April 02, 2020

Citizen reporters go & do what the media won't!

            Empty hospitals and tests centres everywhere.


jerry said...

I'd like to know why I can't open these videos with Firefox ... I have to use Chrome.

slurp said...

@ 9.45 mins the uploader states that when picking up food she happened to bump into the CFO of a local hospital who told the uploader that the hospital was not only empty of patients but burning thru cash like crazy.

It is just so wildly improbable that this story is true. Accountants just don't let slip with stuff like that to random people at take-away counters.

What was the conversation?

"um hi."


"this is a great place, we usually eat here every Friday night, but tonight we're doing take-out."

"i know, this coronavirus thing is crazy"

"well, i'm the Chief Financial Officer at St Mary's Hospital and we have no more patients than usual, but we're burning thru govt cash like crazy. Enjoy your tacos."

That really did not happen.

Why even would they burn thru cash?

But the rest of the vid is great.

slurp said...

And what a terrific thing to fall into the lap of a citizen journalist: Biggest news story in the world, and someone at the frontline tells you it's a hoax. But no follow up? You just casually mention it in the middle of a youtube video? How about doorstepping the CFO? How about identifying the hospital and reporting from there?