
Published by John Kaminski: Thursday, 13 January 2022 16:09
You’ll never find it
on TV, in newspapers
or from the government
When I think back about all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all.
— Paul Simon, Kodachrome
I got to thinking a common thought we’ve all had about how what we are taught in school, especially in history, as being totally inadequate to prepare us for what we discover as adults is the nature of the real world. But nothing we ever could have been taught could ever have prepared us for the this real world disease hoax which has paralyzed everyone on the planet with this fear of a phantom menace that the people who control our lives have used to shut down our minds and basically change the nature of the reality in which we live. Turned it into a prison, in fact.
So in contemplating all the influences which have created this diabolical situation, take yourselves back to high school civics class and reflect on the lessons you were taught. I mean, their useless simplicity consisted of factoids like George Washington chopped down the cherry tree, Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, and the Greatest Generation rose up to destroy a German madman who wanted to enslave the world.
Only later, if we do a little reading as adults, we discover that none of these things was actually true and that we were taught these vignettes to properly brainwash us into unquestioning devotion to our country, a star spangled banner of the mind so to speak. Turning us into compliant robots is another way to put it.