January 21, 2023

The Realist Report with John Friend 2023.01.21

Robert Stark on California Politics

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2023.01.19

Monika Schaefer on Truth and Justice for Germany
Monika Schaefer joins Our Interesting Times to discuss her activism on behalf of Holocaust revisionism and justice for the German people who have been subjected to decades psychological warfare. We talk about the many inconsistencies, contradictions and lies which constitute the ever-changing Holocaust narrative and the necessity for promoting truth in our public discourse.

Monika is a musician and child of German immigrants who re-located to Canada in 1959.  Her family stayed connected to “the old country” observing German traditions at home while assimilating into Canadian society.  She has devoted much of her adult life to raising public consciousness regarding the crimes committed against Germany in the past century and promoting justice for the German people.  Her primary website is Truth and Justice for Germans Society.

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett 2023.01.21

“Select Group of Humans” Is “Almost Extra-Terrestrial” -John Kerry in Davos

False Flag Weekly News is a weekly investigative news program that covers extremely controversial subjects. We want to remind our viewers that “Questioning” of Official Government or Mainstream Media Stories Is Not Hate Speech, nor is it Fake News, it is Free Speech that is protected by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.

80k CF Download

The Roundtable #44: Clayton Morris, Alexander Mercouris & Gonzalo Lira

Frank on January 19, 2023:

Everything they do, they do in fear of us. WE are the target because we pose the threat, yet here we all sit, our tails between our legs, showing them that they have nothing to fear because we are all castrated sheep who refuse to fight these dastardly psychopaths whose entire existence depends on THEFT.

Basically, what they are saying to us all is this : “We are going to do whatever the hell we want to make as much money as we want as fast as we can, and all you little pissants are gonna keep your goddamn mouths shut. If you so much as speak out against us in any way, you will be dragged through a gauntlet of OUR making, and trust us, YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE IT.”

Question : are you all really scared of these underwear-shitting freaks ? These old rich thieving rat bastards and the whores who service them ? Do you not realize that all you have to do is stand up and say NO, and these rotten diseased scumbags will recoil in absolute fear ? There’s 3000 of them and 8 billion of us. They don’t stand a frickin’ chance. But we must reacquire our WILLPOWER !!
michaelpaulbo on January 19, 2023:

As the vaccines/boosters become more compulsory, the “vaccine” will become more dangerous…

The endgame here seems to be the routine syphoning-off of bank accounts (first, and other assets later as the underlying legalities congeal around this effort) as people die-off—-or later become “confiscated” after becoming “medically dependent” from vax-injury, thanks to the widespread use of roving goon-squads preying on the helpless. The buzzards will swarm in as these “helpless” disappear into “nursing-home like medical facilities”.

Special Report: Medical profession implements WHO digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed
Leo Hohmann – leohohmann Jan 17, 2023

The Alternative Media With Farren Shoaf 2023.01.21

Latest political bullshit and news of the week.

Farren Shoaf  Host of The Alternative Media has been involved in the End The Fed, Marches against Monsanto,We Are Change and several various 911 Truth Movements. His favorite quotes are “I am a conspiracy factualist and everyone else is a reality theorist” and also”Give me Liberty or Let’s give you Death. Farren discusses any and all subject matter, he looks to identify the real problems as well as discuss solutions. Having been a host on RBN for over seven years Farren has interviewed many considered to be some of the most relevant leaders in the Truth movement such as Ron Paul, Kevin Alfred Strom,  Dennis Kucinich, Texe Marrs, Russell Means,  Monica Schaefer,  Jim Tucker, Luke Rudowski, Dennis Wise, David Walker, Richard Gage and many more.
The Alternative Media is your Saturday morning broadcast where we discuss current events, politics, the disinformation and lies of the mainstream corporate owned puppet media and the fact that the Federal Government of the United States no longer has any resemblance whatsoever of representation of WE THE PEOPLE.

64k CF Download

The Fall of the Cabal: The Sequel (Part 26) - Jim Fetzer + Fresh & Fit With Andrew Tate - New Zealand PM Is Criminal, Jessica Arden + International Medical Crisis Declared - Exposé News

What's Happening RIGHT NOW at WEF 2023 - JP Sears


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2023.01.20

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Fr Paul Kramer  - Vatican In Deep Crisis

Download Hour 2 - Erica Khan  - Covid Chronicles With Special Guest Nurse Anne - Hospitals On Verge Of Collapse Coast To Coast

Download Hour 3 - Joel Gilbert  - Will Michelle Obama Run In 2024 with CA Communist Gavin Gruesome?

64k CF
Rense's site

January 20, 2023

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2023.01.20

Peter McCullough on Vax & Mortality; Peter Myers on WEF, WHO, & Global Health Tyranny; Patrick calls in

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature, and is the author of multiple books which deconstructs the "war on terror". Dr. Barrett has been a Muslim since 1993. Blacklisted from teaching in the University of Wisconsin system since 2006 for questioning the events of 9/11, Dr. Barrett now hosts radio shows and is a public speaker.

64k CF Download

Full List of Companies That Have Stayed in Russia – And The Ones That Decided to Leave [Updated Weekly]

Multinational companies can no longer ignore social and political issues. Their actions and policies must stay true to their stated branding, and reflect the values of their customers. (Biggest bullshit statement ever! LOL)

With this in mind, how are companies responding to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? We’ve compiled the internet’s most extensive list of multinational companies and their responses to the invasion. While some companies have been praised for their efforts, others have been justifiably accused of not doing enough. This article covers those companies that have left or partially left Russia, and those that have stayed. We’ll provide regular updates to keep the information accurate and relevant, so make sure to check back in!


Our report can only reflect companies for which data is available from independent sources, or that have publicly stated their response to the war in Ukraine. A full investigation of all companies operating in Russia, or not, isn’t possible at this time, due to a lack of transparency. Countries with more large companies, or with better transparency or media coverage, are overrepresented in the list of companies that have stayed in Russia. So a country like the USA will have more companies on our list. Many companies from other countries, however, have remained in Russia without garnering any press. We will continue to be diligent in our research and update our list whenever new data comes available.

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The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2023.01.20

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Solo Show.

80k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2023.01.19

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Harry Cooper  - More Hidden History Of WW2 And After It In South America

Download Hour 2 - Harry Cooper  - More Hidden History Of WW2 And After It In South America

Download Hour 3 - Mischa Popoff - Food Is No Longer Glorious Food

64k CF
Rense' site

January 19, 2023

Moscow Prepares Defenses - EEArts + Canada's Gun Grab - Brantford News + FUCK the Banks with Rocelo Lopes + Elon Musk Damages the WEF - Redacted + Clone Malfunction? - Jim Crenshaw + The French Revolution - Asha Logos + 2+2=5 Song for Freedom - HiRezTV + Stupid People - JP Sears + Snippits & Snappits

The Strong And Free Truthcast
2+2=5 - Hi-Rez (Music Video)

Technocrats-At-Work: Medical Profession Implements WHO’s Digital Diagnosis Code For The Unvaxxed

(Chant) We Will. We Will. Track You! There has been no clear way to identify those who chose to not take the experimental mRNA shots – until now. The US has just approved and adopted the WHO’s new digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed.

When you make your next visit to a medical facility, for any reason, you will be asked if you took the “vaccine” and boosters. Your answer will be coded on the spot and the data uploaded to the all-seeing medical cloud. Technocrats lust for data like this. They also lust for opportunities to practice their social engineering skills. ⁃ TN Editor


A set of international codes are used by the medical industry for billing purposes under Medicare-Medicaid and the private insurance companies, but it’s not just about billing.

These codes are part of the International Classification of Disease (ICD) system set forth by the United Nations World Health Organization and they’re about to get far more invasive.

This system was originally created after World War II for the purpose of tracking the diagnosis of major diseases within a population. But over the years, there have been 11 major revisions, and with each revision the data being collected on each individual has become more precise and all-inclusive.

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No Agenda Episode 1522 - "Boiling Ocean" - 2023.01.19


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2023.01.18

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - William Gheen  - ALIPAC...Fighting To Save America

Download Hour 2 - Erica Khan  - Life Insurance Companies Scheming To Not Pay For Vaxed Deaths! Store In BC Bars Vaxed Customers!

Download Hour 3 - Dr Peter Breggin  - The War Against The Covid Machine

64k CF

Blackbird9's Breakfast Club Podcast # 299 - 2023.01.18

Birth Of A Golem Named MLK

Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.

Keeping you up to date - One Knowledge Sphere at a time

80 CF Download

January 18, 2023

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2023.01.18

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Guest, Dennis Cimino.

80k CF Download

Beyond the Official Narrative with Richard Kary 2023.01.18

Richard is joined by Dave Scorpio and Mike Sledge.

64k CF Download

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2023.01.18

Reading Race War in High School
 Pete Quinones and Tim Kelly read and discuss Chapter 6 of Harold Saltzman's 1972 book Race War in High School.