Czechoslovak Folktale
Truck You Trudeau - Sixxxtre

"These psychopathic reptile self appointed rulers of the earth are serving one purpose and one purpose only, Themselves. It is interesting that at the DAVOS meeting badges are issued to readily identify your standing in the rarefied world of the so called elites. These idiots have no clue what a living hell the world would become if these people have their way. It would be like being an heir living under the thumb of a ultra controlling patriarch or matriarch. You either comply with all the wishes of your masters no matter how big or small or you're out, or in the case of the lizard cabal you're dead.
These people have no soul or empathy. It is time, it is past time for the world to rid itself from these self appointed organizations like the WHO, WEF, EU, CDC NIH, HIAID who have long ago stopped serving humanity to only serve themselves. They have become nothing more than malignant tumors that are embedded in humanity and must be removed and destroyed at all costs. The grotesque fraud that is all things Covid is and was a money making power grab envisioned by Klaus Schwab and his Global leaders graduates that include Gates and most of the current leaders of the western world.
The world also must excise the fraudulent philanthropic organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Clinton Foundation. These have also proven to be covers for so many unmentionable crimes and a tax haven for these elite psychopaths. The world will breath so much easier when these malignant cancers are removed."
Yes indeed. The silver lining in the 2020 cloud, was that it revealed the size and scope of the psychopathic reptile invasion and corruption. It also revealed the identity of many of the psychopaths and their accomplices. It was a truly enlightening year for those who could handle the really uncomfortable truths.
For me personally, it confirmed everything I had suspected for decades, but the number and scope of uncomfortable truths are much worse than even I had suspected. I can understand why some people still avoid these uncomfortable truths, since they are so uncomfortable.
It's almost like waking up from a dream to find yourself in a real nightmare.
For the rest of the comments:
Good Citizen

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Czechoslovak Folktale
"How much shall I ask for it?" the woman wanted to know.
"Ask as much as they'll pay, of course," the laborer said.
So the woman took the hen by the feet and set out. Near the village she met a farmer.
"Good day," the farmer said. "Where are you going with that hen?"
"I'm going to market to sell it for as much as they'll pay me."
"Good day," the farmer said. "Where are you going with that hen?"
"I'm going to market to sell it for as much as they'll pay me."
The farmer weighed the hen in his hand, pursed his lips, thought a moment, and said:
"You better sell it to me. I'll pay you three pennies for it."
"Three pennies? Are you sure that's as much as you'll pay?"
"Yes," the farmer said, "three pennies is as much as I'll pay."
So the laborer's wife sold the hen for three pennies. She went on to the village and there she bought a pretty little paper bag with one of the pennies and a piece of ribbon with another penny. She put the third penny into the bag, tied the bag with the ribbon, slipped the ribbon on a stick, put the stick over her shoulder, and then, feeling that she had done a very good day's work, she tramped home to her husband.
When the laborer heard how stupidly his wife had acted, he flew into a great rage and at first threatened to give her a sound beating. "Was there ever such a foolish woman in the world?" he shouted angrily.
The poor woman, who by this time was snuffling and weeping, whimpered out: "I don't see why you find so much fault with me! I'm sure I'm not the only gullible person in the world."
"Well," the laborer said, "I don't know. Perhaps there are people in the world as gullible as you. I tell you what I'll do: I'll go out and see if I can find them. If I do, I won't beat you."
So the laborer went out into the world to see if he could find any one as gullible as his wife. He traveled several days until he reached a countryside where he was unknown. Here he came to a fine castle at the window of which stood the lady of the castle looking out.
Quaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - Vernon Coleman
Top Quaccine Insider Says The Quaccine Will Cause a Worldwide Genocide
Sherri Tenpenny Exposes Mass Extermination Called 'Covid-19 Quaccine'
The Geert Vanden Bossche Interview
Quaccines a Software Operating System Controllable by Outside Sources
Hey Hey We're The Monkeys!
Chris Sky's Coquitlam Speech

U.S.—Americans are facing yet another basic necessity shortage under the Biden Administration. This time a tampon shortage has struck the nation and caused many women to wonder what they will do when they run out of their essential feminine product.
"Hey, I have an idea to address the shortage," said one state official. "Why don't we just empty all those tampons from the men's room that no one's using?"
The idea helped alleviate the crisis, but the state official was soon fired for discrimination against trans people.
In their desperation to find tampons, some women have resorted to entering the men's restroom and taking tampons designated for trans men.
"As a lady, I would normally never enter a dirty, disgusting men's restroom for any reason," explained Ann Elizabeth, "but I'm completely out of tampons while the men's restrooms are stocked with an abundance of tampons that haven't even been touched!"
According to sources, this simple trick of women getting their tampons from the dispensers in the men's room has swept the nation and completely brought the tampon shortage to an end.
At publishing time, the nation's shortage of air freshener was solved by men entering the women's restroom.