November 06, 2020


 Newest vid from Gertjan Zwiggelaar - someone who I consider a friend, a highly intelligent man and author of over 20 books. Check it out!


Adanac said...

60hz is deadly? LOL. I know, I know, he's an old guy and he made a mistake (I hope). It was funny though.

inthemix16 said...

It was good ! A little Vernon Coleman in him. At least he should half the views as Vernon at least

Adanac said...

It was an interesting to see how impermeable those masks are. It makes sense though, they were designed to stop splashes and sneezes. Personally I like going to the store with a pantyhose leg over my head with a face drawn on with a sharpie. It really traumatizes the little ones, and they really do need to toughen up, if they are going to make in in this new normal. LOL

Anonymous said...

Gertjan Zwiggelaar used to do good work regularly on the ACH program. That was a classic round-table discussion with Mr Zwiggelaar, Alfred Schaefer and others one time, when 'rope therapy' was mentioned a few times. One of the best ACH shows imo.