Showing posts with label Max Keiser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Max Keiser. Show all posts

June 28, 2020

They Get Money For Nothing & Your Kids For Free

Gangbankster Crime Syndicate Celebrating Their Grand Theft of The Millenium

If you listen to all of the conferences on YouTube of the World Economic Forum and the recent one on June 3, 2020 called the “Great Reset” you ought to be able to understand very clearly what is going on. These people are all mostly control freaks or puppets backing and imposing on us untried ideologies and technologies for their new order. They want the Great Reset to be a major landmark in history, and they believe that they had to shut down most of our man-made economic and social systems they deemed as “non-essential”, not only to give the planet a so-called “rest”, but to reset all major things according to this new order.
- Fred B

 The Federal Reserve
Max Keiser says 'Hang the Bankers'
The Rothschilds & Other Crime Bosses
9-11: The Lauder/Rothschild Connection
 World Economic Forum and the “Great Reset”
Toxic Banking System Caused Scamdemic Lockdown