On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Rocky Suhayda,
Chairman of the American Nazi Party, and Axl Hess, Director of Outreach
of the American Nazi Party. We'll be discussing the
American Nazi Party, it's history and objectives,
George Lincoln Rockwell,
challenges facing White America, and related issues. Calls will be
taken throughout the conversation. Tune in for what will surely be an
interesting discussion!
John Friend.net
Is it required that every show here have a nazi, CI, or WN fuktard reference point? thanks in advance
- --- Phat Freddie ----
Phat Freddie is a Jealous kike
No worries, his Am Nazis are no Nazis, did you listen, they sounded like tards and commies, whoever called in made them look like kike shils.
National socialism is a pure German doctrine for the Germanic and Nordic peoples, its not for american mutts. You guys need your own unique movement, with similar ideology.
I don't trust the ANP that much, although I agree that we have all the ammunition we need to begin whatever, the only that is missing is of the of course street activism, and people need to be fearless if they are serious about this.
This guy Suhayda??? got his ass kicked, he is no a stormtrooper at all---he is for queers as long as they pay him and dont tell him he cant be a nazi
The girly sounding guy who was on with that Rocky guy doesnt help that anp group with their pro fag talk, he sounded like he hangs at fag bars, he or his Rock couldnt take on that guy who called in and stomped them. Those guys are weak on kikes too.
Lugh was right in not wanting to associate with some of the guest John has on. I knew this inteview was gonna be rubbish! I mean, America NAZI party? is he even serious? Three hours of the same talking points from this 'nazi'! What a joke!
He wants you to 'admire' the Jew and feel 'guilty' for allowing the 'cunning and admirable' jew taking over our society. LOL This 'nazi' dopey is an idiot! He wants to be taken seriously with a name like "American NAZI party" hahahaha....
This NAZI Chairman calls himself 'revolutionary', and what is his great master plan? Getting ELECTED to anything even to a 'dog catcher' spot! Watch out! We are gonna play the with the electoral system! what a 'revolutionary'!! HAHAHAHA
'Private rallies'!!! "don't debate the HOLOHOAX" "no class division, but we should only appeal to the 'working class' and accuse the upper class for allowing the 'admirable' jew to takeover" wtf? These guys as nothing but LIMP WRISTED "john birch society pseudo-'revolutionary' PRO-GAY reactionaries with a swastika slapped on! "America are a Fascist empire" "we have a policy of DON'T ASK DON'T TELL" These people are a JOKE! "I've-been-on-this-a-looong-time' Nazis perpetual LOSERS! begging non-whites for some shekles! LOL
Rocky NAZI Chairman says 'quality over quantity' and accepts faggots and 'average' pro-holohoaxers! LOL
Also, I've never heard a bunch of 'nazi' COWARDS before! forget about "elections"! Marxist and Anarchist are open anti-statist true revolutionaries of the left, while 'Nazis' like these idiots are cowards! afraid to even speak against this Jew laden treasonous evil monstrocity we call America! Or the HOLOHOAX! Can't believe there are still people out there still believe in the electoral system! Time to face the facts dopeys. Cali, the southwest and most eastern parts of the US are gone not only demographically, politically, but also spiritually –if there is any of it left that is! We can still talk and maybe even orginaze, but we need to act as if all those things are already illegal to do. What it is gonna take for you to realize that this Jewish Republic will NEVER respect our rights! Those of us who are students of history must have realized a long time ago that this Plutocratic-Marxist-Democrat International Capitalist system is the essential tyranny many in the past warned us about. Away with all of it! I’m looking for something new and this America 'Nazi' party is not even worth talking about! They are big gigantic LOSERS! a perpetual JOKE for real people out there and probably an FBI front!!
A pro-faggot don't ask don't tell Nazi organization?? Oh the media is gonna have a feast on that!! LMAO! And this Rocky guy seems to be the Bill Clinton 'progressive' of the nazi movement. hahahah
Nazi Rocky asks 'what is your end goal'! John should've reply: Whats yours! To be elected dog catcher!! and work for the system! and accept nonewhites, jews and fags as long as they throw money at your feet!?
Jezz, these guys are typical amerinutts!
These stupid nazis said "we don't need intellectuals?" WTF? let me tell you, people would be more interested in listening intellectuals like Kevin Mcdonnals and the likes than some dolt of the american NAZI party!! These people are the very definition of stupidity.
Mr. Martin has done great work. In particular, his presentation on the economic plan of the NSDAP was outstanding. Mr. Friend has done very good work, too. We should be thankful for both of them.
However, some of their views are highly problematic. Rocky's statements and questions underscored them-- often, quite powerfully.
For starters, White Americans need to recognize that we have much more than a Jewish problem. We have an Anglo/Puritan problem, and that, in large measure, has led to the enormous Jewish power that exists in the US. White Americans were the ones who destroyed NS Germany. White Americans were the ones who were persuaded by Jewish propaganda that was absurd on its face, as well us utterly offensive and childish. And why? Well, like the Jews, we Americans, with our deep Puritanical roots, are "the chosen people." And why would the leaders of "the chosen people" lie?
Mr. Martin has been talking a lot about "the Jewish buffet," and how we should not tolerate any of it. The problem with this is how easy it is for purists to conflate just about anything with Jewish machinations. For instance, women having greater opportunities equals "radical Jewish feminism." For the purists, family planning does not spring from reason and responsibility, but rather decadence and Jewish scheming. And frankly, most Americans who go on and on about decadence would accuse the artwork of NS Germany that celebrated the body and sensuality of being pornographic, and they would frown upon white married couples enjoying sexual pleasure that was non-reproductive.
As for homosexuality, Lady Michele Renouf made a very reasonable statement about it in an interview a few years ago. Essentially, she said that, decades ago, homosexuals recognized that "they were queer," and did not try to convince others that their lifestyle was "normal." They did not try to push for absolutely ludicrous and destructive things, like gay marriage, adoption rights, pride marches, etc. She also expressed that she did not want any harm to come to homosexuals. For purists, Lady Michele Renouf has taken from "the Jewish Buffet," rather than conforming to a European sense of justice and fairness. And regardless of what Hollywood would have you believe, the "Nazis" were not rounding up all suspected gays and lesbians. There was no "Homocaust."
Again, Mr. Friend and Mr. Martin are doing great work. However, Rocky said quite a few things that these men should think about and take seriously.
What true nationalist party calls itself a "nazi" party? Only bunch of jew homosexuals from Brooklyn.
"Nazi" is jewspeak from askeNAZI vocabulary.
Any group using "nazi" imagery is run by either kikes or complete morons.
Is this the same American Nazi Party that was led by half-Jew Frank Collins(nee Cohen) in the 1970's?
Does swastika scares you, jewboy?
Nah, they're probably methhead rednecks or FBI angents.
Their leader sounds pretty dumb to begin with.
Jews are less afraid of the swastika than most white americans. They love it so much they draw it on their synagogues because they know how well it can garner sympathy for them. Good luck trying to wake america up to the jews using a swastika. It hasnt worked for 50 years and wont start anytime soon. And yes, i know the swastika is an ancient white symbol. But when the jews made their hebrew alphabet they copied it from white egyptian hieroglyphs. The swastika is the first letter of their alphabet now. Once we get rid of all the jews we can reclaim our symbol. But its utterly stupid to think we can use it right now and avoid playing right into their sympathy game. There's many other aryan symbols to choose from that would be much more effective. If you dont understand, I feel sorry for you.
Why even use the swastika if you are going to avoid the facts ? They should use the fist as a logo and continue to tail behind the masses.
Rocky contradicts himself when he says he is looking for quality ,then states that the masses need to be spoon fed.What the hell is that all about ? These guys should retire.
At least John Friend straightened him out several times and muted him.
Nothing wrong with swastikas. Most white people are dumbshits who piss in their pants if you even mention the word jew.
Point is that word "nazi" is a smear word invented by the jew communists.
Why not name their party as "white suppremacist haters who want to kill six million jews"?
There is no such thing as "nazi", but there is national socialists or white nationalists. You get it yet, kikeboy?
ANP is a washout remains of party that Rockwell once started and he named deliberately it is "nazi" to get media attention, wich wasn't then so dominated by the jew marxist propaganda. He later wanted to rename this to National Socialist White People's Party but got assasinated.
Their philosophy is totally outdated and could barely fit in 1967 situation, but now they are political corpse. We can't fight then inside the political system. I dont even know why "Friend" brought out these washed out dumbasses.
Rocky Suhayda? That guy isn't legit. I've stated this time and time again on my site at thechristianidentityforum.net. Suhayda is a complete fraud!
No, rabbi Jebediah.
LOL at Fiend defending fascism we at 1:03 .. then being contradicted by the GLR clip he played right afterward. HAHA!
Rodney Martin was the one who called in, he had to tell these guys what NS is, he smashed these these guys about NS and Rocky got pissed because he got his ass kicked. Rodney didn't like these guys being pro faggot. Rodney said these guys are munching at the Jew buffet.
lol just getting into this, very interesting show. John friend educating "american nazi's" about jews. American NAZI aka not american NSDAP/ american workers party. NAZI is derogatory and these cunts wear it as a badge.
Rocky the squirrel dressed up like a gerbil
in the arse of a
The Nazi Party is a judeo-front. Still does Jfriend have to act like AJ and constantly interrupt the guest. You talk, they talk, and repeat!
Rodney is RIght, These people are Pseudo NS, First and foremost, Americans stop pretending your going to revive an identical party like the NSDAP, that Great Party served its time Justly and Correctly for the German Nation, but just trying to put an american face to it is stupid. The best thing to do is make up an original party or movement with similar ideologies, Now the ANP are a bunch of clowns in my book, First Off, Why the HELL do they coin themselves by the slander term "NAZI", they complain nobody cares about the Holohoax yet they use Slanders that will conjure up those events in peoples heads like "Nazi", second these guys neglect homosexuality and third they say they don't care where they get their funding from?? yea...so i guess if Mr. Abe Foxman shows up tmrw at their door, they'll be more than happy to accept. Rocky and bullwinkle are a bunch of pessimistic fools who idolize the JEW for their INSIDIOUS NATURE, yep Rocky sounds like a total psy-op.
John "Friend" is bad interviewer, let people to decide for themsleves.
You can say whatever you want about Kyle Hunt, but at least he doesn't interrupt his guests.
No need for Fox TV style spin here, we're all intelligent beings.
Man, Rodney really pounded those 'nazis'... haha
Anyone with half a brain would've done it also. These 'nazis' are total idiots who have been talking to themselves for far too long.
Actually, John did well in muting that Rocky guy for his own goood because of the stupid things he says. His 'dont ask don't tell' nazi policy and accepting shekles from 'anybody', and presumably the ADL which is most likely, really got me laughing hard. People here are right. These nazis are a joke.
ANP talked about STRATEGY, not about slogans we all know. but Friend and Rpdney totally missed their points.
I mean who can tell how many our nationalist leaders surf in gay porn sites in their free time?
How many readers of this very blog do that?
Ernst Röhm was known homosexual and used to be Hitler's second man, but got shot not because he was homosexual, but because he tried to break up the movement and start a civil war! That would be death sentence to Germany, because communist movement inside Germany was very strong in that time and just waiting for the moment.
John Friend should return to what he was good at, finding & repeating the bad stuff that jews say & write.
& at the same time try to rebuild his reputation, dignity & pride. rather than this carnival act.
@ April 10, 2013 at 6:51 PM
"....surf in gay porn sites in their free time?"
Just because you are a faggot and those ANPs are faggots doesn't mean every other WN and NS are too, hey, isn't it Pride Hour at your Gay-Bar?
to 7:08
That's not what i've said. Are you really sure that their all totally straight and thing only about pounding pussies? Do you have all their browser history logs?
I have some serious doubts about those two bodybuilders in Troof Militia though being closeted cases, lol
I wanna join ANP. Don't trust much John Friend, he sounds like a punk to me.
All words and no action, like most of you guys here.
We need to stop this circle jerk of recycled information and reach for a common man.
National Socialism does have a blueprint and could be a seed to getting organized. There will be more Mayday celebrations May 1 like the one that Alex Jones set up in Seattle last year.
Only three National Socialists were brave enough to calmly walk through the hordes of communists that were carrying on with their rioting and smashing windows of private businesses.
There has to be some coalescence of organization to form a resistance to the communists which have taken over both the left and right and the resistance in the form of a Bolshevik revolution that the jonsetininians are advocating. If we do not get a point where we can become a force then just forget ever solving the problems. This is a good start and this could be it. I hope this becomes successful.
Rocky said' I love you Adrian .
National Socialism explained in one speech
@ "Rodney didn't like these guys being pro faggot. Rodney said these guys are munching at the Jew buffet."
That's because Rodney's an Abrahamic Christard who worships the jew-on-a-stick subconsciously while buying the Jew's surface brainwashing that Jesus was anti-Jew, and, though not a CI himself, has no objections to 'marching with CI,' especially convicted murderers like Bill Finck.
Hitler himself was not a Christian as proven by the David-Irving authenticated "Table Talks." His plan was to phase out Christardianity gradually, in imperceptible steps, over the course of a hundred years or so.
He also did not persecute homosexuals, and sometimes even promoted known homosexuals, as proven by his association with Rohm and others. Rohm's murder was a political move and not personal. Hitler did not operate on prejudice but as a reasonable and pragmatic political man.
Wannabe homo-slayer Abrahamic-freaks like Rodney belong in Iran-like theocracies where his Abrahamic Muslim flipsides of the coin take a lot of pleasure and entertainment out of stoning and hanging gays and adulterers.
Veronica Clark did a whole show with Deanna Spingola about the myth of Hitler's supposed persecution of gays.
I smell a filthy namble member faggot above!
Wanna be homo-phile/lover Atheaist-freaks like @Anon 2:53 above belong in US-like judaized pest holes where Talmudic pedo faggots take a lot of pleasure and entertainment out of indoctrinating and teaching sodomising techniques to little children everywhere.
Veronica Clark also said Hitler just lived negros and tolerated race mixing! LOL
Rodney is hag christard who doesn't know what he's talking about and even his so called history lessons are worthless pile of trivial crap, often inccurate. You should try to do something else, old man. Maybe you're good at reparing roofs or something, lol
Veronica Clark is a Liberal Hippie, she can try to tone down hitler being a racialist all she wants but in the end, his racial views remained intact, btw hitler wasn't a god he did make mistakes, he was to nice in my view. Also she probably is a closet muslim, thats why she suggested becoming a rag head is the only way to defeating the Jews! LOL
Veronica Clark = good historian, idiot when it comes to solutions
Amerikkka 2013 is a corporate fascist hell hole, using Ayn Rand's definition fascism is private ownership of property with state control. We are in fascism now and it sucks, every aspect of our lives is being controlled, in most statist states we are not even allowed to grow a weed for our own ingestion.
So what is this infatuation with national socialism? Do any of you actually want cradle to grave collectivism? Isn't the welfare state and the intrusion into our privacy the problem? Who else but a Judeo-Christian-Muslin-religious control freak wants to tell other people what to do?
I consider Hitler the greatest man who ever lived (including Jesus who is a fictional Jewish sun god character). Hitler was right for Germany in 1933, that was then, that was over there. We are light years away from that reality, we are in a completely different space.
If we are to go anywhere it is toward less control and more freedom. Freedom to do what the fuck you want because my gun says I can.
We are heading toward the ultimate expression of freedom, total anachism, the right to do or say or go anywhere you want. The right to live in any type of dwelling, drive any kind of vehicle, eat what ever food we choose.
Examine those who are promoting this ultra state control, they may be corporate or state or Jewish sponsored. Who would want to completely control and marshal our society with a new militant nationalistic socialistic collectivistic ultra mind control ultra regimented nighmare?
Freedom is a jew word. Ayn Rand is a jew. And you love jewsus and hitler? You have to be a jew. Jews love their christard racket and this laughable hitler worship that's been preaching to the marginal choir for 50 years.
Can you imagine what perpetual anarchism would be like? A total nightmare existence. No forward movement in society. Crime unpunished. Atleast under this jew system we have somewhat of a civilization. We just need it in our hands. We'll kick the kikes, mexicans, muslims, blacks, and asians out. Install a racial policy like china for whites. Nationalize the banks. Help white people across the board in poverty. And hopefully populate ourselves back to dominance. Socialism is civilization. We just havent seen it without jews in a couple thousand years. Thats including Hitler's Germany, he had an obscene number of jews in his ranks.
quote: Freedom is a "Jew word"
what a crock of shit
the Jews control everything including your mind if you are Christian
only an evil retard wants to control others
"Thats including Hitler's Germany, he had an obscene number of jews in his ranks." What a RETARD Jim condit worshipper!
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