April 06, 2024

The Perfect Triangle #186 - 05APR24 - Zach @LogosRevealedI + Ricardo Maarman @Azania2024



Albert said...

I am a "racist" ...... I don't "enjoy" Listening-to: ni88ers .....

I am Interested to Read: Anyones comments. who Listened to this ni88er, who WANTS to RUN: WHITE Built + OWNED: South-Africa!

Have at-it Guys!


Albert said...

Ooooga Boooga! Gibs ME Dat SA-Gobernment Top-Man job ..... Racist-Crackkas !!! :-o


Ooooga Boooga!

Albert said...

Ooooga Boooga!

IF you vote for me ... I will GIVE all ni88ers rape-a-nations!


Gibs ME Da-Vote !!!

Ooooga Boooga!


Albert said...

* Gib

Voltman said...

Ricardo Maarman is knowledgeable and articulate. He knows what's going on in his country and deserves consideration. Anyone who judges him based on the color of his skin, without even listening to him can go fuck himself!

Chainsawmiller said...

Well said Volt!

Chainsawmiller said...

This white guy above spells nigger with 8's for the cause! Brilliant! LOL

Amanda said...

He's the guy who set up the showusthevirus website and had that showusthevirus court case:

Albert said...

I don't "enjoy" Listening-to: ni88ers .....

I worked-my-way-Through this Germar (who really-is a "details"-guy! ;-) ) instead!


:-) :-) :-)

ni88ers ... I "just" DON'T-LIKE-em !!! ;-)

Albert said...

Voltman SAID:

"Ricardo Maarman is knowledgeable and articulate. He knows what's going on in his country and deserves consideration. Anyone who judges him based on the color of his skin, without even listening to him can go fuck himself!"

".... in his country ..."

SA was MY-MOTHER's Country !!!

To "Paraphrase" You:

"Anyone who ... "thinks" SA is a ni88er's-Country ......."

Well, they "just" DON'T even "GET":

--> The TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

and can go ............... "vax"-themselves !!! ;-)

--> THAT will Really: "F"-themselves !!! ;-)

ANYONE .... who USES: "ANYONE" in-a-Sentence .......

.... followed-by: "... can go fuck himself!"


What-to-Speak of: "Contextual-Understanding"! :-o

------> There will "simply" BE: NO, I REPEAT: NO "Morality" WHEN: WHITES are "Replaced" ......

-------- Incase Someone CAN'T "compute" the LOGICAL-conclusion of THAT --------

--> It MEANS: "Morality" WRONGLY-Applied to ni88ers ......

--> Is "F*$king-INSANE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

..... and, ANYONE who "Thinks" that South-Africa will even be Worth-Talking-about ...

....... AFTER the WHITES are "replaced"

"just" Doesn't "Get" it ...... at-all! :-o

WE MUST SECURE the Existence of OUR-People, and a REAL-FUTURE for OUR-Children!

--> WHAT about: A WHITE-Man, Being a WHITE-Nationalist .......

"DON'T you "Get" ???????

Albert said...

* STILL: "virtue-signalling" ... AFTER-Years-of-con-vid !!!!!!!!!!! -- really??? :-o ;-)

"virtue-signally" ... DID still WORK though! ;-)

Albert said...

This 2014 Scott-Roberts is GOOD! :-)


Albert said...

@ Adanac

I NEVER Say: "nigger" !!!!!!!!!!

or TYPE: "nigger" ......


IF others THINK: "nigger" While READING: ni88er .....

well, WHO'S being a "racist" NOW!?

Is calling someone "niggardly" "racist" NOW too?! ;-)

I always Say:

Dot-ni88er / Shit-ni88er



Sand-ni88er ...


ni88er-ni88er !!!

..... I would NEVER say: "nigger" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, ......

Ooooops !!!

I MEANT: ni88er-ni88er ni88er-ni88er ni88er-ni88er ni88er-ni88er ni88er-ni88er ...


Chainsawmiller said...

Albert, you must be from the "American Society of Magical Caucasians", no?