January 29, 2014

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.01.28

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Dr. Joseph Farrell PhD - The State Of Affairs

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - A Conversation

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Frosty Wooldridge - Illegal Aliens

56k CF
Rense' site

The Jim Traficant Show 1/29/2014

Former 17-year Ohio Congressman Jim Traficant tells it like it is, in two hours of non-stop commentary and analysis on the issues that no one else will dare to touch.





NAFTA and the Next Phase of North American Integration

After 20 years of NAFTA, there is a growing sense from proponents of the deal that the time is right to take new steps towards North American economic integration. Beyond all those who view NAFTA as a success, there is a dark side and a legacy of broken promises. When NAFTA was introduced, it represented the architecture for a new international system. It became the template for future trade agreements which have been used to promote even greater corporate control. The TPP negotiations which are currently underway would expand the failed NAFTA model to even more countries. Furthermore, with the U.S., Canada and Mexico all a part of the massive trade talks, it also provides an opportunity to upgrade NAFTA without having to reopen it.
         ***Read article at Be Your Own Leader***

Abraham Foxman: you can’t call a Jew a traitor, unless you’re an anti-Semite

It’s official. If you’re an American traitor and you’re arrested, tried and convicted for treason, but you also happen to be a Jew, then it’s not treason, it’s anti-Semitism.
That’s according to Abraham Foxman, the infamous national director of the so-called “Anti-Defamation League”, a New York-based group that seeks to engender Jewish paranoia and thereby encourage Jewish emigration to Israel.
The New York Times today cites Foxman as saying that the reason why the American traitor Jonathan Pollard is serving a life sentence is because he is a Jew.
***Read article at Redress***
*More information here

Police and medical staff document America's real-life possession

A nine-year-old boy walked backwards up a wall and ceiling as startled medical staff looked on after his mother claimed he and his two siblings had been possessed by demons, according to official reports.

The unlikely-sounding event was detailed in official documents after a child services case worker and a nurse both said they saw the boy 'glide' backwards on the floor, wall and ceiling.

Convinced: After three decades on the force, Gary Police Captain was in no doubt: 'Everyone of us who was there that day in the basement and who saw what we saw, went through what we went through after…we all think the same, we all call it the same. That bit of dirt is a portal to hell'

Read more here

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - Inside the 'portal to hell'

DHS Documents (They talk about the kid wall walking on page 4/9)

The Insurgent Radio 1.16.2013

TT is interviewed by a journalist from Germany. He talks about leaderless resistance individuals, lone wolfs and other ally's in our fight. His valuable experience may help to think clearly and keep your ass out of prison.



Welcome to the most hate filled show ever to hit internet radio. Jim Goldstein evangelizes with his fire brand of white power live from Williamsburg Brooklyn!!


January 28, 2014

The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.01.28

Part 2

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Pastor Eli James of Anglo-SaxonIsrael.com. Pastor James and I will be discussing early American history, the American Revolution, and the Founding Fathers' views of Christianity......Part 1

The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)


Israeli militarism predicated on 9/11 deception

The revealing statements of these Zionist warmongers were consistent with a broader Israeli strategy outlined by Benjamin Netanyahu and his Zionist associates in the 1980s. In 1979 and 1984 Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders organized two conferences to discuss terrorism under the auspices of the Jonathan Institute. The purpose of the two events was to seduce Western military, intelligence and political figures to join Israel’s crusade against the Muslim world, deceptively disguising their imperialist agenda as a “war against terrorism.” The second conference in 1984 produced a book edited by Netanyahu entitled Terrorism: How the West Can Win. “The two conferences organized by the Jonathan Institute, in Jerusalem in July 1979 and in Washington, D.C., in June 1984, were major events and highly effective for Israeli and Western propaganda,” wrote Edward S. Herman and Gerry O’Sullivan in their book The “Terrorism” Industry: The Experts and Institutions That Shape Our View of Terror.
***Read article at Martinez Perspective***

*Osama Bin Laden information

*Israeli involvement in the 9/11

The Spingola Zone at AFP 1/28/2014

Deanna's guest is Fritz Paul Berg, who states:
“The holocaust story is a monstrous hoax for four important reasons: 1) no one was ever killed in gas chambers by the Nazis, 2) the numbers of Jews who died in German-occupied Europe is minuscule compared to what is alleged, 3) forensic medical or scientific evidence to support the holocaust gassing claims is non-existent, and 4) Jews were rather well-treated by the Nazis compared with other minorities such as blacks, Hispanics or American Indians in the U.S.              Show-page               American Free Press


The NSA and the 9/11 Deception



Based on the incomparable presentation by Sofia Smallstorm, this documentary is a must-watch for any Sandy Hook researcher. This video accompanies Sofia's original presentation and spot-on analysis by adding a distinct audio/visual layer. A best effort was made to reinforce the original material, maintain accuracy and stay true to the original reporting.

This is a very well made video and well worth a watch, I think Deanna should be interviewing this lady, it would be a great show IMO.

Spingola Speaks 2014.01.28

Guest: Rodney Martin, the director of World View Foundations. Today’s discussion centered around Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock and his supposedly produced documentary on the “Nazi Holocaust” after he visited the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Thousands Brave Freezing Temps to ‘March for Life’ in Washington D.C. that the media almost completely ignored.


David Duke Show 2014.01.28

Today: Dr. David Duke talks today about ethnicity, evolutionary living, the paleolithic lifestyle, human freedom and diversity, human health, and how all these things have a natural basis. He then goes into the fundamentals of the Paleo Diet, and shows how not all calories are equal, that carbohydrates, fats and proteins all affect the body in different ways, including weight and bmi. Then he shows the surprising evidence that all carbs are not equal. That different carbohydrates have a big difference in their impact blood sugar, weight gain or loss, and other matters of health. And he shows that Paleo researchers are now realizing that our Paleo ancestors ate far more "resistant carbs" than modern man. That those few foods that have resistant starches are important for our health and well being. A very insightful and interesting program that help you toward greater health and vitality.

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.01.28

Bible BS.

Oracle archive

32k CF Download

US: Not About To Start Giving A Shit About Canadian Politics

WASHINGTON—Despite Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s recent controversial admission to having smoked crack cocaine, Americans across the country confirmed Wednesday that, Rob Ford or no Rob Ford, there’s just no way they’re about to start giving a shit about Canadian politics—no way in hell.

 “Yeah, sorry, not happening,” said 37-year-old Harrisburg, PA resident Daniel Cooke, echoing the thoughts of millions of Americans who told reporters they will continue happily ignoring any and all stories about the Canadian government, the politics of Canada, or scandals involving Canadian politicians.

“Frankly, that guy could have been having sex with an underage boy in the middle of a parliament meeting or whatever the hell they have over there and I still wouldn’t give a shit. I don’t know or care to know who he is, where he’s from, or what he did. What I do know is that if you think I’m going to start paying attention to what’s going on with politics in Toronto or Nova Scotia or Ontario City or wherever the fuck then you’re going to be very disappointed.” 

The U.S. populace went on to confirm that, unless Martin Short were to somehow be elected prime minister, their interest level in Canadian politics would remain at this level indefinitely.

Read more here

In Palestine, A History of Dispossession

 Increasing acts of violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories have been repeatedly denounced. Together with the increasing number of settlements being built on Palestinian land, those acts of violence betray justice and seriously undermine the prospects for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Read more here:
 I cannot help but wonder how things would be if it were the Palestinians in charge of Palestine. There was a time prior to 1948 when bulldozers were used to build roads. Just the sight of this military dozer with an israeli shield in front makes me want to prime the ovens.

Israel is trying to goad Assad into a retaliatory strike, which would open the door for a direct U.S. attack on Syria

Syrian opposition: Israeli jets bomb missile launchers in Latakia

Israeli fighter planes bombarded S-300 missile launchers in the Syrian port city of Latakia late Sunday, Syrian opposition groups were quoted as saying by Israel's Channel 2 television. Residents of the city reported hearing loud explosions just around midnight.
Opposition sources are quoted as saying that the explosion took place in the Sheikh Dahar neighborhood just near the local port, Channel 2 reported. The claims by the opposition have not been confirmed by any official sources. ***Read article at The Jerusalem Post***

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.01.27

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Hesham Tillawi - Mideast Report

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Ted Pike - NYC Powerful Ultra-Orthodox/Hasidic Jews

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Update

56k CF
Rense' site