October 31, 2014
1993 Ernst Zuendel Another Voice of Freedom 06 Rudolf Hess ENG
*President Putin signs law criminalizing HOLOCAUST WW2 Revisionism
*More information here
Living In Hitler's Germany
*Post-WW1 jewish Communism In Germany
*Judeo Bolshevism Discovered
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Jewish Communists
*Adolf Hitler Explains His Reasons For Invading The Soviet Union
*Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
*Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
*Hitler's Shadow - In the Service of the Fuehrer
*Over a hundred locales expelled Jews before “Zionism” was even a factor. Why?
Remembering The 54th Anniversary Of The Israeli Massacre In Kafr Qasim
From 1949 till late 1966 the Israeli government decided to consider
all its Palestinians citizens a “hostile population “. All major Arab
population centers were governed by military administrations and divided
into four districts.
Seven Arab villages, including Kafr Qasim, all along the green line, were considered as high infiltration threats. The villages were patrolled regularly by border police (Magav) under the command of Israeli army brigade commander Colonel Issachar Shadmi. Those villages, containing some 40, 000 villagers, were called the Central District.
October 29, 1956
On the day of the massacre, the Israeli army decided to place all seven villages along the green line under a curfew called the War Time Curfew, from 5 in the evening until 6 the following morning. Israeli soldiers were instructed to shoot and kill any villager violating the curfew.
Even though the border police troops were given the order by their commander at 3:30 in the afternoon, they only informed the mayor of Kafr Qasim about an hour later, leaving a window of 30 minutes for the 400 villagers working in the fields or outside the village to come back home.
***Read full article here***
Seven Arab villages, including Kafr Qasim, all along the green line, were considered as high infiltration threats. The villages were patrolled regularly by border police (Magav) under the command of Israeli army brigade commander Colonel Issachar Shadmi. Those villages, containing some 40, 000 villagers, were called the Central District.
October 29, 1956
On the day of the massacre, the Israeli army decided to place all seven villages along the green line under a curfew called the War Time Curfew, from 5 in the evening until 6 the following morning. Israeli soldiers were instructed to shoot and kill any villager violating the curfew.
Even though the border police troops were given the order by their commander at 3:30 in the afternoon, they only informed the mayor of Kafr Qasim about an hour later, leaving a window of 30 minutes for the 400 villagers working in the fields or outside the village to come back home.
***Read full article here***
Evil clown outbreak leads French town to ban them for Halloween
Evil Clowns. Won't someone *Please* think of the Children?... |
Vendargues, a town of 6,000 residents in southern France, said it wants to temporarily outlaw clown costumes for the year's biggest time of costume parties to "avoid any disruption" during the festivities, Mayor Pierre Dudieuzere said.
"It's about protecting children by preventing any ill-intentioned clowns from mixing with residents," the town hall explained.
The ban applies to all people aged over 13 and will be in force in all public spaces on October 31 and November 1, an order published on the town's city hall website says.
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.10.30
Blacklisted prof. Denis Rancourt on Zionist censorship & Ottawa attack
Physics Professor Denis Rancourt was hounded out of the University of Ottawa on trumped-up charges. His real offense: radical activism, especially his pro-Palestinian stance.
In this interview, Dr. Rancourt discusses how he was spied on and harassed by the University (presumably under Zionist pressure). We compare notes about how both of us (like Norman Finkelstein, Steven Salaita, and others) were driven from North American universities for the same crime: saying things the Zionists didn't like.
In the second half of the interview, we discuss the recent Ottawa "terrorist" shooting. (Check out Denis Rancourt's article Police kill shooter and lose suspect in Ottawa — Canada’s 911? and my own Ottawa shooting: Yet another false flag? )
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
Physics Professor Denis Rancourt was hounded out of the University of Ottawa on trumped-up charges. His real offense: radical activism, especially his pro-Palestinian stance.
In this interview, Dr. Rancourt discusses how he was spied on and harassed by the University (presumably under Zionist pressure). We compare notes about how both of us (like Norman Finkelstein, Steven Salaita, and others) were driven from North American universities for the same crime: saying things the Zionists didn't like.
In the second half of the interview, we discuss the recent Ottawa "terrorist" shooting. (Check out Denis Rancourt's article Police kill shooter and lose suspect in Ottawa — Canada’s 911? and my own Ottawa shooting: Yet another false flag? )
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
David Duke Show 2014.10.31
Dr. David Duke has one more incredible show today. He begins by talking about the insanity of America's Iran policy and shows how it completely controlled not by the interests of the U.S. but by Israel. He even exposes and article in the Haaretz newspaper in Israel in which the "American" representative casually says after the Iran work, she shared the information with ISRAEL FIRST before the nation she is supposed to be representing: the U.S. ! Then Dr. Duke reaches Ken O'Keefe by phone in the UK where he shares his view that the only patriotic thing that true American can do is oppose the horrific Zio controlled policies of the American Government, policies that are just as destructive to America as they are to the rest of the word. Policies subservient to the real enemy of America and the whole world: Israel. He also goes into the horrific record of Obama and how the Jewish extremists can control their agents by holding damaging evidence over their heads!
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Sweden recognises Palestinian state, Israel recalls envoy
Sweden on Thursday officially recognised the state of Palestine,
becoming the first EU member in western Europe to do so, prompting
Israel to recall its ambassador to Stockholm.
Just hours after the Swedish announcement, Israel said it was recalling its ambassador to Stockholm for "consultations".
indeed reflects our irritation and annoyance at this unhelpful
decision, which does not contribute to a return to (peace)
negotiations," Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon told
***Read full article here***
SEC Caught feeding early market notices to 'preferred' partners by study (US stock trading)
Hedge funds
and other rapid-fire investors get access to market-moving documents
before other users of the Securities and Exchange Commission's system
for distributing company filings, giving them a possible edge on the
rest of the market, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing two
independent studies.
***Read full article here***
***Read full article here***
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.10.30
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Winners Announced!
Winners Announced!
See Splash Winners
See True Ghost Story
Winners HERE
56k CF
October 30, 2014
David Duke Show 2014.10.30
Dr. David Duke has Don Black on again today to complete their discussion on the psychological aspects of a mass movement and the mechanism necessary to open up people's minds to new ideas and facts. The Zio media has flooded us with negative associations for what they oppose and positive psychological associations for what they support. We talk about the way to break down these psychological and sometimes illogical association and help people think open-minded about critical issues, such as the Zio racist tyranny over the Globalist Zio World Order of today. Also, at the beginning of the hour Dr. Duke goes into the latest scandal of Obama aids calling Netanyahu a "Chickenshit" and how this is only Jewish infighting. How Obama is actually the biggest supporter of Israel in American history.
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Paula Hitler's Letter in Audio
*Post-WW1 jewish Communism In Germany
*Judeo Bolshevism Discovered
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Jewish Communists
*Adolf Hitler Explains His Reasons For Invading The Soviet Union
*Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
*Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
*Hitler's Shadow - In the Service of the Fuehrer
*Over a hundred locales expelled Jews before “Zionism” was even a factor. Why?
Costco to be closed on Thanksgiving this year
The warehouse retail chain will again stay closed on Thanksgiving
this year, bucking the trend of retailers opening their doors earlier
and earlier.
“Our employees work especially hard during the holiday season and we simply believe that they deserve the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with their families,” a Costco spokesman told the website Think Progress.
***Read full article here***
“Our employees work especially hard during the holiday season and we simply believe that they deserve the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with their families,” a Costco spokesman told the website Think Progress.
***Read full article here***
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.10.29
Listen Download Hour 1 - Marcus Wynne - A Conversation
Listen Download Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Ebola & Fukushima
Listen Download Hour 3 - Ronnie McMullen - An MK Ultra Society
56k CF
Rense' site
October 29, 2014
La Raza Promotes Washington Post Guide On Where People Can Vote Without An ID
*Hervé Ryssen - jew race mixing immigration program
*The Jewish Role in U.S. Immigration Law(parts 1 & 2)
*Jewish Wealth Promotes Gibbering Immigration Insanity in the UK and the US
*Will Jews regret their Open Immigration policies? Divide and Conquer.
*Jews Hypocritically Endorse Open Immigration Policies In Western Countries But Closed Immigration Policies In Israel
*Barbara Lerner Spectre: jews will have leading role in transformation
*The Illegal Invasion of America
*U.S. Border Patrol, Texas, Caught On Video Telling The Truth 7/29/2014
*Pushing the jew Immigration Scam
*Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
*AJC Ann Schaffer: Immigration is a jewish Infiltrate, Divide, Conquer, and Loot game to increase national, and global jewish power
*Internet anti-Semitism a ‘mortal danger,’ says Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Committee chairman MK Yoel Razbozov
*Organized Jewry concerned about rising "anti-Semitism"
*"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"
Voice of Albion with Paul Hickman 2014.10.29
Part two of 'My Irellevent Defence being meditations inside gaol and out on Jewish ritual Murder' pdf
Part One Here
Paul Hickman's Blog
Renegade Broadcasting
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.10.29
It Is Not Who Votes That Matters, It’s Who Counts the Votes
-What have been the effects of the FED’s money printing the past six years?
-FED may say they are ending QE3 today, but they will not do likewise
-A massive depression would commence with out further FED action
-Home ownership lowest since 1983
-What does it take to buy a home these days
-Someone wanted 10 tonnes of gold last week and JP Morgan sold it to them
-China’s RMB now convertible with the Shanghai Dollar. What does it mean reall?
-The safest banks to story your money in are?
-The history of 1933 gold recall and who knew about it beforehand
-The inflation tank is full, now it is about masking it’s affects in society
-25 EU banks fail stress tests last week
-Understanding the spoils of war and how the banking cabal runs other countries today
-Economic warfare goes on every hour of every day
-Trader Scott gives his prognosis on the markets and metals. Andy comments
-Paying for stuff thru devices not cards
-Is the Switzerland Gold Referendum coming soon a possible win?
-Cornering the copper market in one day
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
-What have been the effects of the FED’s money printing the past six years?
-FED may say they are ending QE3 today, but they will not do likewise
-A massive depression would commence with out further FED action
-Home ownership lowest since 1983
-What does it take to buy a home these days
-Someone wanted 10 tonnes of gold last week and JP Morgan sold it to them
-China’s RMB now convertible with the Shanghai Dollar. What does it mean reall?
-The safest banks to story your money in are?
-The history of 1933 gold recall and who knew about it beforehand
-The inflation tank is full, now it is about masking it’s affects in society
-25 EU banks fail stress tests last week
-Understanding the spoils of war and how the banking cabal runs other countries today
-Economic warfare goes on every hour of every day
-Trader Scott gives his prognosis on the markets and metals. Andy comments
-Paying for stuff thru devices not cards
-Is the Switzerland Gold Referendum coming soon a possible win?
-Cornering the copper market in one day
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.10.29
Ken O'Keefe: "Let's drop the BS and call it what it is!"
Ken O'Keefe is courage times eloquence to the Nth power. How many people can capture and disarm an Israeli storm trooper on the Mavi Marmara - then kick the BS out of a BBC HardTalk interviewer?
In this interview Ken discusses the proper use of language in discussing Zionism, Jewishness, and terrorism; the controversy over Gareth Porter saying he wished he hadn't attended the "conspiracy conference" in Tehran; the problem of psychopaths in power; the fake liberal gatekeepers funded by George Soros; the real reason behind the Zionist media's endless anti-Iran propaganda; and more!
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
Ken O'Keefe is courage times eloquence to the Nth power. How many people can capture and disarm an Israeli storm trooper on the Mavi Marmara - then kick the BS out of a BBC HardTalk interviewer?
In this interview Ken discusses the proper use of language in discussing Zionism, Jewishness, and terrorism; the controversy over Gareth Porter saying he wished he hadn't attended the "conspiracy conference" in Tehran; the problem of psychopaths in power; the fake liberal gatekeepers funded by George Soros; the real reason behind the Zionist media's endless anti-Iran propaganda; and more!
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
David Duke Show 2014.10.29
Dr. David Duke and Don Black again today! Dr. Duke begins by talking about the fundamentals today and has an excellent analysis of Jewish racism and the hypocritical way it works to destroy and harm other nations while doing the opposite in Israel. That fact shows how the Jewish supremacists know the policies they advocate and install upon us are truly destructive to us -- because why would they not promote the same policies for their own people in the Jewish State and in their own Jewish communities around the world, if they were so good? Then Don Black comes on and shares some history and the details of the Smokey Mtn Summit.
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
At Least 29 Members of US House of Representatives Are Israeli Dual Citizens and Need to Be Voted Out on November 4, 2014
While you're at it, get rid of these Vile creatures too. |
Sebaygo1 of "information wants to be free" Blog has passed away...
![]() |
Sad News. |
Thank you all
It is with a heavy heart that I write to share with you that Sebaygo1 passed away yesterday. He will be greatly mourned and missed by his family. His end was very peaceful.
Thanks to everyone for all the support and donations and general goodwill.
Fight On.
-Mrs. S.
** Due to some trolls inability to show the proper respect within an "Obituary", this Post will be actively moderated. Anyone deemed being disrespectful of his memory will be spamboxed. Sorry to have to do this, but some people seem to want to be Douches,no matter how inappropriate that behaviour is.**
Apart from
the nauseating, reprehensible and oft-repeated “‘Israel’ has a right to exist”
meme, it is indubitably certain that there is no propaganda buzz-phrase heard
quite as frequently from the duplicitous yaps of vile, yellowbelly liberals as
“blowback terrorism”. The “blowback terrorism” theory suggests that terrorists ~
in this particular instance, those of the Takfiri variety currently represented
by the demented likes of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, along with Al-Qaeda before
them ~ are birthed via the womb of asinine Western foreign policy. However, as Mouqawamah Music Managing Editor Assad
al-Liftawi so aptly noted (1),
***Read full article here***the Takfiris aren’t mere “blowback” from Western ~ and “Israeli” ~ foreign policy, they *are* Western-“Israeli”-GCC-Turkish foreign policy.
Stop The Religion Of The Fed by Clint Richardson
I have come to the conclusion after so many years of attempting
disclosure of the facts that comprehension is not possible because of
the religious-like faith and belief that even the most staunch activists
have in their government. This seemingly unavoidable conditioning is
ensured via the “waking up” process, which unerringly leads to shock
jocks and disinfo agents selling the story. That is to say that there is
a firm belief that the government and its creation, the Federal Reserve
Board and System, are actually competing against each other; that
government is somehow just another victim of the Federal Reserve. This
holy misunderstanding creates the foundation for the dialectic (logic)
which leads to false rhetoric and mythos about the Fed. And so we must
be clear as we delve into reality that there is no real competition here
and that government is all one entity, including it’s many “independent
***Read full article here***
***Read full article here***
Jewish Actors and Actresses (A Comprehensive List)
This is a comprehensive list of Jewish actors and actresses from all over the world.
Note #1: The criteria required to be listed are as follows: (1) Being born to one Jewish parent (biological birth only, adoption will not count); (2) Formally converting to Judaism (all denominations are acceptable).
Note #2: Simply self-identifying as a Jew or for that matter being born a Jew and self-identifying as something else (ie. Christian/Buddhist/etc.) is irrelevant to one's actual Jewishness. As long as the criteria listed above are met, one will be counted as a Jew in this list.
Note #3: This is, or will be soon a VERY comprehensive list so do not be fooled by the total number of people who appear on the list. Most likely, the vast majority of those listed will be completely unknown to you.
Note #4: Listing is not in alphabetical or chronological order, but care will be taken to place the more prominent actors higher on the list.
Note #5: This list is a work in progress and will be constantly updated as more information becomes available.
Note #6: All persons listed herein are fully confirmed by multiple reliable sources to be Jewish based on the criteria posted above. Those that MAY be Jewish but cannot be fully confirmed by outside sources will not be included until more information becomes available.
***Read full article here***
Note #1: The criteria required to be listed are as follows: (1) Being born to one Jewish parent (biological birth only, adoption will not count); (2) Formally converting to Judaism (all denominations are acceptable).
Note #2: Simply self-identifying as a Jew or for that matter being born a Jew and self-identifying as something else (ie. Christian/Buddhist/etc.) is irrelevant to one's actual Jewishness. As long as the criteria listed above are met, one will be counted as a Jew in this list.
Note #3: This is, or will be soon a VERY comprehensive list so do not be fooled by the total number of people who appear on the list. Most likely, the vast majority of those listed will be completely unknown to you.
Note #4: Listing is not in alphabetical or chronological order, but care will be taken to place the more prominent actors higher on the list.
Note #5: This list is a work in progress and will be constantly updated as more information becomes available.
Note #6: All persons listed herein are fully confirmed by multiple reliable sources to be Jewish based on the criteria posted above. Those that MAY be Jewish but cannot be fully confirmed by outside sources will not be included until more information becomes available.
***Read full article here***
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.10.28
Listen Download Hour 1 - Ted Twietmeyer - Great Pyramid The Queen's Chamber Wall - pdf
Listen Download Hour 2 - Frosty Wooldridge - America A Third World Refugee Haven
Hour 3 - Encore
56k CF
Rense' site
October 28, 2014
The Return of Tyr with Drew 2014.10.28
Being a Renegade
Tonight I will discuss what it means to be a Renegade. I will give my thoughts on my topics of late, and my opinions on the direction of the movement at large.
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
Topless Femen activists chased through Paris streets by riot police
*Meanwhile in Europe, the Jewish Feminist Agenda is being pushed as hard as possible: All the better to acclimatize the public to displays of female nakedness. Shocking!*
At least 25 FEMEN activists were arrested in Paris on Sunday after rallying topless in front of the Palace of Justice in protest against the sentence given to fellow activist Iana Zhdanova for "exhibitionism" on October 15.
At least 25 FEMEN activists were arrested in Paris on Sunday after rallying topless in front of the Palace of Justice in protest against the sentence given to fellow activist Iana Zhdanova for "exhibitionism" on October 15.
David Duke Show 2014.10.28
Dr. David Duke and Don Black Today! First Dr. Duke goes into his new, powerful article -- Why is it? The Only Racism You Can't Criticize is Jewish Racism? In this segment Dr. Duke shows the absolute hypocrisy of the world's most extreme racism:Jewish Supremacism He contrasts Israel and the policies of major Jewish organizations for Jews with the policies that they promote for non-Jewish nations! Incredibly revealing! Then He brings on Don Black who join Dr. Duke in talking about the Smokey Mountain Summit coming up in Tennessee. Along the way they discuss have a fascinating discussion on their history and on health that will is absolutely fascinating departure from some of the usual subjects but one you will very much enjoy!
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad
War correspondent reveals dirty secrets of mainstream media: journalists are bribed to pry, lie and spy.
***Read full article here***
***Read full article here***
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.10.27
Listen Download Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - Ebola Forced Quarantines
Listen Download Hour 2 - Dr. Hesham Tillawi PhD - Mideast Report
Listen Download Hour 3 - Bob Nichols - The State Of Radiation In The US Now - Dana
Durnford - Researching BC Coastal Radiation
56k CF
Rense' site
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.10.27
Niall Bradley & Joe Quinn: Ottawa attack timing = false flag
My article Ottawa Attack: Another False Flag? and Denis Rancourt's report from Ottawa are getting a lot of reads at Veterans Today. But the first big piece on the apparent Ottawa false flag came from Niall Bradley: Ottawa under attack: 'ISIS' assault on Canadian capital another false-flag terror event. In this interview Niall and his sott.net colleague Joe Quinn explain that the NWO false-flaggers are just doing the same thing over and over...and it isn't working any more.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
My article Ottawa Attack: Another False Flag? and Denis Rancourt's report from Ottawa are getting a lot of reads at Veterans Today. But the first big piece on the apparent Ottawa false flag came from Niall Bradley: Ottawa under attack: 'ISIS' assault on Canadian capital another false-flag terror event. In this interview Niall and his sott.net colleague Joe Quinn explain that the NWO false-flaggers are just doing the same thing over and over...and it isn't working any more.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
October 27, 2014
Doomcast 63 - 2014.10.26
![]() |
Sunday night into Monday Morning Doomcast! |
Spingola and Friends 10/27/2014
Rodney Martin of the American Nationalist Association and American Nationalist Network. See Deanna's web site for information about her most recent book: The Ruling Elite, Death, Destruction, and Domination also available at Amazon.
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
David Duke Show 2014.10.27
Dr. David Duke with Dr. Patrick Slattery and Don Black Today. Great show with a great discussion on Jewish hypocrisy on immigration for America and Europe and exactly the opposite position when it comes to the Jewish State of Israel and Jewish identity around the world. Then Dr. Slattery comes on to discuss it and Don Black joins the show as well and discusses thoroughly both his core beliefs and the upcoming Smokey Mtn summit in Tennessee. Great show! Share it!
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2014.10.26
Vindicating The Vanquished
Kyle’s guest is Dennis Wise, creator of Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told. The discussion will include: the making of the documentary, its reception by the public, lessons to be learned from National Socialism, why this story is relevant to our struggle today, and much more.
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
October 26, 2014
No Agenda Episode 664 - "Boss Ass Look" - 2014.10.26
TODAY; Seattle School Shooting; Ebola; EuroLand; F-Russia; Syria; Caliphate!; Chip & Pin; Armageddon; NA-Tech; Bank$ters; SnowJobs; SDR; Chiner$; Fast n Furious; Vaccine$; Agenda 21; War on tweeters, and all your usual listening whilst floating in a Sensory-Deprivation-Tank favourites...hang on? Isn't "Hearing" a sense?
Feminism - a form of Jewish Control
*Fuck Feminists Who Pimp Little Girls to Promote a jew Agenda
The bacon scarf - the ultimate Christmas present for your Muslim and Jewish friends.
MMMmmmmmm! Bacon!! |
30 of the Most Violent Exhortations from the Bible, Torah and Quran
Abrahamic Religions: The true cause of this worlds ills. |
Blacklisted Radio 2014.10.25
Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.
In this episode Doug covers more of the Ebola panic, the recent Ottawa and school shooting being used as pre-election political footballs, along with the latest headlines and BlacklistedNews.com
Kincora Scandal: How an Establishment Paedophile Ring Leads to the Monarchy, MI5 & Rothschilds
It has long been alleged that the systematic abuse of children took place in the Kincora home at the hands of a paedophile ring thought to be linked to MI5.
*Conspiracy Of Silence (The Franklin Scandal)
*Sex Offender, Sir. Jimmy Savile's Connections to Israel
Texe Marrs Podcast 10/17/2014 - Zionist Puppets, Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul—The Hijacking of Christianity and the Murder of Middle East Christians
Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are agents of the Israeli Mossad. Their
task is to hijack American Christianity and promote Israeli causes.
Cruz’s wife is an executive of Goldman Sachs, and he is a Harvard
graduate. Rand Paul, meanwhile, has compromised because he has been told
he will not win the election without Jewish money and media support.
Both Cruz and Paul are now solidly in the Zionist camp and have pledged
allegiance to Israel. They have shamefully abandoned the “America First”
theme and are Zionists puppets, just like Bush and Obama before them. TexeMarrs.com
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
CDC whistleblower: also a player in the vaccine-mercury-autism fraud
Fraud, and more fraud.
Promoted to the hilt by the CDC, Ebola may be grabbing all the current headlines, but massive vaccine-research fraud at the CDC is sitting there—at the bottom of the house of cards.
So the mercury study shows there IS, in fact, a connection between childhood vaccines and neurological damage.
***Read full article here***
Promoted to the hilt by the CDC, Ebola may be grabbing all the current headlines, but massive vaccine-research fraud at the CDC is sitting there—at the bottom of the house of cards.
So the mercury study shows there IS, in fact, a connection between childhood vaccines and neurological damage.
***Read full article here***
October 25, 2014
Fuck Feminists Who Pimp Little Girls to Promote a jew Agenda
I said it. Right there in the headline. I figure if grown women can
encourage children to drop f-bombs on video for their “cause” then it’s
only reasonable to respond to them in a language they can understand. (I
deeply apologize to readers who are offended by this, but please bear
with me – there’s a reason for it.)
Are you offended? I’m offended too. And horrified. And irate. And yearning to take those little girls back to my house and just let them be little girls, for crying out loud. While these children should be having tea parties, catching lightning bugs, and playing on the swingset, they’ve been pimped out to make a point.
Radical feminism has plumbed new depths with a video exploiting little girls in order to make their point. ***Read full article and see video here***
Are you offended? I’m offended too. And horrified. And irate. And yearning to take those little girls back to my house and just let them be little girls, for crying out loud. While these children should be having tea parties, catching lightning bugs, and playing on the swingset, they’ve been pimped out to make a point.
Radical feminism has plumbed new depths with a video exploiting little girls in order to make their point. ***Read full article and see video here***
Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2014.10.25
Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Hour 1 - Current Global News Analysis
Hour 2 - Tim Murdock, "Horus the Avenger"
Hour 3 - Mike King, The Tomato Bubble
32k CF Download
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
ITEL @ Archive.org
The ISIS Conspiracy - Beard World Order
Guillermo Jimenez, James Corbett, and Peter B. Collins celebrate the annual unveiling of America’s new enemy. This year, the distinction goes to the evildoers in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Or is it the Khorasan group? What happened to Al-Qaeda? Ebola? Who knows…
800 million Twitpic photos to vanish from the web Saturday
According to a statement posted on the company’s blog, Twitter demanded that Twitpic drop its trademark application or risk losing access to Twitter’s API (application programming interface) – preventing Twitpic from developing services for the site.
“Unfortunately we do not have the resources to fend off a large company like Twitter to maintain our mark which we believe whole heartedly is rightfully ours,” said Twitpic founder, Noah Everett, in the blog.
***Read full article here***
“Unfortunately we do not have the resources to fend off a large company like Twitter to maintain our mark which we believe whole heartedly is rightfully ours,” said Twitpic founder, Noah Everett, in the blog.
***Read full article here***
Obama Says Get The Vaseline Ready After The Election
*Hervé Ryssen - jew race mixing immigration program
*The Jewish Role in U.S. Immigration Law(parts 1 & 2)
*Jewish Wealth Promotes Gibbering Immigration Insanity in the UK and the US
*Will Jews regret their Open Immigration policies? Divide and Conquer.
*Jews Hypocritically Endorse Open Immigration Policies In Western Countries But Closed Immigration Policies In Israel
*Barbara Lerner Spectre: jews will have leading role in transformation
*The Illegal Invasion of America
*U.S. Border Patrol, Texas, Caught On Video Telling The Truth 7/29/2014
*Pushing the jew Immigration Scam
*Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
*AJC Ann Schaffer: Immigration is a jewish Infiltrate, Divide, Conquer, and Loot game to increase national, and global jewish power
*Internet anti-Semitism a ‘mortal danger,’ says Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Committee chairman MK Yoel Razbozov
*Organized Jewry concerned about rising "anti-Semitism"
*"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"
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