Brother Nathanael
Dane Wigington
The Strong And Free Truthcast
- Fuck Trudeau – Freedom Convoy 2.0
- Trudeau’s Campaign to De-Criminalize Crime
- MSM’s Billion Dollar Funeral
- True North Not Strong and Free
- Bolshevik British Columbia
funky stuff
We need to go back peacefully and by the millions to show the world we know Trudeau is the criminal and we (as Canadians) stand for the rule of law and our rights. And also to thank the truckers for what they did. If we can get 2 million Canadians to show up on February 18, 2023 (one afternoon) it will send a message that
February 18th is World Wide Freedom Day.
The addiction to cashisch (Fiat "money", US petro-dollars in particular) inevitably leads to Hemorrhagic Stupiditas. - Voltman's Theorem
America’s Ukraine Screw-Up
Brother Nathanael – Real Jew News Feb 3, 2023
Dane Wigington
The testimony revealed in this video is from a highly degreed former USFS government scientist, it serves as a sobering wake up call and warning for us all.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. - Dane Wigington
Here's how she explains our current reality: "I was on a legal strategy and information call yesterday with Sasha Latypova and some others, and the discussion turned briefly to how difficult it is for many people to wrap their minds around the horrific truth that the US Government, functioning as a front company and project manager for the owners of the Bank for International Settlements [†][††], is working to ruin and prematurely end the lives of billions of people around the world, and has made a very good start towards achieving the mass murder campaign’s goals since launching Covid-19. " Her substack is here:
It's Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies
Your time to walk free on this planet is coming to a swift end. Prepare for life in prison.
(“Jewes” include non-Jewish Freemasons) – Feb 3, 2023
The Strong And Free Truthcast
- Fuck Trudeau – Freedom Convoy 2.0
- Trudeau’s Campaign to De-Criminalize Crime
- MSM’s Billion Dollar Funeral
- True North Not Strong and Free
- Bolshevik British Columbia
funky stuff
♪♪♪ Beat the drum slowly...Play the pipes lowly...♪♪♪
But the greater damage can not be undone and that is a large part of the population have been made into spike protein factories, they have been made into viruses, shedding left and right into the entire ecosphere. That is the larger problem which may have been the very aim of the criminal perpetrators of this insidious scam from the start and hence their aim has been very achieved no matter what is done next ? Can you imagine a people being led to the gallows tossing high-fives to each other ?
Millions die and nothing. One hurt and FURY!
The Narrative is Collapsing: Thailand Drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer