August 02, 2016

Prominent AFP Clinton Researcher Victor Thorn Found Dead

Prolific author, AMERICAN FREE PRESS writer and seasoned Clinton researcher Victor Thorn was found at the top of a mountain near his home, the apparent victim of a gunshot wound. Family and some close friends contend Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn would have been 54.

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2016.08.01

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Muslims Will NEVER Fit In Or Assimilate Into Western Culture

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dane Wigington - GeoEngineering...More Destructive Than Ever

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Dana Durnford - Fukushima Report

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Renses' site

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August 01, 2016

The Graham Hart Show 2016.08.01

Since his guest did not show up, Graham did a solo show, talking about the real story of National Socialist Germany and Adolf Hitler, the fabrication of the Holocaust, how our world is being wrecked by jewish tyranny, and much more.

Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
Renegade Archive
Mami's Archive

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David Duke Show 2016.08.01

Dr. Duke Launches the Smash the Political Bosses Campaign to Raise Funds to Qualify for Senate Debates!

Davids' site
Rense Archive

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2016.08.01

Charles discusses how jews will finance and arm both sides of conflict after conflict, and then gets into the case of turncoat Benedict Arnold

Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
Renegade Archive for Truth Hertz

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July 31, 2016

The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2016.07.31

Gerhard Lauck – Third Reich Books

Kyle speaks to Gerhard Lauck of and about a variety of topics, such as: internet activism after being released from German prison, the variety of Third Reich original books he offers, what the NSDAP/AO is like doing these days, how people can get involved, and what could be coming our way politically.

Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
Renegade Archive

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Fourth Position # 206 - 2016.07.31


Host: WolfWallStreet/Bob in DC

Security stressed. Recitations: a South African National Socialist comments on Christianity; and Lev Gumilev on Ethnogenesis and Eurasianism through Passionarity. Guest: Patrick Fox, and his comments on the South African's thinking. Resource: Lev Gumilev: Ethnogenesis and Eurasianism (PDF). -- Red Army Choir: Song of the Steppes, Search for Red October. -- Chaos is the Jew Seed - War is the Jew Harvest - Enslavement is the Jew Goal --

Fourth Position


A View From Space July 30 2016

The Spaceman goes deeper into today’s headlines than anyone else dares to go.


Talk Radio AM 640 Toronto

A View from the Bog

July 30, 2016

Meet Natasha Marin: The woman behind REPARATIONS.ME...ROFL

What if you actually did something meaningful for someone before the end of the year?

What if a stranger restored your belief in humanity, if only for a moment, by supporting you and allowing you to claim something you need in a material way?

I invite People of Color to ask for what we need to feel better, be happier, be more productive by posting in this space. These may be both material and immaterial requests.

I invite people who identify as White to offer services or contributions to People of Color in need of time, energy, substantive care, and support.

DNC Related Deaths of Seth Conrad Rich & John Ashe 2016.07.28

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2016.07.30

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Hour 1 - Trump-Hillary, DNC and MSM Corruption
Hour 2 - Jay Dyer
Hour 3 - Jay Dyer, Lights in the Dark
              *Fixed version

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Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Revolution Radio @ Freedom

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2016.07.29

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - David John Oates - Hillary Speech Reversals

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Madeline Gerwick - Financial Astrology & The Election

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - John Barbour - New Blockbuster JFK Documentary

56k CF
Renses' site

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Circus Maximus with Nick Spero 2016.07.29

Robert Reyvolt – Destroying the Disinfo

Nick speaks with Robert Reyvolt of Incendiary Radio about the strategy of tension, false flags and hoaxes, myopic “truth seekers”, the Knights of Malta and the Vatican, the Kosher Nostra, the encroaching ghetto, the invasion of Europe, ISIS terror and SITE Intelligence, controlled right wing reactionaries, Big Brother solutions, the elections, learned helplessness, and more.

Shaun and Lark in Texas were some of the callers that basically ended up being part of this 3h show 2h42m edited.

Circus Maximus
Renegade Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune

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July 29, 2016

Our Interesting Times with Timothy kelly 2016.07.29

James Perloff on Freemasonry and the American Revolution

James Perloff returns to the show to discuss his article "The American Revolution, Part II: Who Wrote the Declaration of Independence? And Was the Revolution a 'Christian' War."

James is the author of several books including The Shadows of Power, an expose on the CFR and most recent Truth Is A Lonely Warrior.

Timothy's Podcast


Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2016.07.29

Targeted Individuals (TI's): Did the New York Times do them justice?

The New York Times headline "The United States of Paranoia" would have been perfect for a story about the "war on terror." After all, you are more than ten times more likely to drown in your bathtub or be struck by lightning than to be killed by a terrorist of any kind. And "radical Muslim" terrorists (and/or Zionists dressed up as them) only commit 6% of terrorist attacks, while radical Jews, leftists, and Hispanics commit far more. And yet, crazy, paranoid Americans worry endlessly about that statistically nonexistent threat called "radical Islamic terrorism."

Seth Farber
Unfortunately, the New York Times won't tell the truth about that...or much of anything else. The Times article on TIs implies that MK Ultra, Project Monarch, Project Artichoke, Project Bluebird and allied programs no longer exist, so the people being victimized by them must be crazy.

How can a serious newspaper report on this issue without discussing the long, undisputed record of the CIA, US military and allied agencies' history of messing with people's minds?

Today we'll talk with dissident psychologist Seth Farber and several TIs, including Todd Giffen. Dr. Farber is convinced that many of these people are in fact being experimented on by today's version of MK-Ultra, which is technologically light-years ahead of what they were doing with drugs and hypnosis back in the 1950s.

Kevin's blog

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The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2016.07.29

Show Highlights: HERE

The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site

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False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Prof. Tony Hall 2016.07.29

It’s a False Flag World Out There

Special Guest Today: Jeremy Rothe-Kushel

Kevin's blog
NoLiesRadio Archive

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2016.07.29

Charles wraps up his notes regarding the importance of taverns in planting the seeds of revolution in America

Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
Renegade Archive for Truth Hertz

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David Duke Show 2016.07.29

Guests: Mark Collett and Campaign Coordinator: M. C. "Mike" Lawrence

Davids' site
Rense Archive

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2016.07.28

  Hour 1 - Encore

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - James Fetzer - The 'Democrat' Party's Best

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

56k CF
Renses' site

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