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Episode #245 – InfoWars, Rense, IntelHub Manipulate News Like Israeli Dominant MSM
Investigative Journalist Susanne Posel joins Pete to discuss the state of the Alternative Media industry, and they present a compelling a case that the major, popular Alternative Media outlets may have been co-opted, and are definitely manipulating the news in the same manner as the Main Stream Media.
Pete and Susanne discuss factual evidence that has selectively withheld important news articles, IntelHub has failed to conduct thorough vetting of sources, and has essentially been functioning as the most psychotic of the all as they have been found to have repeatedly lured promising women journalists, and then tortured by a former lover of Jeff Rense (this is a very weird expose’, but very true).
Susanne discusses her decision to detach herself from unethical and corrupted Alternative Media websites, and she tells of her recent decline of a job offer by for ethical concerns.
Ms. Posel tells of a thorough background investigation which revealed direct influence by zionist advertisers, numerous “shell” corporations formed and operated by Alex Jones including Free Speech Systems, LLC, Magnolia Management, etc., as well as connections to STRATFOR’s Zionist-In-Chief, George Friedman.
As a result of the discovery of impropriety, bias, and outright manipulation of news, Pete and Susanne announce that they will not only remain independent as journalists, but they have decided to “out” or expose any which have been intentionally concealing real and important news from the public. IntelHub withheld an important story about Israeli Lobbyist Patrick Clawson and then failed to follow up directly with Patrick Clawson after being given all of his contact information for verification of the story. When Posel and Santilli caught them holding back the story, IntelHub stopped publishing OccupyCorporatism’s daily news articles without any reason or explanation.
As to, Pete has retracted his public endorsement of as a credible news source, especially in light of the history of psychotic episodes involving Jeff Rense’s former spouse, Melinda Jane Kellogg. Their coordinated patterns of luring woman journalists into their lair; publicly abusing them; and then suppressing the female journalist’s news stories is disturbing. Santilli states;
“When we learned of this incident with Susanne Posel and Occupy Corporatism, our team immediately did some background on the Melinda character. What we discovered was a long history of repeated abuse with female journalists and fans , and evidence that Melinda Jane Kellogg is clinically bi-polar. Jeff Rense’s poor judgement; coupled with Melinda Kellogg’s stalking of Susanne Posel causes me to question the seriousness of as a credible news source in alternative media.”
Santilli and Posel also discuss the importance of Dr. Judy Wood’s evidence pertaining to 9-11, and they question why Alex Jones has always withheld this critical evidence from his audience. Investigative Journalist Dave Posel joins Pete to discuss the technical aspects and possibilities of directed energy weaponry employed on the twin towers. Dave Posel provides a very technical, articulate and measured assumptions based on Dr. Wood’s scientific findings.