May 28, 2021

Sir Robert Kennedy Jr. and Catherine Austin Fitts at The Freedom For Truth Conference

 The Freedom For Truth Conference - May 28

 Live - Started around 8:10PM Friday May 28

"Join us, as we sit down with 2 of the most amazing, brilliant, and censored minds on the planet!"
Amanda Forbes

Sir Robert Kennedy Jr. and Catherine Austin Fitts! 


Zeebra said...

RFK, Jr. Interviews Investigative Journalist Whitney Webb On The ‘Deliberate Coverup’ Of Bill Gates And Jeffrey Epstein’s Relationship + More

HAF May 28, 2021 (49m audio at bottom):

Investigative journalist Whitney Webb told Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on the “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” that vaccine passports are part of a global plan to tie together vaccine status, economic activity and biometric identity.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this stuff, you are very kind

Voltman said...

Thanks Dr. Chainy.

What happened Unknown?
Did you take the quaccine?
Did Jesus finally show up?

I'm flabbergasted...
Drops the mic...

Hasta la Rasta

Unknown said...

Hey Voltman
"what happened" ?
I always liked your work, you are a nice jewish lady and you too should love Jesus

Voltman said...

O Dear Alicia, you look delicia!
I stopped concentrating, you're so hypnotizing
The pressure is rising, you're so appetizing
I hear Catherine talking but I feel like stalking

You're so special
You're so fucking special

But I'm a creep!
I'm a weirdo!

Drops the mic...


inthemix16 said...

Ya just couldnt resist there Unknown. Its that no matter how much you get the kik out of the synagog, its always a kik. you tried so hard but, and its much appreciated, but ya just couldnt go all in could ya ? Your talmudic conscious got to you didnt it. ? Was just too much to just compliment Zeebs ,take your lumps ,and let let it go LOL Grow a pair already.
Zeebs thanks for the Whitney Webb post. Just dont show that to Brendan O'Connel . Hell get his panties all ruffled.

Panzerfaust said...

So any word from the elusive Dr Zapoper? Was he vanned and flown away to a black site for enhanced interrogation? Or is he drunk, hospitalized, dead, or just said fuck it?

Zeebra said...

inthemix: "Zeebs thanks for the Whitney Webb post. Just dont show that to Brendan O'Connel . Hell get his panties all ruffled."

I don't follow BO'C anymore; what's the poopy on him wrt WWebb and/or RFK Jr? I'm aware RFKJr is tainted by saying some "pro izzy/zio" things in the past; I forget details but that's categorically toxic... is that BO'C's beef?

BO'C really lost me when a couple years ago, he came out w a hit-video trying to take down KBarrett & CMcKinney as... drumroll... AGENTS?!

I know he brings some interesting shit sometimes, but his repressed anger & "doesn't play well with others" flaws are major, grinding! I threw in the towel with him, as does everyone who 'partners' with him for a bumpy short-lived spin. /rolleyes

Panzerfaust said...

Same sentiment, also for Ryan Dawson

Unknown said...

Hey Panzerfaust
or just said fuck it
that's what I think
yes I agree Dawson is a fucking nazi, a holocaust denier

Unknown said...

Hey Panzerfaust
even without zapoper the show MUST go on

Zeebra said...

27/05/2021 Dr Joseph Mercola Interview with Judy Mikovits Ph.D. and Stephanie Seneff Ph.D.

Protect You and Your Family From This 'VACCINE MESS'


* at the open, Mercola says you'll want to watch 3 times, so please allow nearly 4h for this.


* [that's just to trigger Unknown-Shlomo, again, LOLZ.]

Archie Titus said...

What can I say about this vaccine...
Pretty girls don't stay pretty for long once they've had the jab.

Unknown said...

Some thing happened to mami's genius Albert? I hope he has not been vaccinated

Panzerfaust said...

Dawson is a WTC 7 fell from fire shill

Panzerfaust said...

Univ Of Alaska debonk by Dawson

Zeebra said...

the 3rd "Five Doctors" roundtable recorded Thu May 27, 65 mins:

Maureen Mcdonnell In Conversation With Drs. Merritt, Northrup, Madej, Tenpenny & Dr Larry-Part 3

Zeebra said...

from TruNews' gab timeline today:

URGENT REQUEST - please be praying for Rick Wiles right now.

Please repost so that there’s an army of people praying.

Flowing Streams is experiencing a sudden cluster of flu and Covid among some employees and their relatives. Rick Wiles made the decision tonight to close the offices and studios until a TBA date next week.

Our team needs to tend to sick family members. Please pray for your TruNews team.