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Information Blockades – How and Why?
Larry Romanoff
Larry Romanoff
Published March 10, 2022
Steel City Alternative Media
I think this needs corroboration!
Real Truth Real News Published February 27, 2022
* Suggested by Ca-Nada *
* Suggested by Ca-Nada *
Polly does an awesome job explaining the Ukraine which is a playground
for the Deep State Cabal. There is Canadian Involvement including Justin
Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland as well. So who are the Deep State Cabal?
Who are the Deep State? They are the Khazarian Mafia/the Biden crime
family/CIA/Soros/Obama/Pelosi/Clintons/Kerry/Trudeau/Freeland and
others. Alot of corruption there including bio-weapon labs/a major money
laundering structure/child sex trafficking rings and
tunnels/drugs/weapons, etc. And let's not forget Uranium One and Burisma
- lots to hide.
Source is Amazing Polly: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZofFQQoDoqYT/
Amanda said...
All gamed out in advance by the WEF/Davos/Banking cartel:
All gamed out in advance by the WEF/Davos/Banking cartel:
More References:
* Suggested by CA-Nada *
Chrystia Freeland Macleans: https://www.macleans.ca/news/liberal-mp-chrystia-freeland-this-time-not-on-the-economy-but-on-ukraine/
Anti Trump Freeland Macleans: https://www.macleans.ca/politics/what-if-donald-trump-has-a-point-with-chrystia-freeland/
The World According to Soros: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1995/01/23/the-world-according-to-soros
Halyna Freeland and Soros: https://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/ukraine-politics/qa-the-ukrainian-legal-foundation39s-halyna-freela-1344.html
Soros & Ukraine: http://willzuzak.ca/lp/soros01.html
US caused Orange Revolution: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/nov/26/ukraine.usa
Orange Revolution aftermath: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122584545
NYT Clinton Pinchuk: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/21/us/politics/hillary-clinton-presidential-campaign-charity.html
Zelensky Pinchuk Kuchma together again: https://www.unian.info/politics/10581132-zelensky-s-adviser-pinchuk-helps-to-persuade-kuchma-to-re-join-minsk-talks.html
Anti Trump Freeland Macleans: https://www.macleans.ca/politics/what-if-donald-trump-has-a-point-with-chrystia-freeland/
The World According to Soros: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1995/01/23/the-world-according-to-soros
Halyna Freeland and Soros: https://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/ukraine-politics/qa-the-ukrainian-legal-foundation39s-halyna-freela-1344.html
Soros & Ukraine: http://willzuzak.ca/lp/soros01.html
US caused Orange Revolution: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/nov/26/ukraine.usa
Orange Revolution aftermath: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122584545
NYT Clinton Pinchuk: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/21/us/politics/hillary-clinton-presidential-campaign-charity.html
Zelensky Pinchuk Kuchma together again: https://www.unian.info/politics/10581132-zelensky-s-adviser-pinchuk-helps-to-persuade-kuchma-to-re-join-minsk-talks.html

Podcast #37
Published March 5, 2022

Long video but a good one.

CA-Nada wrote:
Some more interesting corruption information about Trudeau, Freeland
February 2022 News Update Links and Information
Klaus Schwab’s plan to abolish
every government in the world
put on hold by Ukraine invasion
every government in the world
put on hold by Ukraine invasion
Would you Like Some Vaccine With Your Adverse Reaction?
Max Igan – The Crowhouse Bitchute March 8, 2022
Max Igan – The Crowhouse Bitchute March 8, 2022
Alan Day on March 9, 2022:
My mother in law who is adamant that the uk never does any wrong and has never committed a single war crime along with the us ever didn’t know where to look when i rammed these photos in her face she turned away and said its all lies and my brother is the same sometimes i really want to smash their heads together. What a horrible population we have who are all dumb retarded backward thinking arseholes.
Barney on March 9, 2022:
Don’t be too hard on them Alan Day. They can’t help themselves. They’re too deeply hypnotized by the lying propagandists on the electric jew. They CAN’T accept reality any more because their minds have been captured. All you’ll get for trying to break their conditioning is hostility because that’s how they’ve been PROGRAMMED to respond.
Don’t be too hard on them Alan Day. They can’t help themselves. They’re too deeply hypnotized by the lying propagandists on the electric jew. They CAN’T accept reality any more because their minds have been captured. All you’ll get for trying to break their conditioning is hostility because that’s how they’ve been PROGRAMMED to respond.
A Great Article:
Information Blockades – How and Why?
Larry Romanoff – The Unz Review March 4, 2022

Larry Romanoff – The Unz Review March 4, 2022
Critical Thinking Check List
For the United States Armed Forces
For the United States Armed Forces
Anyone know what this is about??
Letter to JP Morgan Chase
By Anna Von Reitz
Ukraine is not just jewish, it's khabad lyubowich's. You don't seem to know the difference.
Amanda said...
??? Anyone know what this is about??
Letter to JP Morgan Chase
By Anna Von Reitz
It looks rather suspicious...
Anna Von Reitz claims the following:
"I am the lawful Fiduciary for The United States of America --- Unincorporated, and have recently inherited similar duties worldwide.
All British Crown copyright claims and similar attachments have been overturned and the Crown is under prosecution and investigation for crimes of unlawful conversion, personage and breach of trust against the American people and other nations worldwide.
My standing is already established, recorded, accepted, and absolute in all jurisdictions of the law.
I have the signature and donor authority over the 1,181,336,675 metric tons of gold administered for The United States of America under Certificate of Entitlement by the Central Bank of the Philippines-- which was delivered to Chase Manhattan Banks.
We have the appropriate Federal District Court Orders.
Ferdinand Marcos was our Trustee in this matter; Ferdinand Marcos had no individual right to or interest in our assets, and he could certainly not convey a right that he himself did not possess to his relatives, including Tiburcio V. Marcos.
As the Donors, we have the controlling interest in these and all other physical assets held in trust, and as the Public Government, we are the lawful owners and protectors of all American assets in international and global jurisdiction."
There you have it.
Just make Bullstream Media broadcast this revolutionary information all day long for as long as it takes to make it sink in. Then, make the media insist that she should not only be "The President", but she should also be head of the UN, NATO, the EU, the IMF, World Bank, CIA, MOSSAD, RIIA, CFR, etc...
Yes sir! She has the gold, therefore she rules. Seems to be the rule these days...
Where are her bodyguards? Where is her army? Where is she going to put all that gold?!!! (1,181,336,675 metric tons of gold!!!)
I think she needs to forge an alliance with Vlad The Well Endowed Dissident in order to get the necessary muscle to enforce her taking over the "power of the purse"...
Does old man Ratchild even claim to "own" that much of the golden ore?
Or is it yet another "Santa Claus is coming to town" story?
Thanks for the info
Gonzalo Lira- America you are about to be poor
@CA-Nada Thanks for the info. I'm actually really interested in Anna's info and her books, but I just don't have the time now to really delve into her info.
The US is being set up for disaster--this whole Ukraine/Russia war was just cover for them to blow apart the dollar system. We are in the process of being destroyed so that they can usher in the digital slave currency system. We need to come up with an alternative or freedom is dead.
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