters.
Some of them were the same guy pretending to be different people and engaging in false debates with himself. lol
Was that Scorpio zap?
Must of been before my time. I feel sorry for you having to do that.
Anonymous comments...Maybe the early beginnings of unit 8200?
Was it after 2008, when Cass Sunstein created the internet army of trolls, during the Barry Soetoro white house administration ? PEAK LEVEL 911 TRUTH MOVEMENT.
from Ontario
I am not “unknown’, I don’t know why zap would make such a claim
I mean “anonymous “
Panzi argues like a liberal faggot, never any good points, just name calling and deflection.
The first 8 comments in this article are you throwing one liner shit.
Do you monitor this website full time?
When you are not logged in as “zapoper ”
It was effective and truthful.
What happened to Joe Blo
I monitor it when some shithead takes a shot at me.
Fan boys keep following this fraud.
It's an insult to anyone over a double digit IQ. LOL maybe take a test and then reflect on that, LOL!
The Terrible Secret of Mulholland Drive
David = Dianne LOL! Albeit in a smaller insignificant but more pathetic way ! It's all about the real and perceived level of personal gain. Whatever that might entail. :)
Twin Peaks ACTUALLY EXPLAINED (No, Really)
If you are dead David Lynch, RIP
This is one crazy world we are "living" in!
if you do watch Twin Peaks ACTUALLY EXPLAINED keep the latest fires in mind
From one David to another David LOL
David Lynch: Consciousness and Creativity
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