March 03, 2024

The Scorpio International Holding Company LLC with Scorpio 2024.03.03

The Scorpio show #20 on RBN.
  Topics include:

           1) The Pillars Of Civilization At Risk

           2) Unheard Of Depravity and Cruelty
           3) Herbert Marcuse's Seeds Of Destruction

           4) Pieces Of the Puzzle Revealed

    Hour 2 Guest: UK Steve Returns for part II

Feel free to email Scorpio at

64k CF Download


Albert said...

I just FUND a Brand-NEW Talk with Alfred on-VIDEO !!!!!!!!!! :-)

I'm just Starting Listening to it ;-)

Albert said...


Grokkk said...

Who fucking cares - he’s a one trick pony

Grokkk said...

How many times has he been thrown in jail for the same stupid shit in Germany? Being a fool doesn’t make you a hero ffs.

Grokkk said...

Marcuse and the Frankfurt school are a deep rabbit hole

decree said...
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decree said...

I loved guns and butter years ago, but i stopped listening as i delved more into the "name the jew" podcasts, last episode of guns and butter was aired 27 january 2023 it seems, it is on her soundcloud and was the 3 part of 9/11, there are new upload from 3 days ago and i nearly fell for it but those are ancient episodes, im now sure curious why did Bonnie stop?

cjag said...

Great Show Scorpio.
Good Guest.

I like the fact you have limited call-ins into the show in the past few episodes.

The same old callers, for years now, with the same old whining and carrying on about the same people and the same old clown world garbage...


Its has become a broken record to say the least.
Information, most of the time that is beyond the realm of the trivial mundane...

Nobody has called in with Idea's or suggestion on what needs to be done to bring about change.

those are the calls that need to be taken by the board opps...

Anyways, Although UK Steve is rehashing much of the information many of us already know ,and have known for at least 20 years or more...

He is a fresh voice for the newcomers waking up to clown world...

Its better for the new listeners to evil right wing podcast to hear important information rather then name calling and blame game regarding callers... an the stupid bashing of Biden and support of the moron DONALD TRUMPOWITZ...


to say the least...

from Ontario.

One4thecause said...
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One4thecause said...

Spot on!! 👍

decree said...

Someone above the Rothschilds... please dont start like Jeanice Barcelo, host on RBN, i listened one show of her because she had Ayo Kimathi, Jeanice said she believes jews are controlled by an outer world entity.
I nearly twisted my eyes on such a big eye roll i had todo. Really.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Alan Watt always thought that the Rothschild brothers had been trained in banking, and financial alchemy, and the ancient mysteries, and were, more than likely, recruited.

He spoke often about the 'lazy boys', who kept out of the limelight, but went back millenia... continually building up city states, exploiting them, and then collapsing them and moving on to the next.

I think they have Italian names, but go back much further, maybe to the Iranian region, pre-Babylonian times.

I believe that the Jesuits have most recently been their high priesthood, because they are a lot smarter and more refined than the jews; they were sent out as missionaries to develop various regions of the world; while the jews are more like lower level footsoldiers, designed to carry out the mass slaughter, plunder and pillage of a collapsing civilisation.

Jumbo Patterson said...
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Jumbo Patterson said...

The chatroom was full of rest-stop creeps, lol.

Scorpio said...

I can say from personal experience that Texas really does go on forever on the lone highway and that rest stops (and sometimes chatrooms) are full of creeps!
Hail Victory!

Panzerfaust said...

Only fags hang out at rest stops after dark lmao thanks for confirming

Sean said...

Leave it to dumbo to try to sell the secret Jesuit nonsense, when Jews are uncloaking everywhere, committing every kind of evil, right in your stupid face. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best one. No jewnicorn Jesuits, just kikes committing crimes, literally everywhere you look.

Sean said...

Scorpico is a whistleblowing, crime fighter, not a rest stop faggot. He strokes little girl’s hair, on the lone highway, like Joe Biden.

Jumbo Patterson said...

But Sean, we're in the collapse and fleece phase now, in the West, that is why the jews are running roughshod over everything... that is their job.

In Kalergi's book, the jews are described as the administrators of the new slave state, and we can see that beginning to emerge, unfortunately.

But if you were one of the super wealthy *really old money* elites, would you want a bunch of sneaky jews watching your back, or would you train up a special priesthood, like the Jesuits to take care of business?

I'm not trying to sell anything, it's just the way I see it. I'm not on anyone's payroll.

Erik Paul said...

The Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) is a Converso Jewish organization founded by the Jew Ignatius Loyola. Just sayin'...

Sean said...

Ok, jumbo- so are you saying that hundreds of thousands of Jews have volunteered to take the blame for the secret Jesuit order? Who else besides Jews have the embedded and entrenched network, capable of taking down the entire western, white world? Why would the Jesuits want to do that unless they were taken over by Jews?

Grokkk said...

The pope runs the world!!

Jumbo Patterson said...

Weishaupt was a Jesuit (and a convert)... the Fire of London was run by Jesuits... the City of London is very Templar/Jesuit in it's history, but also Portuguese/Dutch/Venetian jew... the spraying is being run by Knights of Malta... there is a Jesuit Sun symbol in the fanlight above the door of The British PMs official residence... Jesuits run the training/education of key NWO operatives.

I'm not saying that they are running the whole show, but they are still very involved, just not as high profile as the jews.

Jumbo Patterson said...

10 Downing Street, and two jews