Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!"
Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - Guest: Brett Redmayne-Titley
Hour 3 - Guest: Art Olivier
Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - Guest: Brett Redmayne-Titley
Hour 3 - Guest: Art Olivier
80k CF Download
They deleted the last four years of your shows at but hey, they did not ban you Fetch. At this point their mission statement is a farce. What a bunch of hypocrites.
"The Internet Archive's bold mission is to enable “Universal Access to Knowledge.” After all, that is the great promise of the internet: that everyone with access to the internet could have our cultural heritage at their fingertips. We preserve cultural information and make it available to the public. For Free. Forever!"
Hi Zap. Did you notice those 4 years being gone?
I went to check if indeed they were missing because you mentioned it during your conversation with Art. I had not noticed it before that.
I can Fetch the files through the little graph on the upper left of the page.
What is this? An intentional bug or just another case of retarded coding..
Your files are all there. It's just a very dumb user interface.
Surprisingly, all the files are indeed back. They were missing yesterday and even the various AI engines had mentioned that the archives were missing...hence I looked
The graph yesterday had a hole in it from 2014 - 2019
All the episodes are back, but all the interviews, which went back to 2014 or so are deleted, 2014 through 2018 have been deleted...
This is excellent work by Plasma Labrys over on her BItchute channel. I made reference a couple of weeks ago about how the so-called Philadelphia plane-crash could not have been a small medical transport plane. Her video graphics analysis in the first linked video below basically puts that to rest.
Also, her two additional videos on the recent Toronto crash-landing involving the CRJ-900 expose some issues with that "official" narrative. While this incident is definitely a bit more intricate and the deceptions more concealed and complicated, she did a great job of exposing aspects of this.
Not only does it appear that two different fuselages were used as "theater props," but the locations of each are completely different. Not only is the positioning of each fuselage different on its back, the angles of the noses, the windows, and the damage to the front landing-gear. Also, some of the SUPPOSED passengers cellphone footage shows NONE of the buildings that are just behind and adjacent to the fuselage that's present in some of the other footage and multiple photos, that all can be cross-referenced online.
Whether the "passenger-exiting footage" was filmed at an actual airport, or some wide-open expanse that we were just subconsciously to assume was an airport- I don't know! It's definitely something to postulate. One thing I did notice early on in some of the footage was an absence of "tarmac activity" in the proximal-to-distant field of vision, aka planes taxiing, baggage-handling vehicles/personnel moving, refueling crews, maintenance, and even "stray" people simply visible from the adjacent buildings to the crash.
No "Mayday" was called-out to ATC, yet we are to believe that two fire trucks were IMMEDIATELY on scene, yet no ELS(Emergency Life Support)was to be found at all as passengers were exiting. Then, passengers, in a shock, upside-down and fearing for their lives, would actually take some time to gather themselves and exit. Passengers admitted to seeing flames AND smelling fuel, so the danger of an imminent explosion was on their minds- and took place after everyone exited, according to some passengers. So, in that circumstance,
one hardly begins looking for cellphones and luggage- which one passenger interviewed said some passengers were actualy doing! One immediately seeks safety! This only adds to the inanity of the "official" story!
Every major airport, of which Toronto International is one, has ELS and BLS on site, along with the firefighting personnel, both of which are usually adjacent to each other and possessing a reasonable arrival time-length, depending on where an accident occurs, so even by the time the very last passenger had exited, there should have been MULTIPLE emergency responders present, with sirens flashing, stretchers out, and more personnel on the way from outside the airport, especially for an accident of this magnitude. The severity, or lack thereof determination is made much later.
Also, as some of the crash-landing video-footage shows, a huge plume of black smoke was present.IMMEDIATELY, yet NO BLACK SMOKE IS PRESENT in the video-footage of passengers exiting. We are talking about a time-frame of a few minutes here! The additional crash-landing footage that Plasma Labrys analyzes below isn't even the same plane crash! The crash-landing footage we've been provided from the pilot, who just so happens to be "coincidentally" filming from his cockpit as the CRJ-900 is landing, shows a plane come to a stop within about 25-30yds- on snow and ice mind you! The other footage that shows us a plane crashing from approx half-mile away from behind, not only crashes in a much longer linear distance, but possesses a much, much larger plume of black smoke. Regardless, her slow, detailed breakdowns speaks for themselves!
Plane? Missle? Or Plasma?
Toronto "Plane Crash" Like You've Never Seen It Before
One Of These Planes Is Not Like The Other
Why don't you share it with Fetzer lol
Yesterday was a very good show Fetch, the more guest the better. Did you get my email?
We ought to have thumb drive or ssd backups - it is a total loss if we will loose your great efforts..
Hey Zap!
Find those interview cut outs a swell boy will you?
Yep Panny czer faust.. Great show 'twas.. Really interesting..
I wonder if a date can be used as a point which this place turned from serious to Miles W Mathis disinfo?*/
Unlike most people, Dayz of Noah takes the time to "analyze minutiae," and ask pertinent questions relating to the "official" narratives set by legacy media. One doesn't necessarily have to "prove what exactly happened" or provide comparable "competing evidence" over against what the official story is- no matter the event in question, one only has to show that the "official" narrative that is being initially established, and continuously reinforced, is false, or at the very least, has significant holes, inconsistencies, contradictions, etc. Dayz of Noah's analysis of the Toronto plane incident begins at approximately 27:00 minutes.
I perfectly understand that most people don't have the leisure-time to put in anywhere from 2-12 hours of research a day. They have a demanding job, maybe even 2 or 3, a family, health issues, yard work, etc, so it can be very difficult to see the proverbial forest from the trees when dealing with these continuous deceptions, or even just overall current events for that matter, especially in today's relentless "outrage cycle" of the legacy media and the numerous content-creators online that perpetuate it. I do know that "sticking one's toe in the water" isn't usually adequate or sufficient with many of these manipulative psy-ops, false-flags, mis-directions, etc. They are too labrythine usually for that!
To a significant certain degree, that's why they are able to, not only get away with these deliberately manufactured events, but also keep us confused, lagging behind, or infighting. It's one reason I've always found the strategic objectives of the 'Protocols' to be something that's not only intimidating and harrowing regarding its overall multi-generational application, but I'm not sure there's a solution or way out of the tyranny and enslavement that it imposes moving forward!
The Outrage Cycle- Mark Manson
Whooli is dropping the ball in reference to Robert revolt
Any advice or suggestions
Before you say it, I have no idea how to do what ya'll do
The kaaazzaarian maaafiia really weeiird
That was not me
I guarantee you that the persona non grata list at CPAC was extensive, well-thought-out, and discussed at length by the security personnel before the event, and involved an army of Sheriff Teasel-type goons just salivating over the opportunity to confront the "enemies of Con Inc."
I'd be willing to bet that multiple people were stopped and questioned as being "only under suspicion," or detained temporarily in order to "just make sure," by these punishment-hungry Neanderthals breathing down their necks, all while having zero issue with, nor seeing ANY PROBLEMS in what they've been asked to do for the so-called "free-speech advocating event."🤣Each week that passes now, has the futural and widespread totalitarian nightmare approaching us like a rifle-shot from the other end!
Sheriff Teasel Meets Rambo Scene
Where were you during the Biden regime Ed?
I would disagree. Code Pink is a radical leftist disruptive organization so why bother giving them a seat at the table. I mean, the larger MAGA movement has suffered immense bannings and deplatformings under the neo-Bolshevik Biden regime and the more luminary of the lot, people like me with a clear ability to communicate core critical social issues regarding the Jewish element of the power structure, remain banned. I, too, would have given Code Pink a premature pink slip,
First, off posting an short question like "Where were you during the Biden-regime?" is hardly a detailed and thorough response. What do you even mean by that anyway? You actually think I'm perceiving the behavior and actions in the video through a controlled, two-party, false-lense?
So, because the "Biden-regime" are the "bad guys" and they were more inclined to censor or be tyrannical during their 4-year stint, then that gives us "good guys"- the "Trump-regime," the justification to act just like those radical progressives. It's ok when "we" do it, but not when "they" do it!
My intention in posting the video wasn't as a necessarily specific defense of Ms. Benjamin per se, even though she apparently had a valid pass, but to show how even so-called "principle" and "free-speech-loving" conservatives have no problem acting
like like looney-leftists- why? Because it's symptomatic of "both sides!"
Those who continue to see Trump as the "lesser of two evils," or worse yet, some kind of "quasi-redeemer" who has come to save the day and destroy the Deep State, need to break free from this hypnotic binary trap. Anyhow, the joke that is Con Inc. and the CPAC convention is nothing but AIPAC's second convention anyways, and, if I'm not mistaken, Ms Benjamin was there to call-out Gaza, as she's done before.
The existential reality is- there is no "Biden-regime" OR a "Trump-regime," there is only the monolithic Administrative State, of which Biden and Trump have been simply two "administrators" doing what is required of them, that is assisting with the completion of the next stage of the transition into the Great Reset, and the establishment of the technocratic mass-surveillance Leviathan that will be tracking-and-tracing almost everything we do.
The "Biden-regime" allowing innumerable illegals into the US, their spending like drunkin' sailors, and their implementation of all of the nonsensical DEI/woke policies, and other damaging behavior, was all to lay the foundation of, and set the stage for the "Trump-regime" to come in on the wake of the so-called "damage" done by the "Biden-regime, and "clean it up!" It's about manipulating and managing the perceptions of the rabble!
Now, to all of the countless tens-of-thousands of Trumptards who live according to the force-fed narrative provided to them by the oligarchical-owned media-both legacy and social- Trump appears like he's "doing good" now. He's now engaging in a "benign-coup" against the Deep State by ordering his team to immediately deport illegals- especially the really bad ones, finally doing something about government spending and the debt by having DOGE, vis-a-vis Musk, go through these federal agencies with a fine tooth comb and eliminate "wasteful spending."
All of these measures that DOGE is engaging in, whether it's the transfer of USAID to the State Dept, the elimination of CFPB, the accessing of these federal agencies(Treasury)data, the coming attacks on Social Security, Medicare,and Medicaid, the innumerable layoffs that will be coming, and many others. None of these measures are spontaneous, but have been planned for years. The video below on the Post Office is just one example! Notice how the sacred cow of the Pentagon is not under immediate attack? They'll touch -it-up a bit, but only as a gesture. The Zio-fanatics need that cash-cow to keep-on-keepin'-on!
The laughable thing is, so many delusional Americans are cheering him on with this blatant subterfuge, not realizing that what's happening is, DOGE is simply setting the stage for the transition to the pervasive and ubiquitous AI-GOVERNANCE SYSTEM vis-a-vis StargateAI, that is being set-up to enslave us all and create a neo-feudal serfdom that will be a nightmare. SkyNet is being erected right now and most people are completely oblivious to it!
Urgent! If Trump Does This To The Post Office, It Means The End Of Offline Communications For All
Only respond to that if you've got time on your hand Fetch.
How Capitalism Becomes Feudalism(Severance And Technofeudalism)
The Oligarch Plan For Our Feudal Future
The guys at RT love the Jewess of the code pink. She always manages to be at some staged event ready for cameras to do her thing.
In general, Russia is still more on a marxist side of things, given what Lavrov, Putin or RT publish. It is strongly internationalist, aligned with UN and all the other corrupt and criminal international structures. Hence they sing their songs, the Chabad Kremlin can't be trusted.
Officially, Russia have the same goal in Ukraine as the "Israelis" have in Palestine, both fight "nazis".
Can you just explain why you avoided laying the Zionist crimes on Biden? We don't need a term paper
Was it that I had 2 guests? I haven't been this high on the weekly ladder (#2) in ages...
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