August 26, 2020

Pressure on PM over masks in schools as Scotland makes them mandatory

Some People Just Love a Good Crisis, Don’t They? | Carl Vernon

Breaking: Merkel Regime Prohibits Berlin Demo

Real COVID Data and a COVID-Related Recommendation You Will Not Believe

Maybe This Is Why Suicides Are Skyrocketing...This Is Grim

This is the same video that Max Igan included at the end of his latest video. Some may prefer it on its own without Max's commentary.

The Nondemic is Now an IQ Test

Operation Scorpio 2020.08.22

Scorpio Show # 27 on

Guest: Susan Bradford

Topics Include:

1) The Clock is Ticking
2) Parade of Clowns, Degenerates and Fruitcakes
3) Don't like President Harris? You're a misogynist racist.
4) J. Edgar's Corrupt Legacy Continues to Reverberate

Feel free to contact me:

64k CF Download  Download

N.B. From the time I post the show, it can take up to an hour before the link and player start working. zap

August 25, 2020

August 24, 2020

Police Raid Man's Home, Forcibly Quarantine for Refusing COVID-19 Test

I don't know if this is bullshit fear porn or not.

Primary means of acceptable photo identification

Australian passport or foreign passport
Australian state and territory issued identity photo cards
Australia Post Keypass identity card.
Australia Post Digital iD

Do cops ever ask for ID other than the driver's licence? Did this "check point" have medical officials asking to see your medical ID? We don't know from the info provided in this video.

It has come to the point that if you drive you should only carry your driver's licence Any other ID is unnecessary and may cause you problems. They can't create joinder to your medical person with a drivers licence as far as I know, yet!!

August 23, 2020

Financial Collapse - Private equity could be going toxic

There are just over 3000 quoted companies now, compared to over 7000 in the late 90's. There are more private Equity companies than quoted companies. Investment professionals recommend that your portfolio should have exposure to private companies. In this video I go over why you should be very careful about this strategy as the ratio of bankruptcies of PE companies is of a magnitude of 10 times that of listed companies. So, you could be in the position of introducing risk into your portfolio through the back door. Of worry is that there are 2.5 times the ETF's chasing 3,000 companies - this is a major potential risk going forward and one which I will be covering in a near to be released video. Please remember that just because a market (the stock market) seems to be defying gravity and rising higher, it just means that it has further to fall when there is a triggering crisis or crises. We still remain bearish at Strategian but that doesn't mean that there aren't investment opportunities out there. You just have to know what can and is likely to happen and be prepared for events that unfold.

August 22, 2020


Sometimes, there just are no words. Assassinated in front of his sisters as he played on his bicycle. Pray for his sisters, his family, who have lost so much at the hands of the criminal responsible.

Not a lot to say about the state of the world. Everyone in my blog roll says is all so much better than I ever possibly could. But I can say that being back in the water the other day was just heavenly. Just heavenly. While I did not overdo it, my shoulders and tail are definitely feeling it in a most delightfully achy way.

The other night my family had an impromptu dinner; we ate out in the garden enjoying a display of sheet lightening, everything on the table grown in the garden from veggies to chickens. Life felt so precious, our first gathering since last Christmas. If nothing else, our values have changed over the past years and gratitude for these times must be expressed. We appreciate the little things more.

OMG I'm Speechless! Unbelievable Mainstream News from Spain - UNREAL!

I don't know what to say about this mainstream Spanish news item, I'm kinda speechless. This front-line, clearly expert Spanish doctor reveals the reality around the truly massive media madness going on at the moment. He explains the actual reality, and the interviewer is thrown into confusion...! Then a studio journalist is brought in to sort him out - but our doc is solid as a rock - and leaves the henchman for dead! UNREAL. (subtitled)

Urgent Information About Your Future

              If deleted from Jewtube go to Max's Bitchute channel and watch it there  It looks like the Covid vaccine will give us all Down's Syndrome! Thanks Jews!

Dolores Cahill - Time For Change Protest Dublin

          Great turnout in Dublin earlier today. 7,000 at least while the media said it was about 300 LOL! I don't agree with Dolores on the virus issue as she thinks it's real but at least folks are waking up to the bullshit. Is the tide turning? Looking quite good methinks.

We Will Mock You