September 14, 2020

Dragon's Den Star Rachel Elnaugh Lifting The Lid On The Pandemic Hoax

She is hiting all the covid conpiracies and adding them into one evil stew! LOL

The Philosophical Problem Every Government Faces. Michael Huemer & Keith Knight

0:00 - Quote from The Problem of Political Authority 0:31 - What is ‘political authority’? 1:18 - If you do not like the government of a country, you should leave 2:57 - Voting for a political representative is morally on par with consent 6:27 - “Liberty depends on taxation” - Cass Sunstein 9:15 - You benefit from the state, therefore you have an obligation to obey it’s edicts 15:19 - What about the poor? 18:29 - Does potential wealth inequality justify political authority? 21:11 - The major takeaway from the Trump presidency 22:38 - Corporations need regulation which justifies a state Ronald Coase Reason: Homelessness caused by regulation: 29:05 - In the absence of a state, chaos will exist 32:04 - The mindset of the unattainable perfection objection “who will do X” 35:09 - Huemer’s approach to handling objections to anarchism 36:05 - High standards for the market, no standards for the government & incentive structures 38:57 - Governments v. HOA’s 42:42 - The market commodifies human beings, therefore should be replaced by the state 46:03 - Where has anarcho-capitalism worked? 49:10 - Why are believers in government so confident in their low information position? 52:06 - How has the state created a double standard in the minds of the masses for thousands of years? 55:30 - Shame is the health of the state 1:00:10 - Most important thing you learned from Bryan Caplan 1:01:15 - Most important contribution of Jason Brennan

Protest For Covid Plan

Whitney Webb | The CTI League, The Maxwell Sisters, & Israeli Intelligence

Returning guest, Whitney Webb, is an independent journalist investigating some of the deepest, darkest rabbitholes there are. She is currently a staff writer for the Last American Vagabond, and previously wrote for MintPress News and Ben Swann’s Truth In Media. Whitney is also the very deserving 2019 winner of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism. And has launched a great new website recently @

Powers & Principalities: Episode 168

Critical Race Theory & COVID-911

No Agenda - 1277: Insurrectious

Your Saturday Cartoons: #9/11: September 12, 2020

September 12, 2020

Too Little Too Late Media Asking "Was the Lockdown a Mistake?"

Here is a video from 4 months back, warning/predicting that the above narrative concerning our work and rehiring would evolve based on statements from the Federal Reserve.

PAYMENT for Testing= more cases!

Quebec Forcibly Removes & Imprisons ‘Uncooperative‘ Corona Citizens at Secret Location

More fear being served up to the slaves!

September 08, 2020

Manitoba's Top doctor family picture

This is the scumbag trying his best to get people to follow the bullshit here in Manitoba. His wife is clearly a tranny.

Operation Scorpio 2020.09.05

Scorpio Show # 29 on

Guest: Vince Edwards

Topics Include:

1)  That Magic Number: 6 million
2) Strategy of Confusion
3) Engineering of Consent
4) The MSM News as a Comedy Act

Clips from Century of the Self Part II are played and discussed

Feel free to contact me:

64k CF Download Download

N.B. From the time I post the show, it can take up to an hour before the link and player start working. zap