Without using the Internet or other sources, try and answer these questions from memory.
Answers with links provided after the quiz.
1.) How many American troops died fighting during WWII to make the world safe for Zionism?
2.) How many Jews died during WWII?
3.) Name two 2016 presidential candidates and which one is an Israeli-Firster and the other a Marrano Jew by way of Cuba?
4.) How much money and other forms of aid does the American taxpayer get
forced to donate to the world's leading terrorist state, Israel, each
5.) Who won the last Super Bowl and who is second in command at the Treasury Department?
6.) Which foreign nation is the only one Congress has exempted from
registering its lobbyists and will not be subject to the same financial
pain Americans will feel thru the sequestration?
7.) Which presidential administration, Clinton's or Obama's has appointed more Jews to key positions?
8.) Remember the Zionist Jew Rupert Murdoch's phone hacking scandal that
erupted in not so Great Britain? What is the current status of 'Sir'
Ruppie breaking of numerous laws regarding that case?
9.) Which nation is the only one on the planet without defined borders and refuses to say what those borders are?
10.) Remember Iceland who was getting gang raped by the international
bankster gangster crowd? What happened to that nation and what is it's
current economic status?
Answers to the above questions, some of which I even had to look up,
since the dreaded disease of Zionism is difficult to eradicate from your
brain cells.
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