September 24, 2020

Déjà Vu Spanish Flu

There is nothing new under the sun!

Testing and More Testing and More Problems

Look 👀 Cases and Hospitalisations - MUST SEE Graph


There are a few books that have given me the tools needed to get beyond falsehood, which is the current foundation of our synthetic reality. Mr. Hoffman lent his hand to two such books, King Kill 33 and Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. I no longer waste brain cycles decoding false events as I am now able to detect/smell synthetic and staged information at a higher level. His books on the Vatican are also top shelf for those interested in knowing how and why the masters of the universe opted for the dark side. In short, if you would like to know how to better consider world altering events, head on over the Mr. Hoffman’s website and get a few books/texts that need to be protected from an uncertain future. Who is that man behind the curtain? And why does he ensure all the world is a stage, in this psychodrama, broadcast daily – everywhere
Michael Hoffman does not appear in the first free hour.

Ted & Austin Radio Show

Show Highlights:
What’s in your water?
Why should you ask?
Central banks admit using Black Rock for bond buying.
Why are we in the Middle East?
Trump answers this question at the SC rally.
No surprise except that the truth was told.
Resistance builds against the Covid shot.
Central Banks say we are now on our own.
You must remain silent if investigated.
Know your rights.
Why is Australia in such a mess?

The 19th 911 Parlor Scene of bb9 - Blackbird9 Podcast

Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast, The 19th 911 Parlor Scene of bb9. Tonight we examined the (((Most Likely Suspects))) for the CRIME of 911.

In the First Hour we cover the chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission has always been to establish a Greater Israel ruled by globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereign.

In the second hour of The 19th 911 Parlor Scene of bb9, the host discussed the CRIME of September 11, 2001 on this 19th Anniversary of the False Flag event. From the FUNDAMENTALS of any crime throughout history of WHO HAD THE MOTIVE, WHO HAD THE MEANS, WHO HAD THE OPPORTUNITY, and Cui bono? WHO BENEFITED? to the ancient symbolism of the Ritual Sacrifice and Criminal Punishment, binary government systems of Visible Power and Invisible Power like the Hebrew Boaz and Jachin or Khazarian Bek and Kagan, the axiomatic LOXISM of jewish Laws on Amalek, the Priory of Zion's incorporation of earlier systems discovered by the Knight Templars in 1126 A.D. that resulted in Talmudic Law, Kabbalah, Zohar, Tarot, Sacred Magick of Abramelin The Mage, etc as well as a dark trail of Child Sacrifice, Usury and Blackmail and expulsions throughout Europe, the 1776 founding of The Great Experiment and the Sabattean/Frankist Illuminati Shadow Cabal, the rise of World Zionism, Sir Arthur Conan Doyal's Criminal Mastermind character Professor Moriarty, the founding of Israel and the transition from Founders Myer Lansky & Murder, Inc, Stern Gang, Irgun, Purple Gang, Illuminati to the State Sanctioned Mossad, IDF, Talpiot, Unit8200, Unit269, and Mega groups, the 1982 Oden Yinon Plan for Greater Israel, the rise of The Project For The New American Century Neo-Cons, The New Pearl Harbor that defied the Laws of Physics and Brainwashed the World, to the rise of the 911 Truth Movement, the host discussed how the 911 Attacks were just one of many interlocking Byzantine Game Moves towards an End Game of a New World Order under jewish Talmudic Noahide Law and Global White Genocide.

September 23, 2020

Rumors of an alternative to the vaccine :)

Our Interesting Times -E. Michael Jones on the Invisible Man

Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his article "The Invisible Man at the Race Riots" which is featured in the September issue of Culture Wars.
Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of many books including the recently published Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality.

September 21, 2020

Baby Boomers Gone Wild

    I had a profound experience earlier this morning. I was at the local market talking with a retired Navy guy from the states. He loves to take long walks and told me that he can't breath with his mask on so he had it pulled down below his nose. This other idiot walks up to us and tells me "you need to put a mask on!" and tells the other guy " pull your mask up over your nose.!"

"You are flushing civilization as we know it down the toilet but you're too stupid to see it, old man. No fool like an old fool!"

"These masks protect us all. My mask protects you, your mask protects me. We all need to do this until it is over" (This especially plugged me in because it is the exact phrasing that he heard on TV.)

"When is that going to be? When do you think this will be over?"

"Well, we don't know."

"Ahhh, so if it goes on another year or 5 years or 10  then you will comply, right?"

He looked at me with confusion and bewilderment. He had that glazed look over his eyes like the programming was kicking in to resist and disregard anything I would say.

"Look, pal....this isn't over until our overlords say its over. It's not over until they unveil the new system. A system where you will be a slave."

He started laughing at me and chortled "Great, then I will be the leader of this new system."

"No - you will be a slave. Remember what I told you today. I know you won't forget it. One day you will know I was right but it will be too late by then. Now beat your feet - get out of here and mind your own fucking business."

Then he tried to tell me all of the bogus facts and figures he had heard on TV...200,000 dead in America blah blah blah. 

I interrupted him:

"This is all a scam and a hoax to force this new system upon us all. Now get your ass home and hide under your bed in a fetal position so you can be safe!"

He wasn't laughing anymore and I know he thought I was crazy as a shit house rat but at least I rattled his cage a little. A few minutes later two older women walked up to me and said "We know you are right but we didn't want to get involved." I thanked them but urged them to speak their minds in the future.

I know this post will be down the memory hole in a day or two but just wanted to relate what happened and see if anyone out there has had a similar experience....

I was like the crazy lunatic on the street yelling at people - lol

Covid-19: Ohio Stands Up - Jon Rappoport Interviews Attorney Tom Renz

Thanks Zeebra

September 20, 2020

No Agenda - 1279: RBG Down!

Covid Conspiracy Club

You're Fooked!

The Hunger Games - 2020 Documentary

Salt video

Tribute to Ginsburg


As we come into this world every effort is made to separate the new life from being whole. In both law and health being whole is where each of us wants to be. No one wants sickness or slavery. The example of wholeness is shown us in nature where there is no lie and this example allows us to know the difference. Nearly all man-made synthetic systems serve to divide us in one way or another. Consider fractional reserve banking or for that matter fiat currency, allopathic medicine or politics. It is in these synthetic systems we assign value where no value exists. Our current struggle is at it ever was – a struggle for control of the human mind. Even what we consider normal, echoes this truth. The word government literally means to control the mind. The whole living being is a creator in this existence and that which is able to rise above the pitfalls of this place we call the world.

ACH (1345) Eric Gajewski

The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show #4 – Faith Over Fear!

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 18 2020, Andy co-hosts, “The TRADCATKNIGHT & ACH Show,” with Eric Gajewski, for a show entitled, “Faith Over Fear!”

We discussed: Eric’s Web Conference coming up tomorrow, Saturday September 19 from 3-6PM US EASTERN time; how many people are being suckered into the Beast System today; the Noahide Laws; how the endgame of the Elite is Global Martial Law; President Trump’s role as a provocateur; the Great Monarch who will bring Christianity back to the world; divine warnings from nature; Albert Pike’s predictions for World War 3; how suicide rates are at an all time high among teenagers and young adults; and many other topics.