August 21, 2020

Get Out of Jail Free With The Dollar Vigilante Card

The Dollar Vigilante is Back
Fighting Cops, Escaping from Jail and Freeing Slaves...

... & Making Space For Those Who Should Be Behind Bars Awaiting Sentencing....

Cops Should Be Arrested For Being Less-Than-Useless Idiots
The Dollar Vigilante Behind Bars

  The Dollar Vigilante is Back
Fighting Cops, Escaping from Jail and Freeing Slaves...

   Gracias Amigo Vigilante!
De Nada Senor
If the cops are looking for REAL criminals to fill their jails,
they could start with this one here:
 Naked Emperor Pandemic - The Dollar Vigilante

There are quite a few more who should be behind bars...
...awaiting sentencing...

Are You Ready Boots?
Start Walking!
 These Boots Are Made For Walkin'

Original Video by Media Bear

Horses That Just Escaped From Jail Say:
 Hang em' High!

1 comment:

Captain Ahab said...

I do not know Jeff Berwick and I actually find him generally likable and I find his videos quite informative at times, however, apparently Jeff is not the laid back, easygoing, meditation loving, personality that he portrays himself to be on his videos. He is definitely astute at making money and getting people to buy in to his 'projects,' but for some, Jeff is nothing but a con man, scam artist and asshole:

Apparently Jeff has been in a fight at his Anarchapulco event each of the last 3 years. Here is the fight from this year where he got his ass beat:

According to Derrik Broze of Conscious Resistance, Jeff tried to fight him as well at the 2019 Anarchapulco Conference. Here is Derrik discussing the matter:

Also, he has apparently been involved with a Mexican passport scam with his wife as well. Here:

There is no question that Jeff is informed on many issues, but whether he has a moral compass or not might be up for debate. Like I said, I do not know Jeff and I can only draw conclusions from what I've read. I will let others decide by themselves.