According to Alan Watt, NATO was set up from its very beginning to slowly morph into the UN's army. The UN said the Iraq war was illegal but didn't do anything to stop it or hold it accountable. The International Criminal Court is at the service of the criminals that be (TCTB).
The UN was onboard with having a No-Fly zone imposed over Libya back around 2011. All 3 major political parties in Canada were OK with that too. They should all be in jail (at least) for the destruction they rained down on Libya...
UN Secretarmy General Gutless Guterres is a grotesque hippopotacrite, a babbling caricature who lies with every breath and every life he takes.
There is no need to discuss the possibility of a No-Fly Zone over Ukraine: there already is one! Putin and The Russians took care of that.
You will know them by their targets. - Voltman's Second Theorem