July 25, 2022

Gonzalo Lira Roundtable #5: Johnson, McGovern, Postol - BUILD BRIDGES, DIG DITCHES - Raging Dissident - Russia's SMO - The Saker, A. Mercouris

Putin Has Urgent Message For All Westerners Enslaved By Their Governments

* Suggested by AdolfRichtar@gmail.com *
Dumb and Dangerous                               Smart and Funny

It Was a Clean Vaccine Death - Jon Rappoport, Harry Vox, Eyesiswatchin, Truthstream Media, JP Sears, Black Day in July

Gordon Lightfoot

July 24, 2022

Is Russia Making Plans To Demilitarize NATO? - The Neocon Threat To National Security - Harry Vox - EYE OF THE CLOWN-ICANE 🤡 Raging Dissident - Doomed NWO - Makow, SonOfEnos, Mental Hygiene, Logos Wars


MBS calls Putin - Kremlin Checkmates EU and US on Grain Exports, Energy and Sanctions - The Duran, Christoforou, Escobar, iEarlGrey, Gonzalo Lira


More Plandemics, Climate Emergency, Weather Modification, Mass Die-Off - EyesIsWatchin



Félix Leclerc - Le Tour De l'île

July 23, 2022

Birx Admits She And Fauci Made Up ‘The Science’ On Lockdowns - Anti-Agenda Protest In Solidarity With Dutch Farmers - Dennis Wise & Dave Gahary on Jewish Supremacism - Yukon Jack's Fiery Dream - SonOfEnos, Jon Rappoport, Evolutionary Energy Arts - Flashback to July 24 2021 Protests

Painting by Adolf Hitler

 All ACROSS The World Freedom Rally July 24th 2021
Hugo Talks
Flashback to a year ago

Dr. Birx Admits She And Fauci Made Up ‘The Science’ On Lockdowns, Social Distancing
2nd Smartest Guy in the World – July 21, 2022
By Tyler Durden


Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2022.07.23

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - News And Current Events
Hour 3 - News And Current Events

80k CF Download

518-906-1039 Studio A Listen Number



 Step aside Genghis, here comes....
The Pollinator
Coming to a Theater of Operations Near You!


July 19, 2022

A Clear And Simple Message to Alien Parasitoid Macrob Parading On The Streets Of Paris On Bastille Day With Bratchild's Army of Retarded Robotoids - V for Voltman, Raging Dissident

What Should Have Been The Liberation of Paris from the Rothschild Banksters... 


Le Triomphe de La Stupidité Monumentale au Détriment de la Raison et de la Justice Élémentaire

Michael Tsarion

 * Suggested by Albert *
Parasitoid larvae in caterpillars affect behaviour of moths
* Suggested by ruxpert *

Another Walk in The Park For The Naked Emperor and his Grossly Overpaid Goons Without Gonads & Another Picnic For The Criminally Insane, Less-Than-Useless Eaters