February 05, 2014

Spingola Speaks 2014.02.05

Guest: Keith Johnson, a journalist at American Free Press. Kieth and Deanna talk about Sandy Hook

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Uncle Fester calls in about 55 mins in, and Deanna and Kieth shut him up quick.  Lol


Anonymous said...

LOL that Spingola cut off one side of the debate?? Is that really funny. I don't think so. I Think it is another sign that she is losing perspective, objectivity

Remember the quote she loves

The truth does not fear investigation

I totally agree

yet she stifles debate

please reflect on your actions today.

Anonymous said...

Another disappointing Spingola S.Hoax show!

Labeling Sofia's 911 Mysteries as "supporting the official story", based solely on D.Rather's "off-the-reservation" observation on 911 that #7 looked like a CD, was especially disingenuous & absurd! 911 Mysteries came out in '05, ~4 years after 911 when the official "pancake collapse due to intense heat" story was firmly established. CDs of 1, 2 & 7 is NOT the official story! :(

The Fetzer treatment beginning at 55:00 was VERY telling, too! KJ's shtick through the show was all ad-hom/ridicule, straw men & special pleading fallacies; but Fetzer calls in to protest, and Spingola scolds that she won't allow him to "attack her guest", and then hangs up on JF immediately after asking him a question, ?!? Given a chance to answer re JF's 'source' for his assertion, he might have cited the messageboard (IE Mami's) & "debate poll" comments, where the majority (dismissing obvious aleksa/etc type shills) have been overwhelmingly critical of the DS/TUT/etc crowd's (proclaimed...) SHoax position. No wonder she hung up on JF immediately after posing that question!

Problem with Spingola/TUT/etc's "case" IMHO is their reliance on zion.gov docs (death certs which no one has actually seen outside that little joo rag in joo york who got them through a FOIA request and then hoarded them; Social Sec. death records; joo rags like NYT) in making their case, over a year after the SH 'event' which has given the perps plenty of time to plug all the holes in their sloppy hoax! As it is with 911, the perps have provided all the "evidence" she cites! 911 Whitewash Commish Report, anyone?

And SpingolaCo's repeated declarations that "I never said I support .gov's official SH story...", I guess seeking to retain a shred-of-cred, rings hollow, when they never cite exactly which part(s) of .gov's story they have any problem with! In DS' 15 Jan show, 12:20:

" [...] I believe that on December 14 2012, twenty year old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children, and 6 adult staff members, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut, which was founded in 1705, which had a population in 2012 of 28,042 people. Before driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother Nancy, and as first responders arrived, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Friends and family attended the many funerals that were held. There were people that were killed. There were funerals. [...]"

"Spingola Jumps Shark, Supports Zion.gov's Official Sandy Hook Story "


Deanna said...

I do not allow any caller to call into the program and attack any guest. Fetzer had his opportunity to debate Johnson and I am not going to allow him to resume it on my program. I invited Sofia Smallstorm to be on my program but she declined. I would be most happy to have Dr. Fetzer on also.

SatanicJewsClues911 said...

Deana, You Invited Sofia Smallstorm? Sure.
You stated in the past. that Boston was a diversion from Sandyhook.
Why would the Government want to Divert attention from Sanyhook if there was not a Rat to be Found?
Also, Looks like anyone that does not Agree with you are Uneducated..
LMFAO.. Not buying what your PAYED to sell lady!

Anonymous said...

I think what has been happening here and across forums is/was a slow infiltration of Cass Sunstein agents who came in and earned the trust and respect of others such as a few of the kind admins at Mami's shit and a few of them and other gullible people over to these ridiculous theories as an effort to dumb down and weaken any credible and provable theories such as jewish power (http://thezog.info as an example). This has been an elaborate setup and I know I will be proven right as good people such as Deanna and Keith try to bring the truth to light. Even worse is a fantastic and wonderful person such as Deanna is being attacked in attempt to bring her down and only elite supremacist jews are this cunning.

Remember if you support this nonsense you are helping make it happen. Anyone who supports or promotes Sandy Hook Nose theories are suspect are need to recheck their thinking. John "Friend" cannot be trusted and Fetzer is a known participant of a website whose owner willfully admitted that his site is 40% disinfo.

Anonymous said...

Michael Collins Piper pointed out that at least three people at AFP have the view that crisis actors were used at Sandy Hook (Pete Papaherakles, Victor Thorn and John Friend).

However, not long after SH, in January 2013, Mark Glenn, Hesham Tillawi and MCP jumped on board in claiming the mass media's story that Adam Lanza had killed 26 people was true, and Keith Johnson later supported that.

Unlike AFP, I don't know of a single member of The Ugly Truth (add ZCF, Jonathan Azaziah, Max French and Mark Dankof to that list) that has a differing opinion. That's a bid odd for a group of truth seekers.

MCP admitted in this show that he never read much of what the other people were saying (Fetzer, Sofia, John Friend) until recently, and it wasn't until near the end of December that he had watched Sofia's documentary.

He said in this show that the reason he didn't is because he was hearing mostly "opinion", like no parent would react the way Robbie Parker did, or no parent would accept their children's bodies lying in the school overnight.

MCP, why would you not read what they specifically said, once you started alleging that some of this was the work of Cass Sunstein? Instead you went on to make fun of "wheelchair conspiracy theorists" during an August podcast.

Now this is the really puzzling thing for me, is why did you say that it doesn't wash that DallasGoldBug is a plant in the movement when he came to prominence after the Aurora shooting and made some reasonable claims only to later say that the same person is playing Betty White and the Queen of England and the same person is playing Jerry Sandusky and Kevin Costner.

If that doesn't make DallasGoldBug a Sunstein plant, then who is?

Anonymous said...

Correction: When I said DBG came to prominence after the Aurora shooting, I meant the Gabbie Giffords shooting.

Anonymous said...

Jim Fetzer's vicious attack and unprovable LIE that Deanna is losing listeners further proves everything I am saying. This is a sneaky attack in effort to destroy credible researchers such as Deana, Keith and MCP. If you can't see this then when you are a laughing stock when you try to win people over with credible and provable theories take a hard look in the mirror for what you did...

Deanna said...

I do not receive a dime for my work nor do I have a donation button on my web site or sell anything on my site other than my own work. I am self-published and just about break even. I am not paid by any agency. I have lost family and friends over my views but I believe that the truth is imperative. On 2/1, seeing Mami's suggestion, I extended an invitation to Sofia Smallstorm to be a guest on RBN to talk about her video and she politely declined as she prefers programs without commercial breaks and she also felt it would be a hostile environment and then suggested that I invite Dr. Jim Fetzer which I am open to doing which certainly demonstrates a certain amount of objectivity. Dr. Fetzer called into the program today and accused Keith and I of attacking him and Smallstorm. Yet, he and John Friend did that to MCP when MCP was unable to participate in a scheduled debate due to a very serious health issue. In as much as Sofia Smallstorm declined my offer during which I would have asked her some hard questions, I am in the process of critiquing her video and will talk about it on a future radio program as well as upload a written document on it. I have a right to my skepticism. Truth is not based on the popularity of an opinion but on facts. I have just as much right to investigate SH as anyone else. I do not think that the case is closed just because others have given their conclusions.

Unknown said...

Has it ever occurred to anyone that not a single person involved in this big debate has ever stepped foot in to Newtown?
They all seem very quick to label themselves as "investigative journalists" though.
No visits, no extensive phone interviews, no INVESTIGATIVE journalism.
Now it's just a big shit slinging festival that accomplishes nothing except providing Jerry Springer infotainment.

Northerntruthseeker said...

Sorry, MS. Spingola, but your association with AFP is very telling and most disturbing...

I for one find it appalling that you actually have the nerve to say that MCP "won" the recent "debate" with Jim Fetzer... I do not know what debate you were listening to, but it obviously was not that one!

MCP came across as a total buffoon with no pertinent information at all.. He preferred only to attack Jim Fetzer's material and had nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to back up his own contentions.. No wait, he did not bring any contentions at all to that debate, did he??? Therefore all MCP did was to try to turn that debate into a circus, and therefore shows clearly that he absolutely is NOT a debater but a fool...

I for one am disgusted with the actions of yourself and the people over at TUT.... Personal attacks and slurs against those who are not afraid to actually sit down, use critical thinking, and rationalize what Sandy Hook really was shows how dishonorable you all have become.....

Independent research has shown the truth about Sandy Hook, and it is those independent researchers that can now see what you and others are doing to our efforts against the criminal Jews.... We will not be dissuaded from the truth...

And BTW.... If anyone still questions Sandy Hook... I have two words for you... GENE ROSEN.... You, DS and others will need to explain that clown and what he was doing on the day of that "shooting".. His insertion into the fraud shows the evidence that it indeed was a setup and an operation.

If you still think it was real, then please explain "Gene" and his phoney actions to us, because we are all ears!

Northerntruthseeker said...

Is that the best you can do? Insult and call names? It shows how mature you are and again shows exactly the type of people that we who are actually getting to the bottom of all these "shootings" are dealing with!

I am surprised that comment actually passed through the Grizzom filter?

When you do grow up and can actually converse without insults.... Let me know....Otherwise stop wasting my time....

Christopher Marlowe said...

Very disappointed to hear that Deanna has invited Keith Johnson on the show, especially after that clownshow of a debate he put on with Jim Fetzer. Johnson was all about the ad hom, wasn't prepared, and didn't really discuss much in the way of substance.

I'm glad to hear that Deanna will have Fetzer on. But I really wish Mr Fetzer will avoid relating everything to esoteric arguments regarding JFK.

Another good guest on this topic would be John Friend: very fact based and logical.

MCP's debate was also a sad farce. MCP admitted to not having done ANY research on the topic. PATHETIC. TUT has also behaved pathetically.

The major problem is that those attacking the conspiracy theory lack any systematic logical basis to formulate an argument. They don't deal with the OVERWHELMING FACTS.

Unknown said...

I think that people questioning the SH shooting bring up a lot of great questions.
My point is that no one went there, that's all.
That doesn't mean that a lot of the questions and discrepancies that are brought up aren't valid questions.
The problem is that it's turning in to a big clusterfuck, which serves no one but the perpetrators, whoever they may be and to whatever degree that the event was managed.
I know personally that I eye witnessed a few events in Jerusalem that got worldwide attention and were reported completely erroneously by every major news outlet, so I am always open to the possibility that things are not the way they seem.

Anonymous said...

consti2tionalist said...
I think what has been happening here and across forums is/was a slow infiltration of Cass Sunstein agents [...]

Besides the generous serving of jewey ad-hom/insults towards individuals, groups & alt SH theories which tellingly stink up your posts; also especially jewey is your (& DS's & MCP's & TUTs & your other 'Aleksa' handle's) continuous use of 'their' favorite lying MO: (preemptively) flipping the script & projecting (onto 'their' opponents what 'they' are supremely & conspicuously guilty of).

Self-posturing shill/agent super-watchdog MCP:
^ "reverse-projecting" through that nauseating, vacuous podcast, along with all of TUT&Co, spent countless podcasts last year and this year, not only 'ridiculing' S.Hoax-skeptics ("Sandy Hookers, huh huh huh"), but also 'speculating' that skeptics are all Sunstein cognitive-infiltrators... LOL. Their continuous resorting to that signature-jewey lying/disinfo MO of (preemptively) flipping the script & projecting (onto 'their' opponents what 'they' are supremely & conspicuously guilty of), is the #1 element which has revealed their disingenuousness wrt their anti-S.Hoax-skepticism campaign!


Weak sauce, guys!

Anonymous said...

"Yet, he and John Friend did that to MCP when MCP was unable to participate in a scheduled debate due to a very serious health issue."

They did nothing to MCP. I have listened the program. They had the right to speak about SH after the second guest had declined. They disussed from their points of views. I have not listened this show yet, but I 'm conviced already that this has been much worse. Because JF and JF did not attacked their opponents, but had a civilised and intelligent show.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Writers with ethics that run deep tend to leave or have left VT. Fetzer still lingers on with the types of Duffy ~ both experienced old warhorses who should be retired to pasture before they can do any more damage with their campaigns of destruction.

What I heard from Mr. F. was a man on the attack every time he opened his mouth. He behaved like an attack animal even if he did have information to share and Deanna was quite right to dismiss his rudeness of the moment.

The Realist Report said...

Hi Deanna, I'm really looking forward to your interview with Dr. Fetzer.

I know you're busy preparing a critique of Sofia Smallstorm's excellent Unravelling Sandy Hook video, which I'm also very much looking forward to hearing, but could you please explain in what way Dr. Fetzer and I attacked MCP?

When MCP backed out of the scheduled debate on my program for health reasons, Dr. Fetzer and I proceeded to critique Piper's position on Sandy Hook, demonstrating that his primary thesis about Sandy Hook as laid out in his book False Flags is completely unfounded and totally untenable. MCP admitted as much during the AFP debate I participated in with Dr. Fetzer. He has literally no evidence to support his thesis that Cass Sunstein and his operatives inserted the "Sandy Hook Hoax" meme into the alternative media in order to discredit the truth movement - ZERO evidence for this thesis.

Dr. Fetzer and I read excerpts from an article MCP wrote for AFP about Sandy Hook, and read numerous excerpts from his book False Flags, showing how untenable his stance is on this very important topic. We did not attack his character at any point, and I even defended the man repeatedly throughout the broadcast. Go back and listen.

Piper's stance on Sandy Hook was totally debunked during that radio program, and no personal attacks were leveled against him by me (or Dr. Fetzer from what I remember).

So if by attack, you mean critique and debunk, then you're right. But Dr. Fetzer and I in no way attacked MCP personally. Maybe you could explain why you think we attacked him? Or provide a quote or excerpt of the radio broadcast demonstrating our alleged attacks against MCP?

I'm sure you're aware that Carolyn Yeager recently dedicated two of her radio broadcasts to criticizing me. During one of those broadcasts, she stated that you, Deanna Spingola, wrote an email to her saying that you think I am a Jew, and that Dr. Jim Fetzer is CIA and is working as my "handler". I emailed you about this, and never received a response from you. I really don't think Carolyn Yeager would make something like this up, so I'm asking you publicly to comment on this.

Did you, Deanna Spingola, tell Carolyn Yeager that you think I'm a Jew and that Dr. Jim Fetzer is my CIA "handler"?

If you did in fact say this to Carolyn Yeager, do you consider this an attack on my character? Do you have any evidence whatsoever that I am a Jew or that Dr. Fetzer is CIA?

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Meanwhile, our common enemy, the one we ALL agree upon who unites us in our purpose, sits back with a smirk and gloats at the great success of the divide and conquer strategy that brings out such disunity amongst us all.

People are fixated on the one issue rather than the overall agenda and weakens everyone in the process. Win win for him and his ilk on so very many levels, a great bonus just to the general credibility issue.

How many Protocols got pulled into play here?

Aleksa said...


Please stay out of SH silly theories!
It does not good at all!
They are not any different then AJ illuminati reptoid chasers!
Debating these cultists makes no sence!

They like to mix them selfs in to real research with their fantazies so they can discredit anyone that does real work!
The best thing is to ignore these idiots!
You see that they use the same words like Dallas Goldburg(Ken Horst//Spin Gola)!
No point in debating these idiots!

Aleksa said...

LOL,Sandy Hookers at MAMIS finaly started moderating comments!
Protecting their silly conspiracy theories and Sandy Hooker belivers!

When they realy had to do it ,they didnt!
Now when it comes to this moronic theories they moderate!

MAMIs has turned in to a David Icke reptoid kind alike conspiracie site!

RJ said...

oh ffs ,, SH really? wow.

Unknown said...

Conjecture and very little else is not going to be enough for me to buy the official version of SH.

SH is just one obscenity in a long list of obscenities that have many good people from all around the world asking the same question.

The question is, wow, you what, the MSM want me to believe that.

Let's not fool ourselves into believing that when we have our differences hear and there that we are somehow going damage the "truth movement". The light of truth when defended burns brighter leaving the not so good people with no place to hide

zapoper said...

I really don't understand why people waste their time debating this which can't be proven either way. This stupid Sandy Hook argument is as divisive as the endless years spent on debating how they brought down the towers.

It's obvious to me that this whole thing only serves to make us look like morons to the average joe.

Who benefits? lol

foon1e said...

Actually Aleksa, we've been moderating the comments section since it went to shit last year-and mami had to recruit new admins to keep the peace.(and delete shit posted by the likes of yourself-just swearing & ad-homening all over the place.)
We enjoy a good robust debate like most that visit here. But deliberate smearing-personal attacks and going off-topic on the post you're supposed to be commenting on won't be allowed to get out of hand. We tried the light touch approach before and you lot abused it. No more. You can't keep to the guidelines we ask you to? Time for you to go elsewhere. Hope that's clear enough for your paranoid ass?

Anonymous said...

All together now:
This is the blog that never ends,
and it goes on and on my friends,
Someone started long ago not knowing what it was,
and it goes on forever and forever just because,
this is the blog that never ends...(repeat)

Time to put this to rest, please?

Nothing is going to be proved, either way so stop slandering each other and put your intellectual energy to better use.

Aleksa said...


I have bean coming to this GREAT site sinds the bigining!

It used to be much better site till you showed up and started to post theories like SH!

I get sick of SH belivers calling everyone a shill or an operative that does not belive in SH,no plane and all other theories that make people with ultimate conspiracy(JEW)look like idiots!

I am not a troll,i went to far,but thats cause these people mix them self with the story more important then SH and discredit everyone that works hard showing the truth!

Now Spingola is a shill and kike!!?
Just cause she does not get involved in this lunacy!

I agree with zap,this story is created to divide people!
This site was much better before some people started posting all kind of silly theories!

I will still come and comment at this site!!!


SmashEvil said...

Deanna, it was a good show. I enjoyed it.

Keith brought up some hard hit points to debunk Fetzer's SH theory.

It is one matter to not believe in the government official story; it is another matter to create a fantastic story to debunk the government story.

Fetzer & Co.'s no plane/no one die/video fakery/crisis actors's theories have already done very much harm to this truth movement.

foon1e said...

Talk about a backhanded apology.
Yes, you went too far. You were inciting others to respond in-kind with your shrill attacks and verbal flailing-around. People are entitled to question the statements and actions of any "Net-Personality" here. But please do so with wit,Honour,and intellectual Integrity. You do yourself, and by extention,the rest of mami's regular visitors no favours when you decend into swearing and name-calling.
Show me where *I* actually posted stuff like *SH*,which you believe has ruined mami's as a place of informed debate?
I would contend that Mami's has become more varied and intellectually stimulating since the Admin line-up around here was shaken up. We don't expect everyone to sheepishly follow the same party-lines when it comes to some of the more contentious postings.But we hope you all can respect what Grizz,Zap et al have been trying to provide for you here without charge,or any one specific perspective.
We all try to stay neutral about what we post:Prefering you guys and gals to decide for yourselves if it's truth or Bullshit. And we like to see people coming together in common cause against all things Jew controlled.
Zap is right about such news being deliberately sponsored by those actively looking to divide opinion and steer debates away from the truth. There's been a lot of those types of stories and broadcasts recently. It's our responsibility to post it up, and let you guys be aware of what is happening within the truth movements. But we won't let mami's become alligned with one side or another.That's exactly what the Jews want in order to stir shit up with the aid of their professional operatives in both the chat and comments section. Their's is an old game of "Divide and Conquer". And we are wise to their tactics here - and actively moderating against it.
Mami's is a News Aggregation Blog. And a refuge for those who feel persecuted out there in Jew-Controlled Media outlets. If you don't want it to turn into something else a la Icke's efforts, stay on topic and be respectful to the others trying to seek out truth in a genuine fashion. That's all we ask.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled bickering ;)

Aleksa said...

Ok Foon,i agree with your post!
I will try not to react with madnes anymore!

Beep said...

Fetzer is clearly an agent of disinfo, jumping on every conspiracy bandwaggon going, then adopting the most extreme and unlikely position on every issue. All bluff and bluster and little substance when he defends his position. Indulges in ad-homs he accuses others of. Favourite word - "Ridiculous!". May well have a screw lose as he frequently launches into non-sequitur tirades. Listen to his voice, even his indignation is fake.
Smallstorm is in the same boat, having to reinvent herself and change her name when she got caught dubbing new sounds into 911 footage. Chem trail enthusiast. Preying on gullible people who are susceptible to nonsense. Poisoning the whole well is their MO.

Mami said...

Ive been around enough to know all this shit will blow over and by next month most will "fu-get about it"

Problem is these assholes have spread doubt around and use it like a sword and this has a lasting affect.

Now they have us questioning integrity and who's on which side and this will divide us.

The conspiracy crowd are a very paranoid group of people as it is and it doesn't take much to get us going.

We've been lied to so much we don't believe anything 100%, even if we seen it with our own eyes.

I know enough about the big picture to tell when something is bullshit, and just because some one may be spreading it doesn't necessarily means their hitting for the other team. Hell I've spread a lot of it myself and now looking back I laugh at how silly I was for falling for it.

I have a gift, I don't know where I got it from, but I can spot deception better then any lie detector. All I need is a video or set in a room and talk to someone and I unknowingly can hone in on deception like a hawk. Sometimes I can even tell someone is telling a lie before they even open their mouth to tell it, it's creepy but I've been like this since childhood.

Anyways, what I'm getting at is, Deanna has never given me any signs of deception, not once! My gut tells me she is good person and thats good for me. I don't have to agree with someone to like and trust them. Good people are like family in my book, they may stumble and piss me off from time to time, but I still love em and will pick em up and try and point them in the right direction.

In this case I don't think Deanna has stumbled or anything like that, she is entitled to her opinions and I think she has shined a light on some lying, conniving, and deceitful people and I/we know who they are.

rodin said...

I have watched with interest at how Sandy Hook has become such a hot button topic among "truthers". I remember "ex" MI5 David Shaylor saying that no planes were used on 911 back in about 2006 I think it was. The next year he was wearing lipstick and woman's clothing! This seemed to show that the ridiculous notion of no planes was indeed a looney fringe position.

However, no planes is exactly what happened if you do a proper study of the evidence. The clinchers are

1. Aluminium plane cannot melt into steel building due to Newton III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Consider a moving skyscraper hitting a stationary plane. What happens? Same deal the other way around.

2. Airlines crash when they attempt to fly at speeds claimed on 911 so close to the ground. At an altitude of 11,000 m (typical cruising altitude for a jetairliner), ... the air density is 0.364kg/m3. The density of dry air at standard sea level pressure is 1.204 kg/m3 at 20° Celsius. That's about three times as much resistive force. Max speed in the thinner cruising altitude air is around half that at sea level, yet the official narrative is that the planes hit the buildings at the higher altitude cruising speed.

Now when Shayler said no planes, I argued no way. After all, think of all the independent witnesses...

Fast forward to Sandy Hook. The evidence FOR a real shooting comes from witnesses...

Fast rewind to the Holocaust. The evidence comes from... well by now you get my drift....

Look carefully at the entourage of SH witnesses.... well by now you get my drift....

SH is a talking point because it throws up the possibility that what is happening here is Jews en masse are deceiving gentiles using their controlled media.

Incidentally there have been rearguard actions to discredit the no planes on 911 idea. Suggesting that smoke machines were used, or a directed energy weapon, being (to me at least) obvious examples.

my 2 cents. r

rodin said...


"half" should read "double"

a preview option on comments would be useful....