January 07, 2022

Kazakhstan !!! Plazma, Jim Crenshaw, Richie From Boston, Harry Vox

NO TESTS, NO MASKS. UK Schoolkids say NO to Slavery

Harry Vox
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It's about quaccinations, masks, vax passes, etc...

Also found here:

Peter Appleby on January 7, 2022:
Obviously, children do not want to stand in a queue to be murdered. They are aware of the”dark sarcasm in the classroom” ! Refusing to be killed is a “public health emergency”. Another media pundit who has signed his own death warrant! He will pay for this.

NO TESTS, NO MASKS. UK Schoolkids say NO to Slavery


Harry Vox: The Story of Our Time
Posted By: Testing Area - May 26, 2021
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The Vox Report

"I don't sleep much these days. Sometimes I wake after only 3 hours of sleep with an unsettled mind. This is one such time. It's OK though, I was born to fight and fight I will. To the end." - Harry Vox
Harry Vox
Harry Vox, Henry Makow, EyesIsWatchin, Noor al Haqiqa, Morris 108

144K subscribers


1 comment:

coincidenceskeptic said...

When all THEY offer us leads to death, why be afraid to die while standing in defiance? "How" becomes more relevant than "when."